
Font rendering issue between different macs : safari

Hey All, Our site seems to render smooth fonts correctly on some computers ( looking at on mac's ), but doesnt render the fonts smoothly on other's. Only seems to happen on Safari (v 5.0), and is being tested on mac, macbook pro and desktop. Anybody seen anything like this before? Thanks for any suggestions, seems to be an odd bug ...

How to increase font size based on window width?

I am creating a web based app that will be displayed on a television and other large monitors. I am wanting a quick and easy way to increase the font size to fit the window size. The text is dynamic. Any help is greatly appreciated ;) ...

Replacing \emptyset symbol with one from a different font family in LaTeX.

So I quite like the Anttor fonts and I'd like to use them in LaTeX. Everything is nice, except the \emptyset symbol is ugly. I'd like to just \renewcommand the null set command, but I can't work out how to call, say, the computer modern \emptyset when using a different font family everywhere else. Is there a quick way to do this? ...

How To Add Font Not In The Application Classpath To A Jasper Report

Hi, I am trying to use a font, that is not installed on my local OS, with a jasper report. The jasper report uses in this way: <textField> <reportElement x="0" y="0" width="137" height="20"/> <textElement> <font fontName="Corbel" size="12"/> </textElement> <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA[$F{...

firefox serif fonts on linux - broken ?

at least on linux, Firefox is rendering serif fonts always in bold and bigger than specified in our css file - it seems really broken. We have checked the Firefox option to use page fonts but it seems to ignore this. Fonts look fine under web-kit. On IE who knows (we don't have it or use it) In CSS we simply specify "serif" as the f...

How I can disable font smoothing on imagick?

I use php+imagick and can not turn off font smoothing. When I used the GD, could simply set a negative font color and smoothing switching off. ...

How can I avoid seeing the rendering of Cufon font replacement tool while loading a page?

I've published a website and every page has an or element with Cufon (cufon-yui.js) and sometimes while the page is loading , the visitor can see the text replacement tool doing it's job. It looks bad, some users are asking about it. Why would that be happening if I'm using it (cufon) like anybody else and I don't' see this text rende...

Is Arial Unicode MS right font for WinForms UI?

We have .NET WinForms based application and it is expected to work on at least 9 languages including English Spanish Russian Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese Korean Japanese Our application shall work on Windows XP (SP3), Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 2003 & 2008 operation systems. We have never used Arial Unicode MS for local...

Eclipse problem with symbol §

I'm using Eclipse for programming. In one method of my project i used the String "§". I use a svn repository. If i edit the file with Ubuntu OS the § symbol isnt displayed correctly in the eclipse editor and also in my programm, if I edited it before on Windows. The same is vice versa. Any hints how to solve this problem? I don't want t...

Android edit text

I am working with an edit text to support the properties of bold,italic and underline.I got succeed after selecting the text and clicking on bold my text was bold.Now what my requirement is how to remove the bold again after selecting the text and clicking on bold button. Regards, Bhavani.G ...

Font errors with pdfLaTeX microtype package

On Ubuntu 10.4LTS I'm trying to use the microtype package in a memoir class of document, for example like this: \usepackage[final,expansion=true]{microtype} However, when I attempt to compile this (with rubber, latexmk or others) I get an error like this: job.tex:72: Font csnameendcsname=rm-lmr10+20 at 10.95pt not loadable: M...

How to make font semi-transparent with Irrlicht?

I'm having trouble drawing a font with an alpha channel: gui::IGUIFont* font = device->getGUIEnvironment()->getBuiltInFont(); font->draw(L"C'mon, be transparent, PLEASE!!!", core::rect<s32>(130,10,300,50), video::SColor(127,255,255,255)); As you can see, the text should have an alpha value of 127... but it doesn...

Submit Button Font - What is it? (browser default styles)

I was wondering what is the default font is for <input type=submit> tags? I am running Mac OS 10.6 with Firefox 3.6. But the font is the same for Safari 5 as well. Pic of default styled input button is here: Thanks! ...

How to find the Missing Fonts in Indesign

Hi All, When I open the INDD file in indesign, some of the fonts are missing, Its showing only the substituted fonts when I clicked on "Find Font" button instead of missing fonts. Where can I see the original font used in the particular text? I have pasted the missing fonts loader plugin in the path "c:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe InDes...

Why flash on Mac does not display font correctly?

We have standard flex 3 project, and We have left everything as default, no change in style at all, and we deployed our project and noticed that on Mac the character spacing is very bad and overall look and feel is not as clear as that of windows. Here is the difference, left one is Windows and right one is Mac.. the default flex font c...

Custom Fonts in Android

Hello.... i have already read some articles and searched on google.....but i am failed to do it. My problem is regarding the font-face. In android, there are only 4 attributes in "android:typeface"...which are Normal,Sans, Serif, Monospace... so what i have to do to use "Verdana" in my application ? pls suggest me a correct way to use...

Uri reference to ressource in assembly loaded on demand.

Hi there, I do load an assembly on demand which holds ressources (fonts) in it. The assembly is being loaded by the AssemblyPart class, and therefore added to the current application domain. txt1.FontFamily = New FontFamily("/SilverlightFontLibrary;component/GRAFFITO_01.ttf#Graffito") Dim kaa = Application.GetResourceStream("/Silverli...

Does cufon work with android browser?

Cufon is that great tool to get any font on the web before html5 will do the Job. It works on iPhone, not on Palm, could anybody say if it works on Android? should do for checking. ...

How can I make Ubuntu Firefox render webpages similar to Windows/Mac Firefox?

I just installed Ubuntu as my core operating system and am having a bit of a panic.. Are there any strategy for making the fonts/browser defaults for browsers (and the OS in general) render similarly to Windows Vista or Mac OSX? I'm afraid accurate web design work in this environment will be total guess work.. ...

Jasper Reports + PDF generation issue

Hi, I have a jasper report that I'm displaying. Now I have an icon to get the same report in PDF. Now when I deploy the code in an OS with Tomcat it works fine, but the problem I'm facing now is that, we have created a VM Image of Ubuntu without UI. And when I try to download the report as PDF, i get an error, after extensive search o...