
import fonts into eclipse to support unicode

how can i import musica fonts into eclipse to support musical unicode? Any workaround? ...

How do I return the MIME type for a font? This matter is solved but i dont know how to do. help me I use cakePHP , I read RequestHanlder Component in bookcake but i dont ever use MIME. ...

Different font showing up in Mac and Windows

I've flex application and am using arial font family. My problem is, arial fonts are shown up in windows while on Mac, it's been replaced with Times New Roman. (Arial font is there on both systems). What can be the problem?? ...

How to show a particular font on client's computer

I have a website which needs a certain font to display its content properly. Now I want to install it in client's computer if it is not available there. What is the way to do this? Is there any way to make the font available in client's computer? ...

Windows font that clearly disambiguates the number ZERO from letter O

Our intranet web pages need to clearly disambiguate between the letter O and the number ZERO. Is there a screen+printer font that is installed on WindowsXP and Vista that does this either putting a dot inside zero or a slash through it? If there isn't such a font on the machines themselves, is there a way to embed the font in the page,...

css different font sizes on different families

Hi there! I have a CSS decleration like this: font-family: font1, font2, font3; where font font1 is an embedded eot/ttf font, but the problem is that this font is smaller then the other fonts so I want to have a different font-size (1.8em) for this font (font1). All other fonts (font2, font3) stay untouched. The problem is, that I ca...

CSS - Custom Fonts?

Hi, I have a design and Myriad Pro is required. This isn't a problem. The issue is that in Photoshop they have used 'Bold Condensed'. I am not sure what this is called, I think it is one of the varients of Myriad Pro. What is the best way to emulate this on a website? Thanks. ...

Pixel fonts in Silverlight 4

Is there a way to render pixel fonts correctly in Silverlight 4? Without breaking text into paths or some sort of manual rendering because the text is dependent on data binding. Tweaks with UseLayoutRounding and .5px positioning shifting don't work. ...

Font problem: How to unlink two somehow linked characters?

I am using FontForge to alter fonts. Problem is i want to change letters (space and U00A0 (non-break space)) from an Arial font file in order to have those two characters to be shown different for a special use-case in my enterprise. When i open Fontforge and try to manipulate the space character or the non-break space character - both ...

Missing Device Fonts - FontDialog

When I display an instance of System.Windows.Forms.FontDialog (C#), on Windows Vista / 7 printer device-fonts are unavailable (Roman CPI fonts for example). These fonts are however still available from MS Word. The same application displays the fonts correctly on a Windows XP machine. I have tried MethodInfo mi = typeof(Font...

how's a unicode character get mapped to a glyph in font?

am wondering, that each char in unicode has a code point; what's the analogous term for a character in a font? i never understood the part of the process when a decoded file needs to be mapped to font (or fonts, by some modern font substitution techonolgy) for example, when a text editor has decoded a file from it's character encoding,...

Detect and Manipulate Fonts Used in XPS Documents with C#

Hi, I am looking to develop/locate a find-replace tool for XPS documents. Does anyone know how to detect the the fonts used within XPS Documents within C#? And also how to produce an ODTTF Fils based on TypeFace Characters/Font? Kind regards, Matt ...

How to change gridview font?

How change gridview font?in windows form ...

Why won't the Baskerville font display on an iPhone 3G running OS 3?

Hi all, I'm testing our app on a few different platforms, and for some reason the Baskerville font doesn't seem to show on an iPhone 3G running OS 3.1.3. Does anyone know why this might be? The systems I've tested which work okay are: Simulator iPhone 3GS, iOS 4.0 iPad, iOS 3.2.1 iPod touch 3rd Gen, iOS 4.0.2 Stumped here! Thanks.....

PDF fonts not visible properly

Hi,I am using ghostscript 8.63 to split the pdf document as individual pages. Problem is for some pdf's in the splitted pdf document fonts are overlapped (black patches). observed for verdana-bold fonts text. I copied all the fonts required for gostscript to -sFontPath directory, and ghostscript also opening the verdana, verdana-bold fo...

Where does WPF's FontFamily.Source retrieve its value from?

I have two applications that use the same data to create a UI, one is using WPF and the other is using GDI. I'm using a font called Myriad Condensed Web, according to the font name attribute in Windows. I have no problem instantiating the System.Drawing.FontFamily object using the given font name. However, when I create this font using W...

Setting up font fallback in winforms in code

I have a C# Winforms application that does some image and text manipulation. Basically, it draws some images and puts text on them. What I would like to do is render English characters in Arial and East Asian language characters in an appropriate character font. The default Winforms font substitution almost handles this correctly. Engl...

Extract text from a PDF and save it to a database - preserving spacing

I have a PDF document containing only text that needs to be saved into a varchar column in MSSQL. The first catch is that the spacing of the text in the PDF needs to be preserved as well, which can't be done simply by copy-pasting from the PDF into SSMS. Okay, so I need an application to read the PDF as text, while preserving spacing. B...

@font-face rendering performance

Hi, i'm building a site where we are considering to use a custom font (using @font-face) for all text on the site, not just the headers. I've already integrated a custom @font-face on another site for just the headers, which works fine, but i'm a bit worried about performance (especially rendering) when using a webfont for everything. Es...

OCR for known font

Hi, im searching for an OCR lib, that can be parameterized with a font, because I always know it and I believe the recognition results will be lots better this way. Does anyone know ? ...