
Formview problem

I have a form view, in the edit template I have two drop downs. Drop down 1 is explicitly set with a list of allowed values. It is also set to autopostback. Drop down 2 is databound to an objectdatasource, this objectdatasource uses the first dropdown as one of it's parameters. (The idea is that drop down 1 limits what is shown in drop ...

ScriptManager.RegisterClientScript in a UserControl within a FormView inside an Async Panel.

I'm having an annoying problem registering a javascript event from inside a user control within a formview in an Async panel. I go to my formview, and press a button to switch into insert mode. This doesn't do a full page postback. Within insert mode, my user control's page_load event should then register a javascript event using Script...

How do I capture inputoutput parameter value after a Formview Insert template runs stored procedure in .NET 2.0?

I have a formview that executes a insert stored procedure through a table adapter as normally done. Except when the insert fails a output parameter on the sp called error_msg is set to "Insert failed because XXXX is required". how do I capture this value and print it on the screen for the user? I can't seem to find locate it. ...

Formview Being Cleared

My problem is that all the textbox's my formview are getting cleared when I hit the submit button. I currently have a page with a small section that has an update panel around it. This small section adds an address to my databse. To the left of this form there is a gridview that is tied into the formview. So if i click on an item in the...

ASP.NET Formview Item Inserting Event

Hi All, I'm using the FormView control in ASP.NET for a simple form to insert into a MS SQL DB. I have an event for onItemInserting to set some values behind (such as time stamp, etc) and was curious how to check some user entered values in the onItemInserting event and cancel the item from being inserted. The reason I want to do it in ... Date Binding Issue with Nulls

I have a nullable date in my database. I am connecting to it with a LinqDataSource, and binding with a FormView. It allows you to place dates fine, but if you remove the date I need it to insert the null value to the db. It is instead throwing an exception. <asp:TextBox ID="TxtStartDate" runat="server" Text='<%# Bin...

How to use the TabContainer control inside a templated FormView?

Is it possible to use a TabContainer inside a templated FormView like so: <ItemTemplate> <cc1:TabContainer ID="TabContainer1" runat="server"> <cc1:TabPanel ID="Tab1" runat="server"> <HeaderTemplate>Tab One</HeaderTemplate> <ContentTemplate> ...

DropDownList.SelectedValue changes (as a child control in a FormView) aren't sticking

Okay, I have a FormView with a couple of child controls in an InsertItemTemplate. One of them is a DropDownList, called DdlAssigned. I reference it in the Page's OnLoad method like so: protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ((DropDownList)FrmAdd.FindControl("DdlAssigned")).SelectedValue = ((Guid)Membership....

Can't Rebind FormView Control on Postback

Greetings! I have a DropDownList within a FormView which are bound to XmlDataSources: <asp:FormView ID="MyFormView" runat="server" DataSourceID="MyXmlDataSource"> <ItemTemplate> <h1><%# XPath("SomeNode")%></h1> <asp:Label ID="MyLabel" runat="server" AssociatedControlID="MyDdl" Text='<%# XPath("SomeOtherNode")%>' /> ...

ASP.NET - Ajax requests with jQuery

Hi, I've got this textBox which triggers off an ajax request using jQuery: <asp:TextBox ID="postcodeTextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("POSTAL_ZIP_CODE") %>'> $(document).ready(PageLoad); function PageLoad() { $(container + 'parentProjectTextBox').change(GetProjectName); } function GetProjectName() { var projectNumber = ...

Binding a DataTable to a FormsView control in ASP.NET

Hi, I have a FormView control which uses the DataSource control for binding. It has the Item Template and therefore automatically displays the New, Edit , Delete buttons which then pick the appropriate queries from the DataSource control queries. If i had to do the mapping of the New, Edit and Delete buttons of the FormView control fro...

Seeking Advice: Updating a FormView Based on DropdownList Value

Greetings! I'm looking for some advice regarding an approach to displaying data in a FormView based on a selection of a DropDownList within that FormView control. For example, I have a UserControl with the following: <asp:XmlDataSource ID="xdsMyXmlData" runat="server" EnableCaching="false" XPath="Root/Membership" /> <asp:FormView ID="...

ASP.NET: Best practice for binding Usercontrols inside a formview

Hello, I need to edit a complex object with complex properties using a web form. For example, editing a "User Information" record that contains all kinds of information about a user, including complex things like a unique tree for each user. What I did was this: I created a web form with a Formview control, and set the object I want to...

CheckBoxList with multiple values bound to a single flag enum

I have a FormView (bound to an ObjectDataSource) that contains a CheckBoxList that I'd like to bind to a single property of the underlying object that is an Enum with the FlagsAttribute applied to it. Binding to the SelectedValue property always gives me just the FIRST selected value from the list as the property's value. Anyone know h...

Databound FormView linked to DropDown, How to set initial item?

I have a dropdown bound to a datasource, this dropdown is also used to select the index for the FormView on the same page. As per ASPNET examples How do I set the initial item, so when the EditPage containing the DDL and Formview is displayed it is displaying a certain item? ...

RadUpload in FormView in RadAjaxPanel

I have a RadUpload in the edit template of a FormView. My desired behaviour is Formview should open in ReadOnly Mode On clicking the update button, a postback should occur So the desired transition scheme is ReadOnly->Edit should be Ajaxified Edit->Readonly should be postback. I have tried using this post, but I cannot access the u...

Controls not retaining values after postback when FormView set to insert mode

I am setting the CurrentMode of a FormView to insert mode using the ChangeMode method in the Page_Load event like so: if(!Page.IsPostBack) { MyFormView.ChangeMode(FormViewMode.Insert); } Within my FormView's insert template I have a DropDownList control with it's AutoPostBack property set to true. I also have several other DropDo...

FormView ConvertEmptyStringToNull and binding

I'm using a FormView with an ObjectDataSource and binding using <%# Bind("WhateverProp") %> - and all of my nullable columns are coming back with default values of the type in them. It appears that the FormView object doesn't have a ConvertEmtpyStringToNull property like the other binding containers do. I've found articles suggesting...

How does FormView EditTemplate update values in ObjectDataSource UpdateParameters under the hood?

Hello gurus, I have a FormView bound to an ObjectDataSource. * ObjectDataSource definition (omitted portion of it for simplicity)* <asp:ObjectDataSource ID="odsHousehold" runat="server" TypeName="BLL.Households" ConflictDetection="OverwriteChanges" UpdateMethod="UpdateHousehold" > <UpdateParameters> ...

Innovastudio in formview in an updatePanel

I have a webform that has two UpdatePanels, one with a GridView and the other a FormView (Master / Detail). When a record is seleceted from the GridView the FormView displays the detail of the record in Edit mode. One of the asp:TextBox inside the FormView should become a InnovaStudio WYSIWYG editor. The problem I have is when the Form...