
How can I sign someone out using forms authentication and wcf

I have an aspx page that I log the user in using forms authentication. Later on I want to log the user out using a call to a wcf service that I created. The wcf service will call formsauthentication.logout... I try this but it doesn't seem to work.. ...

Forms authentication infinite loop

I have an application that works great on localhost with forms authentication. I deployed it to the deployment machine and it to the build machine and received and endless set of 302 redirects. I try logging onto the deployment machine and access the page via the deployment machines ip and it works again. So it is not working when I t... Forms authentication ticket compatiblity mode

In forms authentication there is a new option in .net 4.0 called ticket compatiblity mode. What does this mean and what will it do for me if I switch it to 4.0? Framework40 vs Framework20 I recently ran into a problem where the client machine was off from the server time and forms authentication stopped working. Would this solve it s...

Get last activity after timeout in ASP.NET WebForms

I have an ASP.NET WebForms page with forms authentication. When users create a login, I use 'remember me' to create the authentication cookie. What I now want to do is check the time of their last access. But LastLogin time is updated only when the user uses the login control (which they don't need to use when they have the authenticati...

silverlight forms authentication heartbeat

I have a silverlight application protected by forms authentication. I want the forms authentication to stay alive as long as the silverlight application is up. I created a heartbeat web.service that silverlight calls. In the web motheod I set a session variable. However I am still having trouble with the forms authentication kicking ...

AuthenticationService doesn't seem to set CurrentUser.Identity.IsAuthenticated to true. What am I doing wrong?

Hi All, I did the walkthrough here. I'm trying to Authenticate a user on the first call into a service and then each subsequent call, verify that the user is authenticated, and call a method. I'm having all kinds of trouble. CurrentUser.Identity.IsAuthenticated always seems to be false. On Application_AuthenticateRequest I run this... ...

ASP.NET Updating the FormsAuthenticationTicket

Hi, when a user logins into my site i create the following authenticate ticket: // Create the authentication ticket var authTicket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(1, // Version userName, // Username DateTime.UtcNow, // Creation DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(10080), // ...

Form Authentication IsOnline method does not retrieve the correct status

Hello, I am using Form Authentication in an ASP.NET MVC project. When the current user click on the Exit link the code execute an action that does in sequence: System.Web.Security.FormsAuthentication.SignOut(); Session.Abandon(); The second call is not properly needed because I am not using session at all. The problem is that if I...

Export Data, Add Security With a Dynamic Data Site

I just built my first DDS and I like how simple it was to do, and how much functionality comes right out of the box. I was able to customize the various pages a bit, though there are two things I still need to do, and I'm not sure where to go. There is not a lot of writing on DDS's yet, surprisingly, at least not in books. Problem 1: ...

ASP.NET auth, exclude root & allow anonymous

Hi All, We have a weird issue found during setting up a new Windows 2003 Server with IIS6.0 & ASP.NET 2.0, our site is built using ASP.NET forms authentication with general authorization to deny access to all users & allow explicitly to static, home pages etc, -- web.config setting for forms auth looking as below: <authentication ...

Sql Windows Authentication Popup

Hi All, First of all i should say when i used IIS 6.0 and i escaped windows authentication popup, i gave 401 error and i redirected weblogin page. Now i use IIS 7 with similar system but i can't get windows authentication popup, so directly go weblogin page. What is the difference between IIS 6 and IIS 7, why cant i get windows authent...

Forms authentication and server time

I have a server that gets it time reset to 7 hours in the past. When this happens forms authentication no longer works. When I resync the time with the server time it works again. What could be causing this? It is actually and issue for me more so then changing the time, because I don't think it will be possible to keep all the clien...

Programmatically enable forms authentication in IIS 7.0

I'm currently using System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry and the 'AuthFlags' property therein to set Anonymous access to a virtual web. To enable anonymous access I give it a value of 1. What value do I need to set to enable forms auth? I have this idea in the back of my head that maybe this is only set via the web.config? ...

ASP .Net: Authorization issue

Guys, I am having some trouble when I use ASP .Net 4's URL Routing feature while Authorization rules configured. Global.asax void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) { RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes); } private void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes) { routes.MapPageRoute("dashboard", "", "~/Restricted/Default..., where to store the username of logged in user?

When a user log into my site I use the following code: FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(userid, false); As I often need to use the userid I can then later get the userid by: string userid = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name; Now I also want to show the logged in username on each page and my question...

Windows Authentication to Custom Authentication working with Profile

I Use windows authentication with profile and wanted to flip to a custom authentication. My question is How can I specify that my user is authenticated and how to set the Profile.UserName. I Know the Profile.UserName is ReadOnly . In my Web.Config, i change the authentication mode="None" and configure IIS to enabled Anonymous. In the...

Forms Authentication Ignoring Default Document

Hello all, I have spent a day and a half trying to resolve this issue. Bascially have an website with Forms Authentication on IIS7 using Framework 4.0. The Authorization stuff seems to be working perfectly for every scenario with the exception of hitting it with no document specifed (Should resolve to Default Doc). For exampl...

When I add FormsAuthentication to ASP.NET MVC2 site in IIS7.5 I get HTTP 403.14 error

I have written a custom forms authentication module and when I add it to the web.config of my MVC2 application and run under IIS7.5 I get the HTTP 403.14 error. If I try to navigate to any of the routed Urls then I simply get a 404 error. The annoying thing is that I did all the testing using Cassini with no problems at all. I have appli...

Forms authentication not forgetting me

I am using an ASP Login control to authenticate users, however even if the user doesn't check the 'Remember Me' check box the user will not be forgotten, even if they close their browser, shutdown their PC and open it up again. Authentication is: <authentication mode="Forms"> <forms name=".ASPXFORMSAUTH" loginUrl="~/Default.aspx" tim...

disable auto logout feature in

Im using forms authentication. I want my application should not logout the user automatically after sometime. ...