
Crystal Reports Subreport Using DataSets

I use Crystal Reports XI with C# Visual Studio 2005. I am trying to create a subreport from a summary dataset. A simple example would be Company listing with Employees. I load the Company dataset (with CompanyId). I want to create a subreport which is linked by CompanyId whereby the dataset is loaded (obviously) on demand. I can create ...

Opening an image on demand with Silverlight 2 WebClient

I'm trying to show some images on my silverlight application whenever user wants to. The images are in a folder in my silverlight project and I don't want the user to download all of them when he/she loads the web page for the first time. I have tried the OpenReadAsync method with a relative address to the image file which is in a fold...

Difference between "Oracle Siebel CRM On Demand" and salesforce.com CRM

Looking for differences between Oracle's Siebel CRM On Demand and salesforce.com CRM Actually looking for points favouring the Siebel OD CRM Tried googling and bing-ing it but found old stale information from around 3-4 yrs back, so any links to updated information will also be appreciated deeply. And while we are on the subject, how ...

authorize and charge a credit card for on demand subscription

I am working on e-commerce application using asp.net MVC with C#. I need to authorize the users who signs up with the application with the credit card. 1). When the user sign up, i need to get the credit card details and authorize the card by either Paypal or Authorize.net without saving the credit card details except subscription id o...

cpufreq directory not present. How to change governor for P states in such a case

One node in my cluster is using ondemand governor which is specified in the directory /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor .. Scaling_governor allows us to choose the governor of our choice . But this sub-directory is absent in the other node of the cluster . How do I change the governor for Pstates in such case ? ...

How to start/stop a monitoring Delphi thread on demand?

I've been looking for a way to monitor for specific registry changes in Delphi. Found a solution at about.com: procedure TRegMonitorThread.Execute; begin InitThread; // method omitted here while not Terminated do begin if WaitForSingleObject(FEvent, INFINITE) = WAIT_OBJECT_0 then begin fChangeData.RootKey := RootKey;...

Does the JavaScript manager implementation exist for ASP.NET MVC?

I'm going to implement the load on demand technics for JavaScript code in ASP.NET MVC. Could you advice me the existing solutions and schemes for the platform? I've found the post about this subject in KAZI MANZUR RASHID'S blog What are the best practices for this task? ...

Dynamically loaded JavaScript file and non-ASCII characters

I have the following problem: <script type="text/javascript"> alert("1. ČĆŽŠĐčćžšđ"); </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="Tst.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var pScript = document.createElement("script"); pScript.type = "text/javascript"; pScript.src = "Tst.js"; pScript.charset = "windows-1250"; $("body"...

Split ExtJS for incremental (on demand) download.

Hello. I had earlier asked whether I can remove un-utilized JavaScript code from ExtJS library. JSBuilder was the answer. What about being able to download widgets on-demand? I ask this because I have discovered this from the of markup generated by Coolite (ASP.Net framework that wraps ExtJS). So do I have to go through a meticulous pro...

Silverlight Out of browser and on demand loading of assembly

Hi, I want my silverlight application to work out of browser and it should support on demand loading of assemblies as well. If i implement on demand loading of assemblies, what will happen in case of out of browser support, will it work fine? or it will download all the assemblies during the installation itself. Thanks, Mrinal Jaiswal...

Will Prism OnDemand module loading work in an OOB scenerio?

Should the loading of OnDemand Prism modules work in an OOB scenerio? If so, I cannot seem to make it work. Everything is currently working in browser without any problems. Specifically I: register my modules in code: protected override IModuleCatalog GetModuleCatalog() { var catalog = new ModuleCatalog(); Uri source...

How to dynamicly apply variable modifiers in Smarty 2.x

Hi, I can't find the solution of applying modifiers dynamicly in Smarty. Template - I would like to work this way (example) {$myVariable|$modifiers} Php script $smarty->assign('myVariable', "brumla brumla na drum drum drum"); $smarty->assign('modifiers', "truncate:30|trim"); Or I would like to apply modifiers in php - is there any...

PRISM and WPF how to add a module on demand

Hi, I have a set of tabs in my shell window and one main region whicxh is a contentcontrol. I also have four modules that I want to load on demand when a certain tab is selected. So when tab1 is selected I want to load moduleA, when tab2 is selected I want to load ModuleB, etc. The first module loads on when the application starts. The p...

Uri reference to ressource in assembly loaded on demand.

Hi there, I do load an assembly on demand which holds ressources (fonts) in it. The assembly is being loaded by the AssemblyPart class, and therefore added to the current application domain. txt1.FontFamily = New FontFamily("/SilverlightFontLibrary;component/GRAFFITO_01.ttf#Graffito") Dim kaa = Application.GetResourceStream("/Silverli...

Run time error handling on lazy loaded javascript?

Does anyone have any ideas how to do error handling on lazy loaded javascript? I am using an approach in which an ajax request is called and the code is eval'd in global scope. When a runtime error is struck, it spits out the filename as my lazy loading script and the line number is the error line plus the line number of my eval in my ...