
Dynamically update Font Size of application with a single trigger in WPF

I have an application which has different font sizes for different controls say Button: 10, TextBlock : 12 etc. I want to give options to the user where he can select any one of the below say Normal , Small, Big, Bigger. Suppose one selects "small" I would want to decrease every distinct font size by 2. If "Big", I would want to increas...

Are there some good and tension free custom fonts available to use with sIFR, @font-face etc?

Is there any free font available to use with sIFR @font-face etc? if i use those then nobody will file a court case on me, no body will send any legal notice to me.? Are thee good tension free, license free fonts available to use personally, commercially in my projects, in client projects? Nobody should send any notice to my lovely cl...

Customizing Cocoas NSFontPanel

What customization options are there for Cocoas NSFontPanel? The NSFontPanel accessible in iWork Pages has "Text Underline", "Text Strikethrough" and "Document Color" controls at the top. We don't want these in our NSFontPanel. Is there any way to remove or disable these controls? ...

How do I create a new font from an existing font?

In SWT, how can I create a bold/italic variant of a font and how can I scale a font? I tried int fontStyle = SWT.BOLD; int height = 1200; FontData[] fds = font.getFontData (); for (FontData fd: fds) { fd.setStyle (fontStyle); fd.setHeight ((fd.getHeight () * height + 500) / 1000); } newFont = new Font(font.getDevice (), fds); ...

how to get font used by special application in my pc

how to get font name used by special application in my pc i have a exe and i will change font of it i have windows 7 no way exist for example in spy++ is a Persian text and ... character is specially for Persian not in Arabic but in tahoma font for example its supported ...

bold small caps with mathpazo

The URW Palldio font (mathpazo package) does not provide bold small caps. To get round this issue, I'd want to make a macro to use small caps usually and normal caps in bold text. I tried this code: \documentclass{minimal} \usepackage[sc,osf]{mathpazo} % Use small caps normally except in a bold font: switch to uppercase instead. % Thi...

How can I use custom fonts in an HTML5 Canvas element?

The title of the question kind of says it all. I've looked at things like Cufon and typeface.js but they seem to be SIFR alternatives and dont allow you to set freeform coordinates and draw custom type onto a Anyone got any ideas? ...

Gothic Medieval font that you can embed With Cufón?

Hey, I'm looking for a font in Gothic Medieval style that I can embed with Cufón. I tried with the Cloister Black .ttf file but the generator responded with: The file you uploaded could not be converted. Currently only TrueType (TTF), OpenType (OTF), Printer Font Binary (PFB) and PostScript fonts are supported. If you'r...

Embedding fonts in css file

HI everyone i am new to this css i am developing a website for that site i am using kannada fonts but i wnat to embed the fonts in css how to embed that can any one please give sugessions and solutions .. thanks in advance ...

Problem on creating font using a custom ant task, which extends LWUIT's FontTask.

Hi. I am new to LWUIT and j2me, and I am building a j2me application for showing Japanese text vertically. The phonetic symbol part of the text should be shown in relatively small font size (about half the size of the text), small Kanas need to be shown as normal ones, and some 'vertical only' characters need to be put into the Private ...

Is there a negative for Courier new font?

I want to make a text highlight in flex textArea but its htmlText doesn't support <font bgcolor='#FFFF00'> part of my text </font> so I'm searching for a font witch is the opposite of Courier new, when I embed it in flash, and write with that color I get highlight effect for that part of my text , as I type <font family="negativeOfCouri...

How to Programmatically Identify a PI Font (a Dingbat) under OS X

There is a class of fonts called Pi fonts whose glyphs, under OS X, get mapped to the private Unicode space 0xF021-0xF0FF such that if you subtract 0xF000 from each unicode character to retrieve the 8-bit version of the character and be able to draw that character as if it were a standard Roman character. My question is how do I recogn...

html5: Input Field Using @fontface, non-system fonts. Is this possible.

Quick question, is it possible to have an input field in a form use a non-system font in html5 and css3? So if someone types in the form field the text could be something like gotham? ...

List of fonts installed by default in versions of Windows?

I've been seeing more and more websites using fancy antialiased fonts. Every time I hit one, I think to myself "hmm, what web-safe font is that?" - but after looking at the CSS I typically find some font name in quotes, like "Palatino Linotype". Obviously not web-safe, but according to the Wikipedia article, "Palatino Linotype is shipped...

ProFont not showing in Visual Studio 2010

My favorite coding font, ProFont, does not show up in the list of fonts in Visual Studio 2010. Shows up fine in VS 2008 on the same box. Any ideas? I'm using Windows 7 with Visual Studio 2010 Premium. ...

-sizeWithFont Functions Differently on Device

So I am seemingly encountering some strange behavior when using NSString's -sizeWithFont family of method calls depending on whether or not I'm invoking it on the iPhone Simulator or an actual device. Simply enough, when the receiver of the -sizeWithFont:constrainedToSize:lineBreakMode: method call is nil, the resulting CGSize passed ba...

Way to reduce size of .ttf fonts?

Hello , Is there any way to reduce the size of the .ttf fonts? i.e. if we want to remove some glyps which we are not using. ...

WPF - copy/paste selection with custom font family

I have a custom font family embedded in my WPF application which I can reference by specifying a base URI and font family name. new FontFamily(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/Fonts/"), "./#My Custom Font Family"); However, when I copy a selection which uses this font the xaml on the clipboard resembles the following <Run Text="Foo" ...

Font Setting in VS2010 - missing FixedSys

After installing VS2010 yesterday - (both VS2005 and VS2010 installed), I can't find the "FixedSys" style font from the Fonts and Colors -> Font (pull down list). I can still use the font in VS2005. [update] I just searched "C:\WINDOWS\Fonts", there is no Fixedsys style in the folder. Any suggestions on how to make FixedSys available...

htmltext of TextArea in Flex 3 disappears when embedding fonts!

hello, I have textArea which gets the text through user input in runtime. User input comes through Richtexteditor so it is html I save the html text from Richtexteditor to textArea's htmltext property. everything seems to be fine! till I try to embed fonts!! (I need to embed fonts because I apply a fade effect to the TextArea.) With em...