Hi there,
I do load an assembly on demand which holds ressources (fonts) in it. The assembly is being loaded by the AssemblyPart class, and therefore added to the current application domain.
txt1.FontFamily = New FontFamily("/SilverlightFontLibrary;component/GRAFFITO_01.ttf#Graffito")
Dim kaa = Application.GetResourceStream("/SilverlightFontLibrary;component/GRAFFITO_01.ttf".ToUri(UriKind.Relative))
The font is not being applied to the text, but I do get the ressource stream.
If the assembly is inside the xap package everything works fine, but setting it to copy local false it won't show the correct font. :(
I cannot use the FontSource
to set the font directly as stream (which I definately have),
because classes like Run
, Paragraph
or the RichTextBox
simply do not have them. ;(
Does anybody know whether MEF (Microsoft Extensibility Framework) can help me out of this?
Is there any known way to accomplish that?
I seriously need to refer to those ressources, but cannot put them all into one xap package. :(
Kind regards