
What's the font used at the top of google

Hey, I'm not sure if this is really the right site for this, but what's the font called that's used for the Web Images Videos Maps News Books Gmail more at the top of google, it's a pretty standard font I'm just wondering the exact name so I can use it in a photoshop psd. Thanks ...

Cufon: Underline Text

How can I underline a text replaced with Cufon? ...

Font enumeration on Windows

We're currently using fontconfig for enumerating and matching/selecting fonts on windows. FreeType is used for rendering. It's a bit of a pain, because fontconfig's cache needs to be initialized at least once for every user and installation. And that can take a long time. Windows also seems to provide an interface for font enumeration. ...

font is not the same in Linux FF and in Windows FF

Hi, Please check this screenshot! This is the same page in Linux FF (on the left) and Windows FF (on the right, also it's displayed in the same way in IEs). I love how it looks in Linux FF and want to have the same look in Windows. However after playing with all CSS properties I know of, I didn't manage to change its look in Windows....

how to set font family?

my html code- <div class="logo"><h1><a href="index.html" class="lg">Shizin</a></h1></div> my css code- .lg { font-family:Monotype Corsiva, Times, serif; } but it is not can i set font style? ...

Expression to change specific value text color in string of values in SSRS based on another field

I have a field in my SSRS report, that contains a string of numbers delimited with commas (from a coalesce select in sql). It looks like 12, 91, 160, 171, 223. I would like to change the text color of only ONE specific value (160 for example) in the field, IF the value is also in another field of the report. I already have this for an...

Captcha doesn't work correctly in Railo using CFIMAGE

Hello, I was playing around with CAPTCHA in Railo using CFIMAGE recently and for some reason I couldn't make it work correctly. It generates the image and it shows up in the browser, but the font looks strange and the letters are placed all over, usually one half on top and the other on the bottom of the image. Here's my code: And t...

Firefox fails to render mono spaced font correctly

OK, here's my problem I thought that using Google Webfonts would take care of all the cross Browser mess for me, well guess what, I was wrong. It turns out that Firefox does not like Droid Sans Mono. In particular, it renders bold glyphs WIDER than the non bold ones, which turns out to be very unhandy when you're creating a terminal bas...

How do I reference a font resource in a satellite assembly?

I have a localised WPF application and I need to embed a font for each locale. I have a font added into my project and it's Build Action is set to Resource. If I remove the <UICulture>en-US</UICulture> from my .csproj (which eliminates the creation of the satellite assemblies) the font is compiled as a resource into the project assembl...

Screen to print font faces

What is your normal method on styling print style sheets when it comes to font faces. Traditionally serif fonts are better for printed media, but if the sans serif font is still clear and legible, would it be a better option for a print style sheet, if it made the print outs match the website more. ...

font-replacement services for Helvetica Neue

Hello! A project I'll be working on in the near future requires me to do some font replacement for some headings and small portions of the copy (blockquotes, etc) The catch is that the designer wants to use Helvetica Neue. I've looked at Typekit, Fontdeck, Google Fonts, and FontSquirrel and they don't seem to have said font nor anythi...

Is it possible to use `[Embed source=`... with Flash CS3?

Is it possible to do the following using AS3 and Flash CS3 IDE? The following only works if the txt TextField is created in the IDE and if the txt.embedFonts line is removed. This does not work if I create a TextField with AS3 instead of using the IDE. Is embedding a font via code only available in Flex? package mtm.EmbedFonts { imp...

Mapping between Wingdings/Symbol characters and their Unicode equivalents

MsWord uses Wingdings and Symbol characters for bullets, by default their hex values are F0A7 and F0B7. I want to convert the bullets to their Unicode equivalents. Of course, it depends on the actual font used, so F0A7 Wingding would become Unicode 25AA (●). I've found a partial mapping from Wingdings to Unicode and from Symbol to Uni...

HTML 5 canvas font being ignored

I'm trying to write some text to a canvas element, but it seems that the font options I put in are being completely ignored. No matter what I change them to, it all comes out the same, which I believe to be the default 10px sans-serif. Heres what I have (this function runs on load) function start() { canvas =

Java/AWT: detect bitmap fonts

I have some fonts, e.g. dymsmall, installed on my Windows machine which cause the VM to crash when graphics.getFontMetrics(font).stringWidth("hello world") is invoked (the font instances are returned by GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getAllFonts()). It looks like those fonts which crash the VM are bitmap fonts. Do you ...

User-created Programming Fonts: Possible?

Hi all, I really hate all my options with programming fonts. I have fairly particular tastes though: I prefer non-monowidth, since in my opinion there's no reason for the characters to be in columns. I prefer minimal line spacing, to fit more code on the screen. I will not use fonts that change size when you're selecting them. I'd prefe...

I need help embedding fonts...

...Acrobat Pro or Acrobat Distiller. Not sure if this is the right place to ask this question but am desperate for help. Thanks, Leonard ...

How to draw readable tiny text quickly

In developing a flash-based memory manager, I need to be able to view large quantities of data. With my eyes and monitor resolution, I can read hand-drawn 3x5 letters on a 4x6 matrix without too much difficulty, but none of the system TrueType fonts render optimally at that size. I've tried writing code to draw font shapes to off-scree...

How can I set different fonts for tabitem header and content of this tabitem??

Hello! How can I set different fonts for tabitem header and content of this tabitem?? ...

How to specify FontFamily if font added in another Silverlight library ?

I have created a Silverlight Class Library "HindiFont" and added a "LM.ttf" font in it (specified BuildAction=Resource) . Now I want to use this font in my main application "main.xap". I am aslo using Application library caching so there are created. So how I use the font which I have specified in I have tri...