
Can I validate with javascript and then process with php?

I am creating a simple form. I would like to use embedded javascript to validate that the form is filled out and then, if it turns out to be valid, process the data with a php script. I don't know how to do this, because I don't know how to associate more then 1 script with a form. <form id="aform" name="aform" action="myvalidationscr...

How can I highlight empty fields in ASP.NET MVC 2 before model binding has occurred?

I'm trying to highlight certain form fields (let's call them important fields) when they're empty. In essence, they should behave a bit like required fields, but they should be highlighted if they are empty when the user first GETs the form, before POST & model validation has occurred. The user can also ignore the warnings and submit the...

How do I add a expiration date validation to this credit card form

<table border="1"> <tr> <td> <label for="month">Expiration Month</label> <select name="month"> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> var month = new Array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sept", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"); for (var m=0; m<month.length; m++) { document.write("<option>" +month[m]+ "</...

MVC 2 Validation without BuddyClasses

Hello EveryOne, i m using asp.NET MVC 2 for my current project and i need to validate form fields both on client and server side. for that i started with DataAnnotations. Now, i figure out that i have to write buddy class for every model or i have to go to designer generated code and put my annotations there (not a good idea though). if...

Zend Framework Form Element Validators - validate a field even if not required

Is there a way to get a validator to fire even if the form element isn't required? I have a form where I want to validate the contents of a texbox (make sure not empty) if the value of another form element, which is a couple of radio buttons, has a specific value selected. Right now I'm doing this by overriding the isValid() function o...

jquery form validation ASP.NET

Hi, I have read a few threads and look round the web but still haven't found a solution. I want to validate a form using jquery but the way in which the page is built is different from examples round the web. The whole page is wrapped in a from tag and not the actual individual form. The only way I have found so far is to use...

CodeIgniter Form Validation

I am trying to set up validation on a simple contact form that is created using the form helper. No validation at all occurs. What is wrong? In the code below, the “good” keyword always shows, regardless of what is entered into the form, and the saved values set via set_value are never shown. Controller // Contact function contact... validator control issue

I have a validator that check an input. i what that the validator displayed "valid" if the value is valid, and "invalid" if the value is hasnt passed the validation. can i manage this without adding an addional lable for the valid state(by setting the visibility: true/false)? does the validator control has am alternative value, or i ha...

How can I set the default for a Dropdown (created using the Form Helper) by using the Form_validation library in CodeIgniter?

In my view, I have: $form_prop = 'class="inp_step" id="bedrooms"'; echo form_dropdown( "bedrooms", array( null, 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10), null, $form_prop ); So how do I stick a <?php echo $this->validation->set_select('myselect', 'one'); ?> in there? ...

Custom Validations Error in Rails 3 beta4

I keep getting an error from the ActiveModel:EachValidator module when I try to use it as follows: class AnswerValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator def validate_each(record, attribute, value) record.errors[attribute] << (options[:message] || "question not answered") if value.nil? and !record.errors[attribute].include?(options[:m...

Add class to textbox when invalid, using .Net Validators

I'm working on a multipage form in .Net using AJAX (UpdatePanels). I am stuck right now trying to get a class added to the textbox that is invalid to basically highlight it red. I found a sample online using this code: $("span.invalid").bind("DOMAttrModified propertychange", function (e) { // Exit early if IE because it throws...

Codeigniter form validation config file not working

Hi, I'm using the technique of saving codeigniter form validation rules to a config file as specified here, but can't seem to get it working. I am also attempting to invoke validation callback functions from a Validation_Callbacks.php library which I'm autoloading via the autoload.php mechanism. Below is a snippet from my form_validat...

Display errors besides input fields and also in a vallidation summary using jquery validate plugin

Hi all, Using jQuery validation plugin, how can I configure it so that I have the error labels appear beside the input fields, and also inside a validation summary? I can make them either display besides the input fields OR inside a validation summary, but not in both. I'd like to have the error messages duplicated (one for the input f...

javascript date validation

Assume in my text box user enter like 18-06-2010 , Validation RULE if date is greater then current date then program should through the validation error like , PELASE ENTER PAST OR CURRENT DATE, DONT CHOOSE FUTURE DATE , Thanks ...

Web service does not accept input

I am working on a simple .Net 4.0 webservice. I created one method, which accepts a string input. I run the project in Debug mode so a page opens in my browser where I can enter an input and invoke the method of the service. Unfortunately I am getting the following error: System.Web.HttpRequestValidationException: A potentially dangerou...

How can I use CodeIgniter's set_value for a field that's an array?

I have a dropdown labeled "amenities[]" and it's an array. When I use CodeIgniter's form_validation, I want to re-populate it properly using set_value, but I'm not able to. Anyone have any input on this? ...

rails validate nested attributes

Artists have many Events. Events have many Artists. The join between these two models is called Performances. Currently the Event form creates the Performance but creates a new artist for each Artist added to the Event form. I would like the Event form to: Validate that an Artist can only be added to an Event once If an Artist with t...

render/redirect to new action when validation fails (rails)

Hey, I have a form where users can enter an isbn and it will try to lookup book data and save it. When validation fails for the isbn lookup (for example if somebody entered it incorrectly), I would like it to redirect to another form where users can enter data in manually if the isbn lookup fails (but not if other validations like numer...

Validating a <textarea> with jquery

Hello! i'm trying validate a form (all fields) with jQuery My code is valid only for the input area, but it's don't works for the <textarea>, anybody knows how i can fix this problem? $(".button").click(function() { // validate and process form // first hide any error messages $('.error').hide(); var name = $("input#name").val(); if ...

How to submit an ASP.NET MVC form using javascript and still validate on client side?

I have an ASP.NET MVC 2 form that is working perfectly, doing client side validation (using Data Annotations). Whenever users click on the submit button, client side validation kicks in before the form is actually posted back to the server. This is the actual code, really basic stuff: <% Html.EnableClientValidation(); %> <% using (Html...