
Should we still use em and % for defining the font-size of the website elements?

I've found many suggestions on using different font-sizes and measure units for websites. Most of them suggest to define body font-size in % (100.1%) and use em for the rest part. I realize this is very useful for preserving the proportions while zooming in and out, especially for older browsers. But today most of the web browsers can co...

Create a tag cloud of specific dimensions

Greetings, I'd like to create an HTML tag cloud inside a box whose width and height are absolutely determined. I want the text within to fit most efficiently--so if the text is simply one word, the word would be large and fill the box's full width (and as much of its height as possible). If there were four words, they would take up pro...

Print all characters for a font in MS Word

For some automated tests I need to create a Word Doc that contains all the characters of a font (for several different fonts). Is there an easy way to create a macro that loops through all the available characters in a font (and inserts them into a doc)? ...

Methods to create text preview from a font

I'm currently using ImageMagick's convert command to create text preview (.png) from .ttf font file. Overall, it's better in auto text positioning despite it failed to read some valid .ttf file sometimes. The speed is not great but acceptable. PIL's ImageFont looks like is not good at text aligning, often prints bottom-left corner of fi...

Extract embedded PDF fonts to an external ttf file using some utility or script

Is it possible to extract fonts that are embedded in a PDF file to an external ttf file using some utility or script? If the fonts that are embedded (or not embedded) to a PDF file are present in system. Using pdf2swf and swfextract tools from swftools I am able to determine names of the fonts used in a PDF file. Then I can compile res...

WPF portraiture (vizualization)

Hello, I have such a question about WPF. I noticed, that in WPF there is some thing with visualization. In example when i click on the menu ant it expands, Font in menu items looks a little with blur, not clear. But when i see longer, i noticed, that font becomes clear. I thing there is becouse of performace ant hardware accelerating tri...

Embedded font looks different than supposed to

When an embedded font is used for a label it looks correct, but when the same font is used for a combobox, the selected item font looks different from the dropdown and label font. @font-face { src:url("/assets/fonts/Helvetica.TTF"); fontFamily: "Helvetica Neue Bold Condensed"; fontStyle: normal; fontWeight: normal; } ...

Working arround font rendering issues in all major browsers

Hello everybody. Since long time i been having a real problem with the different ways that each browser display text. Sure you have noticed that even when you create a stylesheet specifying everything about the font properties, still every browser display the same text with some differences, the usual problem is the font weight, that e...

generative typography ?

How would you define/create generative typography ? I thought also of some sort of "intelligent" adaption. For example a font that uses serifs in certain condition or not… Are there some findings in how you could access the vectors of a font in actionscript ? ...

Failing to load font after burning to disk

I have an application which has a font stored within a jar file. It is loaded with: public Font getChessFont() { InputStream in = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("fonts\\MERIFONTNEW.TTF"); Font toReturn; try { toReturn = Font.createFont(Font.TRUETYPE_FONT, in); } catch (Exception e) { toReturn = gam...

Showing non-default fonts in .NET FontDialog

I'm using the standard .NET FontDialog to allows users to select fonts, but it's not showing all available fonts. For example, we have installed Helvetica and that's not showing. The Helvetica is a TTF if that makes a difference. Is there any way I can get it show all available fonts? Thanks in advance. P.S. I'm using .NET 3.5 ...

Monospace Unicode font

Can anybody please tell me the monospace font that covers most of the unicode characters If not then a monospace font that contains most of the european language character set ? ...

Determine if a PDF is using subsetted fonts

I'm creating PDFs with a library, and I know next to nothing about PDF. I've been told by the people at the printers that they are having a problem with 'subsetted' fonts in the PDFs. They want me to embed the entire font to see if this is causing the problem. First step - I'd like to confirm the fonts are subsetted. Acrobat Reader d...

.Net Inconsistent Font rendering

I am creating an .Net 2.0 SP2 windows Forms Application. The form fonts looks fine in my machine, when i tried in another machine, it looks bigger. (This is not because of resolution difference, fonts are bigger relatively to other icons etc.) I tried to debug the problem and found following code returns different sizes on different mac...

Open Source, multi language / unicode fonts?

Hi, We need a selection of fonts that we can use in PDFs. Our PDF library only works with TrueType fonts, and we want these fonts to be as multi language friendly as possible - i.e Chinese/Japanese support ideally, at the very least a wide range of European characters.

Issue rendering truetype font in SVG

Hi, I'm having an issue with the rendering of a truetype font inside an svg being rendered to a pdf through fop. In the final pdf the font comes out with Times New Roman instead of the truetype font I had expected. The main font family of the document is using Type 1 fonts and are also using font metrics that I generated and these are...

How can I correct smudged font rendering in Visual Studio 2010?

I recently started working in VS2010 and noticed right away that the font I use, Consolas, doesn't pop like it does in VS2008. First I thought my settings didn't get imported, but I checked and Consolas was the default text! It's a really minor detail, the sort of stuff that Mac users are known for, but on the left is the slightly blurr...

C# : Using an embedded font on a textbox

I'm embedding a font in my app as EmbeddedResource and want to use it in a textbox. AddMemoryFont help says I have to set compatible text rendering to true to use GDI+ so my font can be used, but somehow it just won't display the right font. in Program.cs I explicitly state : Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(true); So why ...

c# textbox font problem : same font looks completely different in app then in notepad

I'm trying to display ascii-art in a textbox. If I open a specific .nfo file in notepad with the font "Lucida Console", 9pt, regular, it looks like this : In my app I set the font of the textbox to "Lucida Console", 9 pt, regular, it looks like this : What am I doi...

Reboot/Power Off Android Emulator

I installed new fonts on my Android emulator. The instructions say I have to reboot my device. I tried using the "Power Off" button but it just displays "Shutting Down" and does nothing. Even when I go to the adb shell and run "reboot" it hangs. Any ideas how to restart the emulator so that the new settings appear? Thanks. ...