
font-weight is not working properly? Here is an example. The part where it said "PHP" (the right top corner) remained as slim as it was. here is part of the css code .wp_syntax_lang { background-color:#3c3c3c; position:absolute; right:0; padding:1px 10px 3px; color:#ddd; font-size:9px; font-weight:800; text-trans...

list every font a user's browser can display

Is there a way in javascript to obtain the names of all fonts (or font-families) that the browser can show? (I want to give the user a dropdown with a list of all available fonts, and allow the user to choose a font.) I'd prefer not to have to hardcode this list ahead of time or send it down from the server. (Intuitively, it seems like...

how to a display a bitmap in a editbox in android

Hi everyone, i have two bitmap images ..and i need to merge the bitmaps with precise positioning of one bitmap over other and get a resultant bitmap (which is combination of both) and the resultant bitmap is a font character and i want that bitmap to be displayed in a edit box where i am inputting text. is it possible. Please help. ...

Font equivalent to Arial Unicode MS

is there any free unicode font equivalent to Arial Unicode MS? Arial Unicode MS is not free and I need font to support various languages in my flex application. ...

can we add purchased fonts to google font api?

can we add purchased fonts to google font api? ...

Disable italic in Emacs?

Hi, I would really like to have the italic style disabled in Emacs. In this post it is explained how to disable bold and underline, but not italic. Does anyone know how to do that? Using tab-completion, I can see I have these available set-face-background set-face-background-pixmap set-face-font set-face-foregr...

CSS psuedo-class first-line overrides first-letter

My problem is this, that I want to style the first line and first letter of every paragraph but the first-line attributes move on to the first-letter attributes even if I re-declare them in the declaration of first-letter. This is how the code looks: p:first-line { font-variant:small-caps; } p:first-letter { font:none; font-variant...

Problem with Font in iPad application

Hello, In a UIWebView of my iPad application, I display a HTML file with a Cambria font (the font type is set in a css file). This font is not supposed to work on iPad but the font that appeared seemed nice to me. Now I'm trying to use the same font in the rest of my application and I discovered that Cambria font is not available on iP...

Cufon: changing font-weight on hover

I am using Cufon to embed tags with the 'Print Clearly' typeface. On the hover state of the tag I would like the text to change to bold, how can I do this with Cufon? <script src="js/jquery-1.4.2.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="js/cufon-yui.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="js/print-clearly_400.font...

Can .eot font files be used in Silverlight?

I'm trying to find out if Embedded Open Type (.eot) files can be used in Silverlight. I found an older post that says they can't, but it's a few years old and given how fast SL has moved, I'm not sure if that has changed. If so, how would they be used? As a <Glyph/> object or...? ...

Preload @Font-Face Fonts to stop Firefox Flicker/Delay

I've been reading the posts about this, and still can't find the answer. Has anyone figured out how to preload the fonts to stop the flicker/delay? Cheers. Erik ...

Get bytearray of a font in C#

I'm using iTextSharp at the moment and I would like to use a custom font. Here's what I have so far: PrivateFontCollection fonts; FontFamily family = LoadFontFamily("TheFont.ttf", out fonts); var reader = new PdfReader("KurtBonne_test.pdf"); var stamper = new PdfStamper(reader, new FileStream("Kurt Bonne_test_withtext.pdf", FileMode.Cr...

CSS Styles - Fonts

Hi guys, Im trying to replicate a design into HTML / CSS. The problem is that the text within the site changes between two different colours, multiple font sizes and different font weights. Also the text can be stand alone or multiple types on one line. I am including a sample below.. These font styles are used all over the site. S...

What are some good fonts for User Interfaces? And what about Unicode?

Hi, I am working on a user interface, and I am wondering what fonts do other software use like Photoshop, Windows, etc use in their interface. They can't be using Arial and Tahoma, right? This is a web application I am working on, and I can use @font-face. But what about Unicode support? I would not like to put any limits on i18n. ...

How to set the font size in Eclipse to 10.5?

Is it possible to use a font size of 10.5 in Eclipse? 10 is too small and 11 is too large, but I am unable to enter 10.5 in the font size dialog, as it requires an integer. Could this setting be changed somewhere else? ...

When should point (pt) font size be used?

Possible Duplicate: Are there any practical reasons to use em instead of pt font size units? I always used either 'em' or 'px' unit for font sizes. Wondering when it is a good idea to use point(pt) unit? ...

ActionScript3 font compilation transcoding errors under Linux

So, in Flash Builder on Windows, my app and all embedded fonts compile just fine. But when I try to build it on my production Linux server (via a Makefile on the command line using make), compilation fails while transcoding the fonts: /home/me/MyFlexProject/SomeModule/src/ Error: exception during transcoding: Font for alia...

Get Font Width within Without Measuring a Control?

I need to display a table in rich text within a form window. It is only a two column table, so tabbing works fine to line everything up (since RichTextBox does not support RTF tables). However, sometimes the tab stops are incorrect because of non-fixed width fonts. So, I need a way to measure the pixel width of a particular string with...

Embeding fonts in Adobe Air

Aside from Cufon, is there any way to embed fonts in Adobe Air applications? I'm sort of confused and disappointed that the debugger version of the Air runtime allows embedded fonts (the fonts are set via @font-face declarations in the CSS and are not installed on my machine) but when it comes time to export, the fonts are completely gon...

Help to recognize font

Anyone know which font is used in the text "BLOG BUSINESS" in this page - ...