
How do you have Silverlight resize text content to fit?

I've got a user control (below), I'm binding the text to a datasource and instancing up a bunch of the usercontrols. I want the size of the text to be the largest possible that will still fit in the bounds of the control. In Windows programming, I could measure the text size decrementing the font size until it fit the target dimensions....

Maximum font size

What is the maximum font size that can be rendered in a web page? Does it depend on the machine or the application ( browser )? ...

How to resize a div proportionally to the text inside?

Suppose that we have a div element with zero padding, absolute positioning, predefined width (in pixels) and some plain text inside. Now, we increase the CSS font-size property of the text by one pixel. By what measure should I increase the width of the div so that its layout remains the same (i.e. no words jump from one line to another...

How to convert <font size="10"> to px?

Hi, I need to convert <font size="10"> to px. Example only(not correct): <font size="10"> is equivalent to 12px. Is there any formula or table conversion out there to convert <font size="10"> to px? Thanks :) Kind Regards, Mark PHP Developer from Philippines ...

Dynamic TextSize in WPF UIElements

Hi, As suggested I allow all of my WPF UIElements to have a dynamic size so they can be resized easily however, in TextBlocks I have to specify the size of the Font. This means when the element's size increases or decreases the Font size stays the same. Is there a way for the Font size to be dynamic? Cheers, James ...

Setting IE "Optical Zoom" feature using Javascript/CSS

The site I'm maintaining has been designed pretty rigidly using pixels for font sizes, dimensions, absolute positioning etc. Now there is a feature request to add font resizing by users. While I know that is impossible without redesigning the site from the ground up using relative dimensions, I discovered that the site plays pretty nice...

how to set LaTeX font size in millimeter?

hi, I need to set the font size in millimeters in my LaTeX document. how can I do that? thank you! ...

Shortcut for changing font size in Visual Studio

Does anybody know if there is a shortcut or something similar for changing the font size in the editor in Visual Studio 2008? What I mean is something like Ctrl + MouseWheel as in FireFox. Accessing the Options window and then selecting Environment > Fonts and Colors is fine if you don't have to change the font size all the time, but i...

How do you change the emacs init file to customize the font for new frames?

I want to know, what text do I have to input in the .emacs file so that it uses a especific font (like the clean 5x8) on the new frames, such as with the speedbar. I can modify the speedbar font size and type by using SHIFT-LeftClick but I want it to stay by default. ...

font size not applied in IE8

Guys, This is driving me mad... I was doing my sandbox website when out of the blue I start to realize that in IE8 (IE7 compatible view or not) does not show CSS font proper... in the image below I removed all CSS and add only one: body { font-size: 11px; } and this is (sadly) the result: Is there any soul willing to...

Retrieving available font sizes on Windows

When I open the Windows Common Font Dialog, it lists, for each font, a bunch of sizes. For all of the OpenType/TrueType fonts, it has the same list - 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18... For bitmap fonts, the list varies according to the available bitmaps. "Small fonts" has 2,3,4,5,6,7, while plain old Courier has 10, 12, 15. I don't know, b...

iphone set a fixed font size for UILabels

I have several UILabels of various sizes on my Views. I want all the UILabels to have the same font size no matter how wide or tall my UILabels are. I have tried several settings in IB but nothing seems to get me that fixed font size. I am sure I am missing something simple. Can someone please clue me in? ...

ridonkulous large-font display issue. fontSize shatters words all over

I'm in the midst writing a Lessig-Method slideware object in javascript (so something fun, not important), and I keep encountering strange text layout anomalies, the likes of which I can't say I've ever seen. And yet, they are pervasive across my slides. The background is straight-forward. Presentation has Slides, and Slides have Lines....

Font size in pixels

On an iPhone how do I calculate the size of a character in pixels for a given point size? ...

How to get the glyph size of a font?

Under Solaris 8, CDE, I want to write a script that displays two or more applications on a screen, with a 5% margin. The method depends on the -geometry argument, which we're ok with. This needs to be able to be resolution independent, and that's turning out to be a problem. Some of the applications (dtterm/xterm), measure the -geometry...

What scaling factor to use for mapping the Font size on a high resolution monitor?

We have a requirement where our application needs to support high resolution monitors. Currently, when the application comes up in High res monitor, the text that it displays is too small. We use Arial 12 point font by default. Now to make the text visible, I need to change the font size proportionally. I am finding it tough to come up...

how to make vim recognize CJK characters and render them larger than ASCII?

Hello there, I am using vim to work on both Chinese and Western text. The default font size is okay for Western text, but the Chinese characters, while readable, are too small for my taste. Can I tell vim to render CJK fonts with, say, 14pt while not affecting the font size of all other text? Thanks for your ideas/solutions! Guba ...

Flexible 'em' style Fonts with wxPython

Im looking for a way to present a flexible font, that will increase and decrease in size according to to the size of the screen resolution. I want to be able to do this without the HTML window class. Is there a way? I thought I've done quite a bit of googling without success. EDIT This seems a good question, I changed the title to r...

How to Increase Font Size in the xcode editor?

Either this is a nightmare or it really does not seem to bother anyone that to increase font-size in xcode is a pain in the butt ... I googled and no one seems to have answer to this question ... please tell me its a nightmare. ...

Java: Fonts and Pixels

Hello, I'm making a game and in the menu I want to display the text in the center of the screen. Is there a way in Java to get/calculate the width of a piece of text in a specified font with specified size and style. Martijn ...