
Make form remember earlier submitted values with CodeIgniter

Hey guys, I have this contact form with codeigniter, and what I want to do is, when the form is submitted but does not pass validation, I want the fields to contain earlier submitted values. There's one thing though: when the form is loaded all the fields already have a certain value assigned, so for example the "name field" shows "nam...

Default cursor to search bar on page open

I have recently made a new homepage for my company so that employees can access various cloud services such as fleet trackers etc easily. I also put a google search box on this page so that users would not feel the need to switch back to a search engine for their homepage. I achieved this by using this form. <form method="get" action=...

Parameters needed for talking to an HTML web form

Please view the page linked below to understand the question. How would I go about finding the name of that city/state/zip text input field? I need to allow a user to enter the city, state or zip into my own text field and then submit that to the above website's form but I don't know how to spec...

jqueryUI Sortable: handling .disableSelection() on form inputs

example: i have an un-ordered list containing a bunch of form inputs. after making the ul .sortable(), I call .disableSelection() on the sortable (ul) to prevent text-selection when dragging an li item. ..all fine but I need to re/enable text-selection on the form inputs.. or the form is basically un-editable .. i found a partial so...

Contact Form 7 - Microsoft Outlook 2007

Hi Has anyone come acrross this problem? I have setup a Wordpress install on a subdomain. It's only temporary subdomain and is just for testing. I've used a popular Wordpress contact form plugin called 'contact form 7' Any messages I submit via the test form come through fine in all but one email client. Microsoft Outlook 2007 It ...

jquery problems in IE6, anyone?

function validate_request_form(){ var valid = true; if ( document.request_form.firstname.value == "" ) { alert ( "Please fill in first name" ); valid = false; return false; } return valid; } $j('#video-request-form').submit(function() { if (!validate_request_form() ) return false; }); I am using this code to val...

Can we create a ajax form within a fieldset of another form?

Is this possible? The ajax form's purpose is to serve as a selector for the main form. ...

Visual C# 2010 Express: Same Form But Different Size on Win7 and WinXP

Hi, I'm using Visual C# Express 2010 both on my Win7 and XP. I have a Windows Form Application project, and there is SevenXPForm (inherits Form). I created it in Visual C# Express 2010 on Win7, and in the Properties panel, I set .MinimumSize = 300, 300 .Size = 300, 300 And a TabControl is in the middle of the Form: However, when...

Posting XML data with some Fields Using .net HttpWebRequest..

Hi to all I have a some problem while Posting xml data Using HttpWebRequest. Actually I want to Post 3 Form variables 2 of them are for credential and the third one is for XML data to an api, The api will authenticate and will process the xml data, and will return success if no error found. Here is what there documentation says. The ...

Magic Code?! - .aspx Fields Missing & Disappear from Source Code

Hi, I have a reeeaaally weird & strange problem with some form elements on a .ASPX page im working on.. the page form has a hidden slide-in on click of a div, section allowing the user to 'make a reservation'. The jQuery used to animate the slide works fine, and happens on click on the ticky check-box (id="rescheck"). The problem is, i...

Listing out JSON data?

How do i display the values that JSON returns? function akaiphoneResponse(searchText){ $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: Drupal.settings.basePath + 'akaiphone/response', data: 'search_text=' + searchText, success: function(data) { $("#search-results", this).empty(); var jsob =

Web Form Design - summary or edit

I'm working on an internal company website. Standard operation - search for an item, from a list, select one item. After clicking on an item in the list, should the next page be a webform with text boxes and other form controls to allow me to edit the entity or should it be a summary of the details? For a summary I would then select an...

Structure of php JSON output

this is continued from another question i asked: my search only returns 1 item, im pretty sure the problem lies somewhere in my php, im not too sure if im adding to the array properly, or it could be the javascript wich you can see on the above link, but i doubt it. my ph...

Two Forms on one page MVC

I am having jQuery tab control and first tab has a edit form and other tab is where users can upload images.Problem is that when I am on second tab and try to upload image it always validates the first form also. First tab Edit Form: <% using (Html.BeginForm()) {%> Second tab Form: <% using (Html.BeginForm("UploadImage", "Images", F...

The easiest way to create required fields in a form

I want to know if there is an HTML version, or simple version, of creating a form with required fields? Most of the solutions I've found online are too in depth for me. I'm looking for something quick and easy. ...

Remembering which display application was closed on

Fairly straightforward question: How can I tell a VB6 application to remember what display it was closed on, and then when the application is launched again, to display the main form on that monitor? ...

Python/Tkinter window events and properties

I've been searching for information on the following Tkinter window features without success. Platform is Windows, Python 2.7. At the end of this post is code that can be used to explore Tkinter window events. How can one detect window minimize/maximize events? The event object returned by binding to a window's event does contain any ...

Preventing PHP Errors after submitting HTML Form

I've built an HTML form that sends an email via PHP, but it's giving me some errors that look like this: Notice: Undefined variable: selected_radio in /webdocs/com-interplay2010-www-1i/webroot/holiday2010/submit.php on line 8 Notice: Undefined index: gender in /webdocs/com-interplay2010-www-1i/webroot/holiday2010/submit.php on line 12 ...

Questions on practical usage of ajax with jquery

I'd been reading up on implementing ajax with jquery. Am I right to say, $.ajax() is the only function we ever need? ie. we don't actually need the $.get $.post functions? Lastly, lets say we're building this ajax form, we should bind the $.ajax function to a submit button using .click? We don't actually need to enclose the button in a...

Prevent redirect after form is submitted

I have an HTML form that submits an email with PHP, and when it submits, it redirects to that PHP page. Is there a way to prevent this redirect from happening? I built an animation with jQuery that I want to occur instead of redirecting. I tried return false;, but it wouldn't work. Here's my function: $(function() { $('.submit').cli...