
Physical size of font in points in Android

Hello. I have two devices - HTC Tattoo and Sony Ericsson Xperia X10. One has 145 DPI, the other 245 DPI. When I specify font size for a TextView in points, like this: textView.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PT, 6.5f); I get different physical size of text on these two devices. On 245 DPI, the text is barely readable. Now, "pt"...

Font-family selection for a web app

I have an existing web app, which has been coded and tested against Windows XP+, IE and Firefox. I am using the following font-family : Segoe UI, Verdana, Helvetica, Sans-Serif; Our customers like Segoe UI on Windows, but we find that the typefaces degrade poorly on MacOSX, and mobile devices, as well as if ClearType is not enabled. ...

@font-face problem, Firefox adds padding, Chrome does not

When using a custom font via @font-face, it does render just as I think it should in Chrome. In Firefox, though, additional padding (top and bottom) is added to the font. Here is my example page that outlines the problem. Is there anything I can do about it? ...

tcpdf font ligatures (English) ?

How do you generate ligatures in PHP tcpdf? ...

Form AutoResize has controls cutting off even with Anchor set as appropriate

Some code I found online: Font = SystemFonts.MessageBoxFont; AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.Font; InitializeComponent(); Here's the problem; I've got a TextBox in a GroupBox in one instance, and a ListBox in a Panel in another that have their bottom edge going up to where the form editor snaps to. But with the above code, their resize...

Password hint font in Android

When an EditText is in password mode, it seems that the hint is shown in a different font (courrier?). How can I avoid this? I would like the hint to appear in the same font that when the EditText is not in password mode. My current xml: <EditText android:hint="@string/edt_password_hint" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layo...

Firefox on Windows not loading @FontFace resource

So I have a bit of a problem. On this page;l=cherry&amp;s=3x5&amp;c=42042892 I have a few @FontFace tags to load the custom fonts. On all the browsers it works just fine, except for Firefox for windows. Firefox for mac loads the fonts perfectly. What I am...

Is it possible to automate font embedding in Actionscript 3? Or being able to take fonts from a directory and use them at runtime?

I've searched high and low for an answer and it might be a foolish endeavour but i'd like to be able to read fonts from a directory at runtime for use in an actionscript/flex app Ive seen the answers on the web and all rely on putting fonts in external swfs and certainly rely on embed meta tags or styles when i'd like a local fonts dire...

open-source equivalent of the way Google / Typekit does their implementation

Is there any open-source equivalent of the way Google / Typekit does their implementation? ...

Add OS X Native Fonts to X11

I am starting to use xterm for my default terminal. My only issue, is that I don't like any of the fonts. Is it possible to install more fonts for use in X11. I'd really like to get Monaco. Thanks. ...

Setting font of UILabel with Interface Builder comes out Helvetica

Hello, I'm having a problem setting the font for UILabels and UITextViews with Interface Builder. I'm trying to set the font to Gill Sans. If I set it programmatically it works fine, like this: myLabel.font = [UIFont fontWithName:@"Gill Sans" size:24.0]; But if I try setting it with Interface Builder, I get the same behaviour desc...

Lucida Grande renders differently on Chrome and FF

Screenshot: or It is pretty evident that my site renders different on Chrome5 and FF3 on my Ubuntu. Does anybody can point me how can I even these diffs? I don't want fonts with different 'feelings' on each browser. Another point is, the elements seems smaller on chrome, the font size mainly. Any...

Can I make IntelliJ IDEA look more like Eclipse?

I've been developing in Eclipse for a long while, but am taking a hard look at IntelliJ IDEA 9.0.3 because of its good Flex development tools and Maven flexmojos integration. But I just CAN'T STAND the look of the thing on Ubuntu 10.04. Coming from Eclipse, the fonts and colors make everything very hard to read....very straining on the...

Can I embed a custom font in an Android application?

I would like to have an app include a custom font for rendering text, load it, and then use it with standard elements like StaticText. Is this possible? ...

Fill ComboBox with List of available Fonts

How can I fill a combo-box with a list of all the available fonts in the system? ...

Is there a free open source font for programming that I can install from Synaptic (Ubuntu) and looks like Monaco?

I've been a fan of Monaco when I was a Windows user I would like to know if there's a free open alternative to that font (and possibly available in Synaptic Package Manger). ...

How does Typekit work behind the scenes?

I'm curious if anyone has an idea about how this stuff works behind the scenes. I'm interested if there is a way to host your own fonts and also if those would work for all major browsers out there? ...

How to render text in C (android)?

Hi experts, I am developing a program drawing text on screen using android NDK in C native code. Could you please tell me how do I render the text? Thank you. Best regards Michael ...

Unexplained spacing between chars in text when converted to image

Hello All, I've been using a system with imagettftext for a while now to add nog standard fonts to websites. I've abandoned this method for better options a few months back but I've encountered a problem on one of the websites I've created over a year ago. The website has been moved to a new server, aside from stability issues and perf...

Simulate a handwritten signature in Silverlight: (e.g. A pen progressively draws the lines)

I'd like to have Silverlight draw the blue "L" and "C" in the image below, preferably in a way that the thickness of the line is maintained and speeds/up slows/down at the correct locations to simulate a handwritten signature. Can anyone point me to the right way to do this? Thanks! ...