
Is it possible to get the width of a character when using OpenGL bitmap fonts?

I am trying to align my bitmap font text in my OpenGL application but I can't find anything on getting the width of each character. This is my renderText function: def renderText( self, text, fontFace, position ): ..... (omitted code to make post shorter) glRasterPos2i( position[0], self.windowSize[1] - position[1] ) glPushA...

Changing font universally - richfaces

i was wondering is there a way to change font universally for richfaces irrespective of what skin i am using. ...

Embedded Font Issue on different Operating Systems

My Flex web page is using an embedded .otf font in the main css file: @font-face { src:url("../assets/fonts/TradeGothic.otf"); fontFamily: myTradeGothic; } I develop using Snow Leopard and the font appears fine in Safari, Firefox, and Chrome. When I view the page on a Windows machine, the font does not appear to be working in either...

Runtime embedding of fonts in Flash CS4 for chinese,japanese, cryllic etc extended characters

Hi I have no problem with runtime embedding of fonts, there are plenty of online tutorials for this. However, what I can't get to work is runtime embedding for extended character sets, even if I omit the unicode range and embed the entire font. I've tried various approaches, and though I am able to runtime embed the font properly, can't...

Hard-coding Fonts in DotNET

I've run into problems on numerous occasions of users not having one of the Windows Core fonts installed on their machine (Courier New, Comic Sans MS, Arial for example). Whenever I try to construct one of these it throws an error rather than falling back onto a related, or really, any other font. What is the best way to construct a Fon...

List available GDI+ fonts in Delphi 2009 win32

In Delphi 2009 using win32, how would I obtain a list of GDI+ fonts available on the system? Supplementary question: is there a font dialog available that can show just this this of fonts to the user? Bonus points if the same method can be used in Lazerous. ...

Is it possible to seletively color a label in Silverlight?

For instance, if I have a label: Blah blah bladity blah I want the first 10% of this label, such that the font color should be red, and the rest should be green. This perhaps means it would color the Bl and PART of the a. Basically pixel-wise font coloring instead of character-wise. Is this possible and how would is be accomplished? ...

Can I underline text in an android layout?

How can I define underlined text in an Android layout xml file? ...

how to set font to grid in extjs

i want to set a DVB-TTYogesh Normal (true type) font to grid. for that i added the following to grid, style:'font-family:DVB-TTYogesh'. but the data in the grid still show "pcmcÁÖß´Ö.³ÖÖêÃÖ»Öê" like this and i want it in actualform ...

How to convert a unicode string written in font A to font B?

Assuming all the required fonts are available on client's machine. Probably, you all could see following 'stackoverflow' word written in Indic Language script : 'स्टैकओवरफ्लो' . A quick lookup using Web Developers Tools tells that this word is written using 'Arial, Liberation Sans..' font family. Does that mean Arial font supports Indi...

Where in the JDK is the source that renders fonts?

Where is the spot in the JDK source where font rendering occurs? I've tried to look for a paint(Graphics g) in TextArea, JTextArea, TextComponent, JTextComponent, Font ... none of which override paint(Graphics g). Is font information transformed into GlyphVectors which become Shapes that are painted in by ... ? Where and how does font ...

Why are not all texts of my MFC applicatiopn displayed using ClearType?

I've got an MFC application that is built with VC6. When ClearType is enabled (Windows XP) some texts are rendered smoothly, i.e. with ClearType, and others are not. Dialog texts don't seem to ever get rendered with ClearType. Some list controls, however, have it enabled completely, others only in their headers. What could be the reaso...

Get graphics information from font file. How to develop font parser similar to PDFView's font parsers?

Hi, I am trying to convert text into graphics using c#. My input is character string and output is bitmap with the input text. After lot of search I found some ways to do it, I found some techiques which uses this kind of techinque. For Example While creating Captcha, we have to print the character in the bitmap. But for that I sho...

How do I create an NSFont that is both Bold and Italic?

This is a beginner's question about font handling in Cocoa. I have a font family, e.g. Verdana, that has the following typefaces: Regular, Bold, Italic, and Bold Italic. I know those typefaces exist since they are available in the Fonts panel. This works: NSFont *regular = [NSFont fontWithName:@"Verdana" size:75]; NSFont *bold = [NSFon...

How to define bold, italic using @font-face

I'm looking at the MDC page for the @font-face CSS rule, but I don't get one thing. I have separate files for bold, italic and bold + italic, how can I embed all three files in one @font-face rule? For example, if I have: @font-face { font-family: "DejaVu Sans"; src: url("./fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf") format("ttf"); } strong { fo...

PHP: creating a smooth edged circle, image or font?

I'm making a PHP image script that will create circles at a given radius. I used: <?php imagefilledellipse ( $image, $cx, $cy, $w, $h, $color ); ?> but hate the rough edges it produces. So I was thinking of making or using a circle font that I will output using: <?php imagettftext ( $image, $size, $angle, $x, $y, $color, 'fontfile...

Embed font in a mac bundle

I have a program I am writing. I want to use a fancy font. Can I just embed my font into my bundle and use it from there. My code... NSMutableAttributedString *recOf; recOf = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:@"In Recognition of"]; length = [recOf length]; [recOf addAttribute:NSFontAttributeName value:[NSFont fontWi...

Letter-spacing in large name decreasing

I have such trouble: in large names, as shown in image , somehow letter-spacing for Tahoma font is decreasing. This issue is shown up in two components that I use, so I don't think this is bug of the components. I have tested with another fonts, Arial - situation the same; MS Sans Serif - the same; Trebuchet MS - situation is good, sym...

Is is possible to apply 2 font filters in SIFR?

Hello, is it possible to apply 2 font filters that are of the same type but with different parameters in SIFR? I want to get an outline effect around my fonts and tried to apply 2 glow filters with different settings to get the desirable look, but it looks like only 1 filter (last in the list of filters) is applied. Does anyone know if ...

Arabic script in Firefox inside Xvfb

Hello all, I have a Firefox installation that is launched perfectly inside Xvfb (CentOs), and from which I take snapshots, but I have issues with Arabic fonts. According to the provider, Arabic support is available in OS. But FF does not show the Arabic characters, I suppose this is some bad setting inside FF. I have read in a forum t...