
.Net enumerate winforms font styles?

I have been searching around for a way to list the valid font styles for a given font using the .Net framework (even if I have to pinvoke gdi32 or some other API) since not all fonts fall into the System.Drawing.FontStyle enum values (Bold, Italic, Regular, Strikeout, Underline). A perfect example of a font that does not fit the bill is...

Embedding fonts in IE

I have a site that uses custom fonts. I've got the font form the designer in oft format. I've used a converter to convert them to eot format. and added the following code to the css @font-face { font-family: 'AdumaFOTRegular'; src: url('fonts/AdumaFOT-Regular.eot'); src: local('AdumaFOTRegular'), local('AdumaFOTRegular'), u...

How can I see a list of fonts available in my blackberry?

Right now I'm setting a font to my application, but I was just following an example. How can I know what fonts I have available to me? FontFamily alphaSansFamily; try { alphaSansFamily = FontFamily.forName("BBAlpha Serif"); Font appFont = alphaSansFamily.getFont(Font.PLAIN, 9, Ui.UNITS_pt); setFont(appFont); } ca...

FlashDevelop + haxe -- use an embedded font

I've added my TTF file to my HaXe project, and it appears to be embedded into the swf, but i have no clue how to get any of my TextFields to use it. How can i do that? Update: I have a project set up as the same (for the purposes of this question) as this tutorial, and my font is not showing up (while theirs is). It seems to have to do ...

Monitor Install/Uninstall of Fonts on Windows

I'm kind of shooting in the dark here - searches don't seem to be productive on this. I want to create a .NET program to monitor the install and uninstall of fonts. If something is installed or uninstalled, I want to run a program to do something. I thought maybe a Windows Service, but haven't gotten very far with figuring out how to mo...

@font-face for all fonts on a website

It seems as though the use of custom fonts on webpages is becoming increasingly common. With services like TypeKit, there is a also an increasing selection of high-quality fonts to work with. I'm wondering: Has anyone started building sites that use @font-face fonts exclusively? (Can I finally get rid of Verdana / arial and swap in M...

Add a margin to a tkinter window

So I have so far a simple python tkinter window and i'm adding text, buttons, etc. snippet: class Cfrm(Frame): def createWidgets(self): self.text = Text(self, width=50, height=10) self.text.insert('1.0', 'some text will be here') self.text.tag_configure('big', font=('Verdana', 24, 'bold')) self.text["state"] = "dis...

can we increase the font size in html?

How can we increase the font size in html? <font face="Garamond" size="7"> up to this size only it is working. Is there any way to increase the size of the font? ...

Does icons inside font good for site?

Hello! I wanna create special font containing only icons. and for each letter will be diffirent icon. I want to embed this font in css. and use like this if i need some icon: <a class="icon">f</a> and css <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> which contains: @media scree...

PDF on Linux: Combine font subsets and replace Type 3 with Type 1

I have a PDF file that I'd like to post-process on Linux. In particular I'd like to: Replace Type 3 fonts with Type 1 fonts Replace multiple subsets of the same font with a single subsets (the subsets are the result of including figures in LaTeX, where each figure contains a subset'ed font) With Windows these two steps are possible w...

True 3D web font type

Hi friends, I'm developing a 3D website (I mean you navigate the web with 3d glasses) and I'm getting frustrated with the texts. Text headers should be in 3D too, but I can't find any 3d font type. One solution could be overload the designer and create this texts as images, but it would be very expensive and bring internationalization...

How to check if given font family is a Composite font?

We can enumerate over the fonts available on system using Fonts.SystemFontFamilies. How can I distinguish between composite fonts and plain-font? How can I get the FontFamilies used in a composite font? I tried FontFamily.FamilyTypefaces, but it wasn't helpful. Thanks ...

Font " matras " problem in Hindi language format

Hi all, thank you in advance, i am developing an application, server related. here i am taking data through XML [ which is in Hindi language format]. for iOS 4.0 the data is displaying properly, where as in lower versions like iOS 3.2, 3.1.2, 3.0 , the matras giving problem. when parsing only problem is occuring, when i checked i...

How can we extract actual font family from a CompositeFontFamily applied to a run in WPF RichTextBox

A composite font family is a collection of FontFamilies. On applying the composite font to a run, appropriate font from its font-collection is applied depending on text. How can we get which actual font is being used in a run on which a composite font has been applied? EDIT2: Suppose I have a run <Run Text="Some text with different u...

PDF creation on the iPhone with Quartz --> Font integration problem

Hello everybody, has anyone ever managed to create a pdf on the iPhone, containing text (in whatever kind of font) which could be rendered by all/most pdf viewers. I recently created a pdf with Quartz, containing some text and had to make the experience that it renders correctly on my Mac only. I stumbled accross a few threads in differe...

Browser font defaulting

Hey, Say if I set the font-family for the page body to font1, font2, font3 and then I set the h1 tag's font family to font4, font5. If font 4 and 5 weren't installed, would the browser try font 1,2 and 3 before it used the browsers default font? ...

Free vector coordinates for fonts?

I'm having big issues with cross platform font rendering. The line height, the font width, the letterspacing and everything you can think of is different all the time. Even on the same platform with different settings of font smoothing the result is different. For my application i need to be able to scale up the text and still have just ...

Matplotlib estimates width of text wrong

When using Matplotlib (Pylab) for rendering Text with the same metrics as AriaL (e.g., Arial itself or Liberation Sans) output looks ok - e.g., the width of the legend box is right. However, when using other fonts it seems that Matplotlib wrongly estimates the expected size of the text. For example, with Bitstream Vera Sans the text see...

What property in a font file makes a program decide to simulate bold?

I am looking for a property in a font file (either from WPF's System.Windows.Media.Fonts Typeface or GlyphTypeface) or directly accessing the .ttf/.otf file that will allow me to determine if a program like Write/WordPad in Windows will apply Bold to the font. Basically, some fonts that have the Bold attribute will still get an extra bol...

installing fonts in client machine

I'm building a website(PHP) with chinese fonts. The problem is most browsers doesn't have chinese fonts installed by default. I want the client machine to have this font installed to view the webpage. How can I do this? Edit: I've partially solved the problem with this website : it works in IE and FF but not ...