
How to display only one letter in Flex Text Layout Framework ContainerController?

I'm trying to implement dropped initials feature into my Flex application. Since Text Layout Framework does not support floating, the only known solution is to create additional containers that will be linked together, displaying the same textflow. Width and positioning of these containers has to be set in such a way that it will pretend...

Using external fonts in a Java Applet.

Is it possible to use a font not on the user's machine for text displayed in a java applet. Like linking to a ttf font file in the same location as the java applet almost in an @fontface fashion. ...

how to know local font names in silverlight

Hi, in silverlight 4 I need to know all the font names in my machines. Using.... ... var typefaces = System.Windows.Media.Fonts.SystemTypefaces; foreach (System.Windows.Media.Typeface face in typefaces) { System.Windows.Media.GlyphTypeface a; face.TryGetGlyphTypeface(out a); FontSo...

How Do I get 'font-weight: lighter' to work in Google Chrome?

There doesn't appear to be any difference between 'font-weight: normal' and 'font-weight: bold' in Google Chrome (and probably Safari). Has anyone found a way to invoke the 'font-weight: thinner' in Chrome the way that Firefox does? ...

When using DrawText, what does TextFormatFlags.Internal (a.k.a. DT_INTERNAL) do?

When using TextRenderer.DrawText(), what does setting the TextFormatFlags.Internal flag actually do? Equivalently, what does setting the DT_INTERNAL flag to Win32's DrawTextEx() function do? More to the point, when should I set that flag and when should I not set it? The documentation says: "Uses the system font to calculate text metr...

How to tell whether a font is monospace using GTK and Pango?

I have a PangoFontDescription and I want to know whether it describes a monospace font. I have seen the function pango_font_family_is_monospace() in the Pango API documentation but after several hours of puzzling it is still not clear to me what the relationships are between PangoFontFamily, PangoFontMap, PangoFont, PangoFontset, Pango...

How to change the size of the font of a JLabel to take the maximum size

Hello, I have a JLabel in a Container. The defaut size of the font is very small. I would like that the text of the JLabel to take the maximum size. How can I do that ? Thanks :) ...

Using fonts in my applications

I need to use Helvetica font in my Android application. I have following questions regarding the same: 1. Is helvetica.ttf free for use in commercial projects? 2. What are the legal issues that one must consider when using fonts in their applications? Thanks. ...

iphone objective-c custom font

how can I load and embed a custom font in my iphone app? what font file types are supported? (otf, ttf...) ...

css, external fonts

I have a big problem with css, how can I pun this font MyriadPro-It.otf in CSS? Thanks ! ...

How to get the application font color in Qt

Hi, I want to put some text on my UI, I am drawing the text in paint event of a widget using painter.. Here is the sample code, which shows how I am drawing the text.. QWidget::paintEvent(painter); QPainter paint(this); paint.drawText(QPoint(10,30),"Duplex"); but, the text color is looks like the default theme color, how to set the...

How can you determine what font from the CSS stack is being used?

I use Firebug avidly and in the CSS-"computed" tab it will only show me the declared stack, but not which font has actually been used by the browser. Aside from removing fonts one-by-one and looking for a change (or having amazing font recognition skills) is there a way to determine what font has actually been rendered by the browser? ...

Where can I found GD compatible fonts?

Hello there! I'm using GD to display some text. The default font is Courier (or something similar)... I want to use another font and I found this function: imageloadfont that requires a .gdf file. I've search on Google to see if I find some nice fonts, but I didn't find anything. I see there's a script to convert a PNG file to a GDF, bu...

How to discover Font Type?

Is there a way to determine the type of a given font (TrueType, OpenType, Type 1, Bitmap) using javascript? ...

How to load font from InputStream in SWT?

I need to load font (.otf or .ttf) file from java Resource or InputStream in SWT. path) allows me (example) to load font from font file path (and it works), but there is no corresponding method to load it from any other source. I was thinking of using java.awt.Font.createFont(int fontForm...

is it legal to use to create a @font-face kit for a font I have been given? allows you to upload a font and create a @font-face kit which you can apply to your website and use to display fonts which will display cross-browser (even in IE6!). But what I want to know is, is this legal? I've been supplied the font "Lubalin Graph Std" and told to use this for headers on the website I'm creating. I ...

Text extra aliased(jagged) in IE - looks terrible - but OK in FF and Chrome

I am building a website - As you can see when you load the page(in IE) the text on the page that isn't an image or the menu looks terrible, while in FF and Chrome the text looks fine. you can view the source on the page and the css is here Also, ...

Need help with fonts in latex: output too dim

I have a problem where all fonts come out too dim. Is there any thing I can do to get a different look and feel from the pdfs? My tex file looks like \documentclass[a4paper,twoside]{article}` \usepackage{graphics} \usepackage{color} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{multirow} \usepackage{longtable} \usepackage{fullpage} \usepackage...

How does an Android/iPhone device implement text-zooming?

Simple question - how is text-zooming implemented on an Android/iPhone device? Do they pre-compute frequently used bitmaps of a font and replace the text as the scale changes? Or do they extract the contours from the font files and render the text as vector graphics? ...

What are cons to use custom fonts techniques compare to web safe fonts?

What are cons to use custom fonts techniques compare to web safe fonts? in terms of site performance, site maintainability, Development time screen readers users, mobile users, low speed users Sighted User experience ...