
substring() in for loop causing "StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1"

public class Asterisk { public static void main(String[] args) { String output=""; int count=1, input; System.out.println("Input the size of the triangle from 1 to 50:"); input = 5; for(count=1;count <= input;count++) { output += "*"; System.out...

What are the practical differences between while(true) and for(;;)?

I personally use while(true) for endless loops, but I've seen examples online that use for(;;). Practically speaking, are there any differences between the two, or is it just a stylistic thing? ...

loop for these iterations

I am trying to loop the below iteration, the code is below and i will try and break it down aswell. <?php function intr($LoanRequired, $TermMonths, $MonthlyPayment, $rate) { $intr= $LoanRequired * pow((1 + $rate), $TermMonths) + $MonthlyPayment * ((pow((1 + $rate), $TermMonths) - 1) / $rate); return $intr; } $x0=0...

Increasing number part of UIImageView variable in a for loop ?

Hi all, I have a three UIImageView variables called myPicture1, myPicture2 and myPicture3. In a for loop I am trying to increase the number at the end of myPicture by 1 so that I can assign a random image to each of the three variables. Here is the code below : for (i=0; i<3; i++) { int g = arc4random() % 19; NSString *imagename = [...

python: does `for i in obj.func()` re-run `func` every iteration?

let's say I have the following code: for a in object.a_really_huge_function(): print a In order to prevent a_really_huge_function from running multiple times, I am used to doing this in other languages: a_list = object.a_really_huge_function() for a in a_list: print a Is that necessary in Python? Will the part after in run ...

Java or Groovy equivalent of python for loop + izip

Hi, Does anyone know the java or groovy equivalent of a python for loop using izip? python example: for item_one, item_two in izip(list_one, list_two): I'd like to do the same in java or groovy Thanks ...

How to obtain and push JSON data into Arrays? [AS3]

Hi Stackers, so I have a JSON link that contains a couple of nodes (not sure what you call them in JSON) that I need to put into arrays in ActionScript, but I'm still having trouble trying to trace out all the specific node content. I found a similar question here, but the fix just showed how to trace out the entire JSON file (which sho...

Python - Way to restart a for loop, similar to "continue" for while loops?

Basically, I need a way to return control to the beginning of a for loop and actually restart the entire iteration process after taking an action if a certain condition is met. What I'm trying to do is this: for index, item in enumerate(list2): if item == '||' and list2[index-1] == '||': del list2[index] *<some ...

Adding up the sum of random generated numbers in a for loop

class Class1 { [STAThread] static void Main(string[] args) { int lap, avg = 0; double time = 0; Random generator = new Random(); time = generator.Next(5, 10); for (lap = 1; lap <= 10; lap++) { time = (generator.NextDouble())* 10 + 1; Console.WriteLine("Lap {0} with a lap time of {1} seconds!!!!"la...

for loop in batch file programming

I have not much knowledge in batch file programming. I like to know the working of for loop mainly. For this i think a small sample program will be helpful to me. So i want a simple program to display the first 'n' natural numbers.Any help please... ...

How would you keep a Math.random() in javascript from picking the same numbers multiple times?

I have an array var words = []//lots of different words in it. I have a Math.floor(Math.random()*words.length) that chooses a random word from the array. This is run in a loop that runs for a random number of times (between 2 and 200 times). I would like to make sure that the random numbers do not get chosen more than once during the tim...

Loop Trick - How to show one attribute if... ?

Hi! I'm looking for a function we can use in a loop to do this: <% for rink in @rinks_in_region %> <%= #Show Only if city (n-1) != n %> <%= link_to_rink(" Ice Rink",rink) %> <br> <% end -%> Basically just show the city only if it's different than the previous one. Make sense? Thanks for your help! ...

How to display the <div> as per data count displayed below?

Hi I have to display below snippet according to data available in DB <div id="testimonial-row"> <div id="testimonial"> <ul> <li>"Hello World"</li> </ul> </div> <div id="testimonial"> <ul> <li>"Hello World"</li>...

Create a random token, check for a duplicate.

I have a php script that makes a random token (A-Z, a-z, 0-9): function token($length) { $characters = array( "A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","J","K","L","M", "N","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z", "a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","m", "n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z", ...

What's the C# equivalent of Java's "for (String currLine: allLines)"?

I've got some Java code along the lines of: Vector<String> allLines = new Vector<String>(); allLines.add("line 1"); allLines.add("line 2"); allLines.add("line 3"); for (String currLine: allLines) { ... } Basically, it reads a big file into a lines vector then processes it one at a time (I bring it all in to memory since I'm doing a mu...

For and While loops: differences, question, and reasons.

Hi there. I'm trying to figure out some answers to some questions and some difference between While and For loops in C++ and also the reasons? Here's what I've come up with so far. According to While is: while (expression) statement and For is: for (initialization; condition; increase) sta...

How to continuously add to a variable on iteration of a for-loop, with jQuery?

I'm trying to increase a number on each iteration of a for loop, in jQuery (1.4.2), by the width of the previous element. I've tried the following: var $lis = $('#bookmarks > li'), liHeight = parseInt($lis.height()), numLis = $lis.length; console.log(numLis); var totalLeft = '0'; console.log(totalLeft); for (i=1; i<numLis; i++) { ...

How to make this function recursive

void print_combinations(const std::string &str) { int i, j, k; int len = str.length(); for (i = 0; i < len - 2; i++) { for (j = i + 1; j < len - 1; j++) { for (k = j + 1; k < len; k++) // show combination ...

[R] -- How to start a loop with a first guess?

This is comp sci 101 stuff, but I couldn't find an answer applicable to R (or matlab). I have a for loop that I want to initialize with a first guess (all zeros here, but maybe something else later), but I want to keep updating with each iteration. What I have below works, but it kind of clunky and embarrassing. I would like to avoid t...

What's wrong with this For loop?

I can't get this program to count the spaces, I have a feeling there is a logic error in the loop, but I am too inexperienced to figure it out myself. Any tips? System.out.print("Enter a string: "); String myString =; int numBlanks = 0; //find string length int length = myString.length() - 1; System.out.println("length ...