
FNT font file in C#

Hi all, I would like to know if I can use FNT font file in c# .net. FNTs are not windows font file. If such fonts are available, can you please tell me how to load it and change windows form font to FNT? I use .Net GDI+ technology, but please let me know if WPF is better for this. Thanks, ...

Get Pixel Height of Font in IE7

I need to get the pixel height of a line of text with javascript. I've written a gwt method that works in Firefox and Chrome and does ok with IE8. But it doesn't work at all in IE7. My code follows, if anyone knows a solution I'd appreciate it. public static int getFontHeight() { HTML sizeText = new HTML("Abcdefghij <br/>klmno<br ...

How do I display Japanese fonts in PDF via Jasper Reports (without embedding fonts)?

I am creating a report with Japanese characters and the characters show in iReport correctly but when using the PDF exporter the Japanese characters are invisible. I simply want to use the MS Mincho font in the PDF report or the standard PDF Japanese font but have no idea how to configure. I know there is a similar question on Stack ove...

Is there a version of Fixed 6x13 bitmap font with less whitespace (line spacing 0.8)?

I think the fixed 6x13 font, FixedMedium6x13.dfont, the default in X11, is the best programming font. All the others that people gush about (Consolas, Inconsolata, Proggy, Monaco) just aren't as compact (without sacrificing readability). Or maybe I just like it. For the purposes of this question, assume we want nothing less than the X11...

Is it possible to gzip or compress .otf (Open Type Face) files?

When using CSS3 and custom fonts, the client needs to download .oft or .ttf files. These files can be >50K. Can these files be compressed? How? Assuming Apache web server. I am looking for a compression technique or an Apache configuration. Any ideas will help because downloading +50K files should be prevented. ...

How to activate Type 1 (.pfb, .pfm, .afm) font with Objective-C (Cocoa) on Mac?

How can I activate Type 1 font that is consisting of files like .pfb, .pfm etc. on Mac in Objective-C? I mean, only for my program, and not for the whole Mac (FontBook) - I just need to activate it, write a text and then deactivate. I tried ATSFontActivateFromFileReference, pointing it to any of these files - no luck. Googling didn't he...

Fading problems with Cufon elements on IE

Hello All, I have a slideshow running with textquotes. These quotes contain a custom font provided by cufon. This all works fine. However when the slideshow fades in or out, the text gets a dark border or shadow. I think its a transparancy issue in IE but I can't find a solution. I'm using the jQuery plugin Cycle for my slideshow, and...

Sane default fonts?

Is there a place where I can get a list of all fonts that are guaranteed to be present on any system with GTK? I need a way to set a sane default font for some plots, and of course the sane default font must be present. Edit: If no specific fonts are guaranteed to be present, is there an easy way to just get some sane default scalable...

True Type font outline overlap detection, and merging C#

I have an app that displays true type fonts. I need to combine two characters some times (e.g. Hindi), that may overlap. I need an algorithm to detect when two font outlines overlap, and merge the two outlines into one. ...

Captcha doesn't work correctly in Railo using CFIMAGE

Hello, I was playing around with CAPTCHA in Railo using CFIMAGE recently and for some reason I couldn't make it work correctly. It generates the image and it shows up in the browser, but the font looks strange and the letters are placed all over, usually one half on top and the other on the bottom of the image. Here's my code: ...

How do I install a customized font in system?? and copy to word pad??

I have designed a special character. what I want is I need to install to windows system. First I want to assign that character to a keyboard. then when I copy this font from a word processor to word pad it should be visible. I have modified glyph of an existing font and replaced "^" character to my new design. Right now I have assigned...

Dynamically changing typeface / font in web page based on user choice

I know of various ways to dynamically alter web pages' typeface properties via JS/DHTML, or replacing text with Flash-rendered fonts (with sIFR or Cufon). However, I can't find any good examples of dynamically changing the typeface used on a web page depending on user choice - with, for example, the use of a dropdown box or text links (t...

How to install fonts on Windows & MAC using Silverlight ?

Hello everyone, I am creating a silver light 4 application which shows Hindi text using my custom Unicode font, its working fine when I embedded it in silver light application. Custom font size is appx 15 MB after compress in xap, its too big. So is there any possible way to installed font on client machine using Silverlight. Pleas...

Text quality in processing

Why does the text quality in Processing not look as good as Flash? In general it looks slightly grainy, and hard to read. ...

Using Inconsolata in Visual Studio 2010

Anybody knows how to use the Inconsolata font in Visual studio 2010? While working nicely in Visual studio 2008, in 2010 it doesn't show up in the font selection box - presumably because it is not in TTF format... ...

bold and normal font rendering

It is observed in some fonts sat Verdana, that the rendering for bold and normal text does not occupy the same width for a given text. In my application i am making use of one such font ,and there is UI with list and highlighted item. for highlighted item the font is same with bold attribute ,because of above mentioned font issue the tex...

SVG & font metrics

Is there any means to get font metrics in SVG? I'd like to get: descent, ascent, max height, advance. I need this for drawing text & graphics together like in flowcharts. For example, I need to draw a box around text, and to draw a connector line from the middle of ex-size(size of letter 'x'), and not from the center of the box side. ...

VS2010 block highlighting

How to turn off block highlighting for visual studio 2010 ? It is annoying specially when you are using custom font and color settings. ...

Using FreeType in C#

How can I use freetype library in C#. Can I get the graphical information of any character using freetype?(Ex. lineto, curveto, etc). I want to use such command to draw them on my bitmap after some processing. How to use FT_Outline_Funcs (

SWT StyledText and unicode support

I need to display a set of strings which contains characters from GB18030 set in a SWT StyledText field. Most of the them got displayed correctly but some of them are displayed like boxes. Is this because I am support to install certain font that support GB18030 character set? If so, what font should I have installed? Or should I...