
How is font size calculated?

I have a complex js function with an equation in which I actually need to understand how much space in pixels font sizes take up. I have noticed that some font's sizes are different depending on the font. How is a font's size calculated? If its set to 12px, in css, what does the 12px mean? Is that 12px wide? High? Or is it a diagonal p...

How can I change the vimrc console font

I connect to my linux box via putty. I've been able to modify the color scheme via my vimrc file, but how can I change the console font? I see an option for guifont but I am not using a GUI... ...

Install font in latex results in invisible text when compiling with 'latex'

I tried installing the nimbus font ( in my local texmf tree by following the README provided with the package (and also on the website above). However, after installing and using the package, all characters are invisible in my document when I use 'latex' to compile the document. When I...

Scaling UILabel text with the parent view

I have a UILabel that is a subview of a larger UIView. Is there a way to keep the text inside the UILabel proportional to the parent UIView so that when the parent changes size, either smaller or larger, the font size for the text in the UILabel will grow and shrink proportionally? ...

Print out Fonts from the Google Font API

I'm using the google font api, and now I'm trying to create a print.css file. I'm trying to get the fonts to print out but I'm not having any luck. Does anyone know of a way to have fonts from the google font api print out? thanks ...

how to use custom font in iphone application

how to use custom font in iphone application? i need to use in custom font in my iphone / ipad appliaction. Can i embed custom font in my application? ...

How to use Different font for LabelField like Arial,TimesNewRoman in BlackBerry

Hi friends I am using LabelFields to display text message in a screen i want different fonts each LabelField but when i am using api fonts of blackberry using FontFamily fontFamily[] = FontFamily.getFontFamilies(); Font font2 = fontFamily[0].getFont(FontFamily.SFF4_FONT,18); is showing bold style how to use different font styles plz ... Fontdialog problem in web application

Hi All, I want to display font dialog box in my web application( Im using the following code. Its working fine. Problem: Dialogbox is getting open but it is behind the page. Even though i closed the application it is still open. It is not binded to the application. Code: FontDialog fontDialog = new FontDialog(); ...

Use different fonts for Latin characters and Japanese characters with CSS

We are creating a site that uses both Japanese and English. We want to get away from the default Japanese fonts which can't use ClearType. Is there a way to tell the browser to use a different Japanese font JUST for Japanese characters (Like Meiryo) and another font just for latin characters (Like Helvetica) on the same page? We don't wa...

Seeking font which is identical on Windows & browser

Sorry, but I know nothing at all about fonts, so I hope that this doesn't sound too dumb. I am coding a Windows program which allows users to design HTML pages. The web page as seen in the browser should be identical to what was designed in the Windows program (WYSIWYG). All users will be running Windows and using MSIE (initially; some...

Strange doubt in NSDictionary iphone

Hey All, I know this is a silly doubt but I just want to make sure before I implement in this project. Please help....I have a NSDictionary with a string object in it. String is concatenated with 4fields. I am trying to display this string on the Detail View Controller in UITableView on iphone. For example my String is formatted as foll...

Font style to dropdownlist

Hi All, I am trying to display all the fonts available in the system with its own style. But it is not working. I am following for color it is working fine. Problem: This code is working fine in firefox but not in IE. Is there any option to make it work. Code: foreach (FontFamily font in fonts.Families) { ddlFontN...

Need a simple explination to embed fonts with FPDF

Hi everyone, I'm trying to embed Helvetica Neue into my PDF, but all of the resources I find online are overly complicated and filled with what I think is unneeded information. Can anyone point me to a step by step tutorial of how to include fonts in FPDF? Thanks in advance. ...

How to convert LWFN to TTF?

Looking for an easy (preferably free) way to convert a few Mac PostScript Type 1 (LWFN) fonts to TTF. Any ideas? ...

Why do some applications look poor when Large fonts are enabled in Windows 7

I've noticed that some applications (eg. Visual Studio 2008, Gallio Icarus 3.1) don't look that great (eg. fonts are blurry) when I run them on my laptop which has fonts set to 120%, whereas other applications seem to render fonts crisply. I have unchecked the 'Enable Windows XP style scaling' option in the 'Custom DPI Setting' dialog i...

Windows Phone 7 Font Styles

I'm looking at Fonts for Windows Phone and noticed that the font list includes both fonts and 2 of its 3 available styles of its styles (Bold and Italic, but not Bold Italic). For example: Arial Arial Bold Arial Italic (missing: Arial BoldItalic) Does this mean that the style Bold Italic is explicitly not available in ROM on WP7 (f...

How to change the font in Android widgets to user-defined fonts in "assets" folder of the app?

I want to change the font in my widget such that it uses a specific font in "assets" folder of my app. I usually do this in my app to change the font: Typeface tf= Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), "advertising.ttf"); TextView converted = (TextView)findViewById(; converted.setTypeFace(tf); ...

How to use a .TTF font that .NET says "Is not a truetype font" in a .NET program?

I have downloaded a font, [Betsy Flanagan][1], that I'd like to use in my program that shows on-screen keyboard shortcuts and their meaning in various programs. However, when selecting the font in Visual Studio 2010 for a label, I get an error message that says "Only TrueType fonts are supported. This is not a TrueType font." Is there ...

Google Font API Library or FontFace

Hi, Google has launched Google font API but, CSS3 standard came with @fontface which enables us to have non web safe fonts on websites. Can anyone suggest pros and cons of both over each other. Which one is preferred and why? ...

changing character size with CSS

Hi. Is it possible to change the size of a specific character using CSS? For example, in a paragraph I am using font-face: Arial; font-size: 12pt;. I would like that only the letter "a" would appear in size 10. Is there a way to do that? Thanks. ...