
WPF Setting the default style on a TextBlock overrides the style for a Label

Setting the default style on a TextBlock causes the style in the Label and other controls to be set as well. This only happens if you put the styles in the Application resources, when I place the style in the Window resources everything is fine. I have also found that the VS 2008 Designer and XamlPadX display the Label as you would expe...

Is 1.0em the same as 100% for font sizes?

Hello, I am trying to debug why having font-size: 1.0em in jquery-ui is causing my font sizes for my page to go huge(over 16px) without me doing any actual resizing of the fonts. Well, in Firebug I saw a weird thing for an accordion. At the base, it had font-size: 1.0em but later that was overriden by font-size: 100%. Could that cause s...

Font looks different in IE than it does in Firefox and Chrome...why?

Hi, I am creating a website and the font looks different in IE (it's larger) than it is in Firefox and Chrome. Does anyone know why? And how do I fix it in IE? Here's my code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""&...

sIFR: Different Font-Sizes rendered

Hello, why does my .swf-file render different font-sizes depending on the displayed content? I defined only one "sIFR-class". Why are there rendered different font-sizes? See my two example links below. Big font-size Small font-size ...

WPF Updating styles at runtime

I would like to update the default Window style dynamically at runtime so I can change the FontSize and FontFamily dynamically at runtime. I found that Styles in your resource dictionary are sealed at runtime and cannot be changed, so I used the following method of updating the style: <Style TargetType="{x:Type Window}"> <Setter Pro...

How do I increase font sizes within XCode

I have managed to increase the font sizes for the XCode editor window, but haven't found a way to increase font sizes in other areas of the application, such as the Groups & Files side bar and the console window. Someone suggested using TinkerTool to do this, and I downloaded the tool, but it's not at all clear to me how to use the to...

WPF begin fontsize animation of a textblock from C#

Hi! I would like to start a fontsize animation of a textblock from C# code. How can I do this? I want increase/decrease fontsize during a period of 1 second. Thanks! ...

Change font size in Google Visualization Motion Chart

How can I (if anyhow) control the font size of axis in Google Visualization Motion Chart? In several chart types I can change the text size with property axisFontSize bit it does not make effect to Motion Chart. ...

Really slow obtaining font metrics.

So the problem I have is that I start my application by displaying a simple menu. To size and align the text correctly I need to obtain font metrics and I cannot find a way to do it quickly. I tested my program and it looks like whatever method I use to obtain font metrics the first call takes over 500 milliseconds!? Because of it the ti...

Remove font size in TinyMCE

Hi How can I remove certain font size options from the font size selector in TinyMCE? Regards Johan ...

Can't override a global WPF style that is set by TargetType on a single specific control

I have a style applied to all my textboxes, defined in a resource dictionary.. <Style TargetType="TextBlock"> <Setter Property="TextBlock.FontSize" Value="{Binding Source={StaticResource ApplicationUserSettings}, Path=fontSize, Mode=OneWay}" /> <Setter Property="TextBlock.TextWrapping" Value="Wrap" /> <Setter Pro...

How to use css to change <pre> font size

pre{font-family:cursive;font-style:italic;font-size:xxx-small} How to change pre font size? ...

Make dialogs compatible with "large fonts".

Which do you think are best practices for making a windows dialog compatible both with standard fonts (96 dpi) and "large fonts" setting (120 dpi) so that objects don't overlap or get cut off? BTW: Just in case it's relevant, I'm interested in doing this for Delphi dialogs. Thanks in advance! ...

How can I determine what text on a webpage will render the largest?

I'd like to write a function (ideally in PHP) where I can input a url and return a string corresponding to the hypertext from that webpage which would render the largest in a browser (any standard browser is fine). Getting the webpage and tokenizing things with DOM is pretty straightforward, but what's the best way to calculate ultimate...

How to adjust text font size to fit textview

Hi, Is there any way in android to adjust the textsize in a textview to fit the space it occupies? E.g. I'm using a TableLayout and adding several textviews to each row. Since I don't want the textviews to wrap the text I rather see that it lowers the font size of the content. Any ideas? I have tried measureText, but since I don't kn...

Fix a font size for .NET GUI

Hi, Depending on the font settings (DPI and such) on the user's computers, I can have text become too big to fit in a button and moves down to the next line (wrap), so if it is a small button that says "Do xyz", it will only show "Do" unless I increase the height on the user's computer, but it looks fine on mine. Is there any way to fo...

How to convert pixel into point size in html?

Dear all, i want to convert my pixel into to the point size, in my project when user resize the text image, then it should be re size according to width using point size?? any one have any idea? ...

jQuery: Check for increased font size

Can i check with jQuery whether the User increased the font size and bind a function to this event, to recalculate some stuff when this happens? ...

change font size in browser field blackberry

Hi there! here is the cod: public class MyHttp extends MainScreen{ public static final String HTTP_FILE = "local:///sources"; public MyHttp(String fileName){ BrowserField browserField = new BrowserField(); add(browserField); try{ browserField.requestContent(HTTP_FILE + fileName); } catch (Ex...

Silverlight and Unexpected Font Sizes

Someone please teach me to fish here... I'm just learning Silverlight and have ran into a few situations where the font size actually used is drastically different than I would expect. There's probably something conceptual that I'm missing. Case A In one instance, I have defined a user control that presents a Label to show text. If ...