
Embedding/deploying custom font in .NET app

Is there an official way to distribute (deploy) a specific font with a .NET application? We have a (public domain) "LED font" that prints numbers with the retro LED instrumentface look. This is a standard True Type or Open Type font like any other except it looks funky. Obviously for that to work, this font needs to be on the user's ma...

Using font in site

I know that I can use fonts like arial "for free". But what if I want to use not a standard font ? Is that something that a browser should support ? Where I can check, for example, which fonts Firefox 3.6.3 supports ? I would like, for example, to change the font of input text area. ...

Is it possible to configure the mono default font for menus?

The winforms default font for menus in mono (Ubuntu 10.04) does not support german umlauts. While I can set the font for form content (this.Font), I could not figure out where to configure the menu font. Any suggestions? Edit: I am now using a ToolStripMenu which uses Parent.Font as Font. Works fine. ...

Determining TTF Font File Name

If I have a .NET Font object, is there a way to programmatically determine which ttf file in the C:\Windows\Fonts directory it was created with? ...

How to determine the number of charecter will fit to screen in Qt

Hi, how to determine the number of character of particular font will fit to screen. how to implement it. Thanks ...

How can I embed font in Visual Basic .Net application?

How can I embed font in Visual Basic .Net application? which should valid at every operating system. ...

Proper Font Browser dialogs

The System.Windows.Forms.FontBrowser is a pretty horrible piece of work. I'd like to write a custom one, but before I re-invent banging-two-rocks-together, I figured I'd ask if anyone knows an intuitive, friendly and above all simple Font Picker which has been proven in the cauldron of the real world? ...

Font of

Anyone knows font used in the : 1) top menu 2) text "We take your designs to HTML and beyond" in this website - ...

How to get Win32 to use Windows XP style fonts

I'm writing a Win32 application using plain C and WinAPI. No MFC or C++ is allowed. To get the controls to draw using the appropriate style, I use a manifest, as described in the corresponding MSDN article. Everything is fine, and when I change the system style, my application changes style as well. But the font used is just ugly. How do...

How to set font Bold, Italic, and Underlined in Qt?

I want to make a program that's like a simple text editor using Qt 4.6.2. When the user block any text in a TextEdit and click on a button, the text will be bold/italic/underlined depend on the button.. I'm a beginner in Qt Programming, so if Possible, can you insert the programming code in Qt to do that? Please answer this ASAP,, tha...

Render SVG font in Adobe Illustrator or Corel Draw

Hello! I'm developing a project that produces SVG files with custom embed fonts. SVG font definition I compose as SVG font tag with help of or Batik SVG Toolkit. The resulted SVG file I try to open in following applications: Adobe Illustrator CS4 - text has default font and message notice...

Cocoa touch: decorating text

I've added a UIAppFont to my plist, and, happily, am able to write a custom font to my display. Now, if I had to display this custom font in a very large size with a yellow outline and purple in the middle- how in the world would I achieve that?? ...

Setting the font of an NSTextView

I am subclassing NSTextView to set it's default font: PTNfoEditField.h @interface PTNfoEditField : NSTextView { } @end PTNfoEditField.m @implementation PTNfoEditField -(id)init { if(self = [super init]) { [[self textStorage] setFont:[NSFont fontWithName:@"Courier" size:10]]; } return self; } @end However, ...

Using FontSquirrel @Font-Face Generator: font quite fuzzy in Firefox

Mac Firefox (3.6.3). Font looks sharp in Chrome, Safari, IE8 (not as good as other 2, but less fuzzy than Firefox). Any work arounds? How can I determine which of the source files Firefox is using? Can I force it in the CSS to choose something else? ...

Why doesn't FONTSIGNATURE reflect lfCharSet?

I'm enumerating Windows fonts like this: LOGFONTW lf = {0}; lf.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET; lf.lfFaceName[0] = L'\0'; lf.lfPitchAndFamily = 0; ::EnumFontFamiliesEx(hdc, &lf, reinterpret_cast<FONTENUMPROCW>(FontEnumCallback), reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(this), 0); My callback function has this sig...

How can I force a winforms app to use the fonts/fontsizes I specify on every machine?

How can I force a winforms app to use the fonts/fontsizes I specify on every machine? I have a c# app where the font seem to change in size on a different machine, and it's not a resolution thig. This is on windows 7 with a c# app. Is there a way to force the font size I want or do the user os fonts always overrule? ...

Google Fonts Flash in Internet Explorer

I just set up Google Fonts API on my site. Internet Explorer, whenever I refresh the page, a default font flashes before the Google Font 'Reenie Beanie' loads. But shouldn't this be sticking in the cache or something so that once it loads once, it's there and no longer should default fonts show up? I'm using the WebLoader version to ca...

Create bitmap font using C#

Hi All, I have list of bitmaps (for each letter) and i have to create font using those bitmaps. I know ttf format is very very complicated to create, so i want to create fon file (raster bitmap font). I understand it can be created by create a dll and rename it from *.dll to *.fon, or something similiar. No code sample or any knonledge a...

inconsistency in rendering fonts between Firefox/Win and Safari/(Windows and Mac)

I have a css definition in the head of my page as follows: @font-face { font-family: "ownfont";src: url("../fonts/ownfont.ttf"); } Then i give a css class to the body (on button click) which changes the font type from: font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; to font-family: "ownfont",Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif...

Latex font color

I'm trying to typeset a document I'm working on. Currently I'm trying to format a piece of text such that the text consists of two colors: a fill color and a line color. In this way the header should pop out more. I found \psset with options such as linecolor and fillcolor, but I can't get it to work. Can someone provide an example of h...