
How can I find the dimensions of a font drawn on a Graphics object in Java?

I have a Font and a FontMetrics object in my code and I'm drawing a Font onto a Graphics object but I'm not for sure how to find out the dimensions of the font when it's drawn (in pixels). Does anyone know how I could calculate that? ...

Is the use of relative values in font sizing for accessibility still useful in general, or only for IE6?

All other browsers (not IE6) are scaling the size of the whole layout in px. So what's the purpose to use em and % if we are not thinking about IE6? ...

Text is scaling on IE6 even without % and em from View > Text resize function of IE6? see example?

Text is scaling on IE6 even without % and em from View > Text resize function of IE6? but on this page nothing is specified in % and em but text is scaling with - View > Text resize function of IE6? Why? Does IE 6support text resizing? ...

Loading Fonts for Glyphs in Silverlight

Is it possible to load a font at runtime in Silverlight for the Glyphs object. I've tried all sorts -I've set the fonturi to a web location at runtime - no joy -I've tried the same approach as textblock etc by setting the source to a stream but Glyphs do not support this. -I've googled forever on it, but it seems that the only way is t...

Using GDI+, what's the easiest approach to align text (drawn in several different fonts) along a common baseline?

My problem: I'm currently working on a custom user control which displays pieces of text (each with a potentially different font) on one line. I'd like to align all those bits of text exactly along a common baseline. For example: Hello, I am George. ------------------------------ <- all text aligns to a common baseline ...

How can I get a single character to center identically in all browsers and operating systems?

I'm using CSS3 border-radius to create circular buttons on this site: However, due to font rendering differences between Mac and Windows (not between browsers), the centering of the button's text within its bounding circle is inconsistent. Buttons render properly in all CSS3 capable browsers in Windows, but not i...

embed fonts in as3 from resource file

I'm creating a generic flash navigation. I'd like to allow people to use their own fonts like sIFR. I know i can just create a swf file with a font embedded but i'd like to make it as easy as possible for someone to swap fonts so an existing method of creating a swf font file would be preferred. ...

Ensure that text field in Sql Server database uses specific font

Short Background: I finally isolated a bug I'm having. The problem is web users of mine who are accessing my ASP.NET application using Safari are storing their content in a different font than all other users. This is a problem because the 3rd party application I am using to dynamically create PDF's only recognizes 2 fonts (arial and tim...

Get Font Glyphs as Vectors, manipulate and product SVG or Bitmap

I have an application that needs to apply some transformations to text (including non-affine transformations). Does anyone know of a toolkit (or group of tools) that would let me bring in a True Type or Postscript Font, get the glyphs as outlines, then apply transformations to the outlines and render it as a bitmap or svg file ? Flash wo...

How to use this CSS font technique?

The header in mozilla lab's Bespin anouncement has a very nice antialized font put there with css (which is not a standard font). Anyone knows how did they do it? Bespin Embedded 0.6 released! Now in two great flavors. ...

Flash CS4: Font Disappearing

I have an odd issue while using FlashCS4. I have a textfield that, when set to STATIC TEXT works absolutely fine, in the correct font. If I set it to DYNAMIC TEXT, the text shows up as Arial or some other default on systems where the selected font isn't available. It shows up in the proper font on systems that have the font installed. ...

Accented characters not showing when using imagettftext with otf but showing with ttf

I'm using imagettftext to generate images from OpenType files. Everything works until I try to use an accented character (e.g. å) or a character such as √. In their place I get the .notdef glyph. The fonts I'm using definitely have these characters. To make things even more frustrating, when I use a TTF everything works as expected. An...

Linux Firefox default sans-serif font

Which font is the default "sans-serif" font in Linux? When I go in Windows to Options, Font, Advanced I can see that the default sans-serif font is Arial, but in Linux it only shows "sans-serif" as a font by itself. Any idea how can I check which "sans-serif" font is this? ...

C header file with bitmapped fonts

Hi, I need to do some rudimentary text rendering to a pixel buffer, and I think that having a table indexed by char with the representation of the letters as a binary array would be more than enough... Anybody knows about a free header as such? Example: char data[256][8][8]; void init() { data['a'] = { {0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0}, {0,1...

UCO (Unidentified CSS Object) adding bigger font size to my textarea in Firefox

I'm building a form with 3 fields: #name, #mail, and #message. The first and second field have the same font size but the last one (#message) have a bigger font size only on Firefox. Here is the CSS of #message when I inspect it with Firebug: ....loading.... body { color:#666666; font-family:"Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-seri...

How to tell if my YEN symbol is a backslash or a YEN?

Hi, all, I have a little program which is used to print the backslash symbol to the PDF file. In most English OS a backslash is displayed as a backslash, and my program works just fine. However, in Japanese OS or Korean OS my program starts to have problem. In those OS, a backslash is displayed as a YEN or WON symbol, but my program ex...

Seeking Font Strategies for Silverlight Apps

As I'm working through an SL3/SL4 application, and starting to work with fonts, I'm finding a lack of documentation and best practices on font strategies. For example: Are there common fallback fonts for the supported font set (Arial, Comic Sans MS, etc.)? Is there a set of recommendations on fallback fonts between Windows and Macintos...

Caching Typekit CSS

I'm using TypeKit to provide fonts for a site I'm developing. When the page is loading it loads slow (more than a second). Turns out that this is because it's downloading the fonts on every requests. It's beyond me that a service such as this doesn't have etags configured to get clients to cache the fonts...but I digress. Until TypeK...

How can I implement OCR on a website using PHP?

Are there any free OCR libraries that work with PHP? Perhaps there is a different way to do OCR on a website. If so please share. EDIT: Python is also acceptable. EDIT2: I'm working with a Linux server, ideally. ...

How do I add style to content in JavaScript?

Hi I have been working in a JavaScript file and my content has been working with phrases. Now I want to change the style of those phrases. The first function (see function swapFE) I want to change the font style of the phrase node to normal. And change the color of the phrase node to the color value (155, 102, 102). The second function (...