
Passing font to components on a JPanel

I have a class that extends JPanel with several buttons on it. I would like to be able to set the font on all the buttons with one call to setFont(Font font); I defined the setFont method in the JPanel class as such: public class MyPanel extends JPanel { private JButton[] buttons = new JButton[10]; public MyPanel() { f...

Fonts required for mPDF.

I need few fonts files for mpdf. Arial Verdana Times New Roman Courier New Tamoha Goergia Trebuchet MS If anybody have please share with me ...

Issue with Google font API. Windows 7 and Linux

I got an for me strange problem with google font api. It woks on several computers but I have 2 computers that will not work. I can´t figure out what´s the problem so I´m interested to know if some one out there know any operating system bug or google font api bug. Here is a test list. Computer 1 OS Windows 7: working in - Firefox, chro...

Default Visual Studio 2010 and 2008 font

What is the default font (and it's size) in Visual Studio 2010 and 2008 editor? ...

WPF FontFamily Format question

Hi, I'm trying to set the selected value of my Font Family combobox, which has been populated with the following XAML: <ComboBox ItemsSource="{x:Static Fonts.SystemFontFamilies}" Name="cboFont"> <ComboBox.ItemsPanel> <ItemsPanelTemplate> <VirtualizingStackPanel MinWidth="256" /> </ItemsPanelTemplate> ...

How to get asian fonts working on an iPad?

I have a PDF file with a font reference to STSong-Light which is not available on the iOS. Therefor I can not display the correct characters defined with that font. I took the STSong font file mentioned on Apples KB: … and put it into my project and added it to the plist. The text is now no longer b...

emacs23 buffer menu font (GTK)

I've recently upgraded to emacs23 (Ubuntu 10.04) and I've managed to get my faces (fonts) all sorted out with relevant .emacs options. However the one font I can't seem to change is the one used to display the Buffer Menu (i.e. when you CTRL+left-click on a buffer, you get a pop-up menu that lists all open buffers). The problem is that...

What parameters will allow Ghostscript to read font names in Chinese correctly from a PDF?

I tried gswin32c -sDEVICE=jpeg -sOutputFile=foo.jpg foo.pdf but I get the ff. output from Ghostscript on the page where the Chinese font is used. Substituting CID font resource/Adobe-CNS1 for /·s²Ó©úÅé. Error: /undefinedresource in --findresource-- Operand stack: --dict:4/4(L)-- F3 12.96 --dict:6/6(L)-- --dict:6/6(L)-- ·...

How To: Determine which character ranges are supported by a font.

When working with different fonts, some might support, say, arabic characters where another might not. Is there a way in C# to figure out what character ranges are supported by a specific font? ...

iphone UIPickerView reduce font of the items

Hi all.. it's possible reduce or change the font of the items of the uipickerview? thanks in advance! ...

IntelliJ Idea disable font increase/decrease on CMD+scroll

Hello, I am using IntelliJ IDEA 9.0.2 on Mac OS X - with the Magic Mouse. Whenever I press the command button and move my finger a micrometer or two on the surface of the mouse, IDEA immediately increases or decreases my font size rapidly. How can I disable this feature? Thanks in advance! ...

Don't you sometimes hate the way the "m" character looks in your code?

We all write code using monospaced fonts and the "m" character often (depending on the character combination) looks awful in monospaced fonts. There are other characters that tend to look bad but "m" has the worst reputation in my book. I'm curious if anyone agrees with me on this. ...

Enumerating active fonts in C# using DLL call to EnumFontFamiliesEx has me schtumped

My ultimate goal is to list all active fonts on a windows computer. For example, if you start WordPad or Word, you will see them all. Some of these fonts comes from the windows\fonts folder, but not all. Some are registered dynamically using the gdi32.dll call AddFontResource(...). Now, you would think C# had support for retrieving this ...

information about fonts of qt

I'm trying some infromation about fonts in qt but can't find, can somebody please help me, I'm working with the last qt-creator, how does it work, qt-creator has some fonts from inside program, or it depends on fonts on my PC, thanks in advance ...

How can I extract embedded fonts from a PDF as valid font files?

I'm aware of the pdftk.exe utility that can indicate which fonts are used by a PDF, and wether they are embedded or not. Now the problem: given I had PDF files with embedded fonts -- how can I extract those fonts in a way that they are re-usable as regular font files? Are there (preferably free) tools which can do that? Also: can this b...

Microsoft Word: Change Font of Characters Missing In Default Font

I am trying to use VBA in Microsoft Word to automatize highly repetative operations on large documents. The situation is this: I have a technical text containing a lot of special characters, e.g. ❨ (U+2768) and ❩ (U+2769). The text is chiefly typeset in Cambria, but some of the special characters are not found in this font. However, I ...

CSS Font Sizing - Using "/"

I've seen sites with font-size:12px/2em (or similar) specified on the body. What does this font sizing do exactly? ...

Memory leak in UIButton setFont

Hi, Hope you all doing well, I am getting a memory leak while setting the font of UIButton. This is the code which I am using to set the font, [MyBtn.titleLabel setFont:[UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:12]]; whereas MyBtn is connected to IBOoutlet and I am not allocating memory to it. I don't see any thing wrong in the code. Hopeful...

PDF generation with Flying Saucer: Specifying a fallback font for unknown glyphs?

Our web application generates PDF files from HTML pages on the fly, using the Flying Saucer/xhtmlrenderer library. Unfortunately, the source text may contain certain unicode characters (the cyrillic alphabet, for example) which are not included in the font we use for this. Changing to another font is not an option because of corporate de...

Strange string size detection in iPhone

I have used a UIWebView to simply show a string, with font size 14px (declared in style) the string occupies approximately 1/4 - 1/3 of the iphone screen (in height) with restriction of width of 190 then I use NSString sizeWithFont: constrainedToSize: to detect how large is exactly this string. UIFont *font = [UIFont fontWithName:@"A...