
How do I get Ajax form submissions to work in MVC?

I'm very new to the AJAX and Javascript world and I'm trying to implement Scott Hanselman's example of form submission to update part of a page. I have copied his example almost word-for-word and I can't seem to get it to work. When I click the submit button the controller action is called successfully but the result is rendered in the b...

Java: Form Submission in MVC : What is the best practice?

I am using a MVC framework which is a bit like struts. So, say I have a "Edit Store" link in my application this is how the url would look like: http://localhost:9080/test?action=editStore&storeNum=10 Now, action determines my Action (analogous to Struts Action) to be run. The corresponding action here is: EditStoreAction. Clicking...

Alert box a good practice or not

I have a web form with more than 10 fields that are submitted to the database. So before submitting the values I am doing JavaScript validation. Currently I am using JavaScript validation and shows an alert box if an error occurs in data entry. Is it a good practice to show alert box when JavaScript validation fails or should I use asp...

Use jQuery to dynamically alter Form GET target on Submit

I would like to submit a form, specifically an input field to a URL based on the input field's value using GET. Example: Input field value is "test". Submit GETs Example: Input field value is empty. Submit GETs Example: Input field value is "123". Submit GETs www.myurl....

Jquery form submit with PHP

Hi there, I need help with what I thought would be a simple form submit problem with Jquery, but am running into issues. I have a form, #listing_step_1, in which the user first selects a category from a dropdown. When a category has been selected, if the user clicks "next", the subcategory dropdown is revealed. When both a category a...

How to create the automatic mass form submitter script to be used on the 3rd part websites, where I know their fields names-values ?

I need a script that can handle the following tasks. Take user data from my database and fill in and submit / post data to forms located on third part websites.: So I want to know if is it hard to create or do somebody knows if does exists some script for mass form submissions in PHP -Javascript-Ajax ? I run Dancers & Hostess & Model j...

jQuery: modify hidden form field value before submit

I have the following code in a partial view (using Spark): <span id="selectCount">0</span> video(s) selected. <for each="var video in Model"> <div style="padding: 3px; margin:2px" class="video_choice" id="${video.YouTubeID}"> <span id="video_name">${video.Name}</span><br/> <for each="var thumb in video.Thumbnails"> ...

<input type="image"> doesnt seem to be posting.

I can't figure out why... This works: <?php if($_POST['test']) echo "posted"; ?> <form method="POST" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>"> <input type="submit" name="test" /> </form> and this doesn't: <?php if($_POST['test']) echo "posted"; ?> <form method="POST" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>"> ...

Why does mvc form submits itself on button clicks when javascript function error?

hi guys, i'm new to the mvc, and while working on this, i used very basic mvc stuff like beginform, etc. i used a lot of jquery codes this round for client side validation, ajax data retrieval, and other gui works. and i used a combinations of html inputs buttons, etc and the mvc type of controls. what i noticed...

Response.Redirect not firing due to code to prevent re-submission

I have an event which needs to contact some third party providers before performing a redirect (think 'final payment page on ecommerce site') and hence has some lag associated with its processing. It is very important that these third party providers are not contacted more than once, and sometimes impatient users may try and refresh the ...

jQuery plugin for pop up message after form submission

Does anyone know any jquery plugin to show successful pop up message after form submission? ...

Can I validate and submit a form by a hyperlink control in

Possible to use a link control to validate and submit a form? What would be the code to tie the click event of the link control to the submission functions? (I prefer link buttons much more than input buttons for styling across browsers.) ...

security component of cakephp restricts form submission

Hi all, I am facing a strange problem with the security component. I have a form with following fields in it: First Name (firstname) Last Name (lastname) Primary Email (primaryemail) Password (password) Retype Password Secondary Email (secondaryemail) Residence Address (address) State City (city_id) Location (location_id) Designation ...

HTML Form with Required Fields, Confirmation Dialog box, and Submission Summary

I have an HTML form that uses a PHP file in the form tag action="" for sending the content of the form as an email. I have a simple JavaScript for required fields that is called for in the form tag onsubmit="". My PHP file returns a summary of the form after it is submitted. All I need to add is a simple confirmation dialog box. But I...

Only getting the first character when accessing post variable

A common way I handle things in Drupal is to create a CCK type, and then create a custom submit handler to perform logic on the CCK fields when the node is submitted. However, I have been unable to get the value when the CCK field type is a Date field because the array is structured differently. UPDATE - João Guilherme had a much simple...

PHP - Self form submission: $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] OR action="" ?

Hello all, I just realise that, for some weird circumstances, I was doing what I believe to be self submissions, without any reference to PHP_SELF on the action form attribute. I'm puzzled, can we either use <?php echo filter_var($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); ?> Or action="" ? If not, on what circumstances sh...

Javascript Event Key Property Mixup in FF

This is a weird bug, indeed. In Chrome (6.0.472.62, latest) and IE8 (at least), this behaves correctly, but in FF (3.6.9, latest) both the click event and enter event register, making it hard to discern between the behavior. Check out this code:, click on the search box in the "results" and just hit enter. T...

JQuery Submit form from success function

Using the uploadprogress plugin to show the Progress Bar during file upload and try to submit the form from success function. But it doesn't work. Here is the url of the uploadprogress: jQuery('#review_form').uploadProgress({ progressURL:'jquery-uploadprogress-demo-simple.php'...