formview Formview Usercontrols "deep save" - why am I not getting replies?

Hi, it seems my question is unlikely to get replies - I wonder why: did I miss someting? Is it too easy & obvious for you guys? Or too tough? (No, it can't be - I'd bet) Would you need more details? Sure, I didn't post a...

Form View Manually Setting the DataSource Does not Show Template

I am currently programming an ASP .NET FormView. The twist here is that I need to manually set the datasource via "FormView.DataSource = ". I added an ItemTemplate and added some form in the form view but even if the line of code that set the datasource view is called and the FormView.DataBind() is called, I still cannot see the data. I...

Form view Insert Mod

hi i am using formview and sqldatasouce. every thing is fine but when i have no record in my table nothing(no formview) is shown on the page. i want that when my table has no record then formview should be shown but in Insert Mod. can any body help me to resolve this? thanks in advance ...

ObjectDataSource trouble

I have been given a small project by the company I have applied for. They want a small application using GridView, FormView and an ObjectDataSource with a DataSet (xsd) file. I have been doing 3-tier applications but in a different way, I have my DataAccess layer as a c sharp file with methods accepting params and returning datat...

The FormView 'x' fired event ModeChanging which wasn't handled.

Ok, so I'm struggling with using asp:formview. I've got the formview up and running and I've added the 'Edit' button. <asp:FormView runat="server" id="fwHotelDetails" DataKeyNames="id" OnDataBound="fwHotelDetails_DataBound" OnModeChanging="fwHotelDetails_ModeChanging" > <ItemTemplate> // (..) some code here which outputs s...

Not able to display content in <EditItemTemplate> in FormView

What am I doing wrong since the content in the < EditItemTemplate > is not displayed when I click the Edit button? <asp:FormView runat="server" id="fwHotelDetails" DataKeyNames="id" OnDataBound="fwHotelDetails_DataBound" OnModeChanging="fwHotelDetails_ModeChanging"> <ItemTemplate> //display content here <asp:LinkButton ID="Ed...

FormView to Excel - How to pull data from controls in template to place in cells.

Here is the layout, I have a FormView control with dynamic data coming in from a SQL server. I am using the ReadOnly mode of the FormView. How can I tweak the PrepareFormViewForExport method to remove the textboxs and leave the values in the FormView behind? Right now the output is showing labels but leaving out the values from the textb...

How do I Get FormView values when I process the form?

On ItemUpdating, I have only found one solution to retrieve field values. I have not been successful i retrieving only updated values. Is there a better way, than the way I do it now? protected void fwHotelDetails_ItemUpdating(Object sender, FormViewUpdateEventArgs e) { TextBox tbName = (TextBox)fwHotelDetails.Row.FindC...

How do I default all my SqlDataSource parameters to convert empty string to null?

I have a project that utilizes a number of FormViews and SQLDataSources. I would like the default behavior of the SQLDataSource to insert values that are empty as null. I know I can do this by creating an insert parameter for each parameter, but this gets really old for having to do this for update and insert on every parameter that co...

ASP.NET ObjectDataSource, change CommandName property of FromView Button

I have an ObjectDataSource that I'm using with a FormView, and it works fine, but i want to change one small thing. On the FormView the button that fires the update has the CommandName attribute set to "Update," but I would like to change that attribute to something other than "Update" - when I do change that attribute the update no lon...

ASP.NET FormView.FindControl object reference error

I have a formview that has several textboxes inside of tr/td's. I'm trying to get the textboxes by using the .FindControl method but it's coming back null. The FormView is always in Edit mode (so I'm always in the EditItemTemplate) and i'm trying to load querystring values into the textboxes coming from the previous page so I do need t...

Getting the bound field name at runtime

If you bind a control in a FormView using two way binding (such as Text='<% #Bind("FieldName") %>'), how do you retrieve the field name "FieldName"? There are several things I want to do with this information; for example, I have a database table that contains a dump of all the field definitions from ERWin and I want to programmatically...

ASP.NET Can not Change Visibility of a Formview control

Hi I feel this is stupid, but what the hell... this is two lines of a methods that handles a dropdownlist event: resolve = (Button)FormView1.FindControl("btn_resolve"); resolve.Visible = true; It used to work with me earlier! Not working now ...

FormView_Load being overwritten C# ASP.NET

I've got a formview whose load event just decided to stop working. I did some debugging and noticed that it was reaching the code, but for whatever reason, the attributes that I am adding in the load event are no longer displaying on the screen. It's as if something is happening after the formview's load event that is reloading it with...

ASP.NET Nested Data Bound Controls

Say I have a Form View with a Repeater inside of it, and then a Data List nested inside of the Repeater. If I had an Update Command in the DataSource for the Form View would I be able to associate bound values within the Data List to parameters in the Form Views' DS? ...

Using FindControl: Accessing Controls in a Formview

I'm developing a simple Wedding List application, where guests can reserve the present they want to buy for the bride and groom. The Reserve page wraps a few fields inside a couple of panels, all wrapped inside a FormView. The user enters their name, email and the quantity of items that they want to reserve, and the page will make the n...

Where Set ListBox Selected index if inside a FormView?

Where in the event life cycle should I set the ListBox.SelectedIndex if the Listbox is contained within a FormView? What I'm trying to do is increase the SelectedIndex by 1 which makes it move from item to item whenever a user clicks on a submit button. ...

Problem using FormView to insert.

I have a formview control, and on the ItemCreated event, I am "priming" some of the fields with default values. However, when I try to use the formview to insert, before the ItemInserting event gets called, for some reason it calls ItemCreated first. That results in the fields being over-written with the default values right before t... - Possible to have formview edit data across multiple tables?

Hi There, I am attempting to construct a formview that will edit two related objects at once. In basic terms, I have a Linq To SQL object of teacher which has exactly one school. The formview has no problem displaying the data, but when in edit mode will only save the changes done to the parent object. Changes to the school data are seem...

two-way data binding within a FormView doesn't work when runat=server is used for the table row

I have an ObjectDataSource set up as follows: <asp:ObjectDataSource ID="AccountDataSource" runat="server" OldValuesParameterFormatString="original_{0}" SelectMethod="GetAccountByAccountID" TypeName="AccountBLL" InsertMethod="RegisterAccount" UpdateMethod="UpdateAccount"> <SelectParameters> <asp:QueryStringParameter Name=...