
Is it a problem to use the same IDs in different FormView templates?

I understand that only one FormView template is rendered at any given time, so is it ever a problem to reuse child control IDs? For example, the insert and edit templates are identical in this FormView, each has a TextBox in which a user may enter their name. Would it be a problem (or a bad idea) to give both text boxes the ID "NameTex...

"Current" object of an asp:FormView bound to an EntityDataSource

I have a FormView with paging enabled. The FormView is bound to an EntityDataSource ... <asp:EntityDataSource ID="MyEntityDataSource" runat="server" ConnectionString="name=MyEntitiesContext" DefaultContainerName="MyEntitiesContext" EntitySetName="Order" // ... more stuff to define a query </asp:EntityDataSource> ...

Bind list from FormView to model in webforms

For a large fillin form I use the FormView for the magic databinding to my model. In this model I've a property called Rides (shown below), which exposes a list, which I obviously not want to be replaced entirely. So I made it readonly. However, this way I can't use the databinding features anymore. Is there a common solution fo...

How to prevent asp:FormView from rendering as a table?

I have an asp:FormView with an ItemTemplate. I'd like to design the content within the FormView with some div elements: <asp:FormView ID="MyFormView" runat="server" > <ItemTemplate> <div class="block1"> Stuff... </div> <div class="block2"> Stuff... </div> ... ...

Not possible to load DropDownList on FormView from code behind??

I have a UserControl, containing a FormView, containing a DropDownList. The FormView is bound to a data control. Like so: <asp:FormView ID="frmEdit" DataKeyNames="MetricCode" runat="server" DefaultMode="Edit" DataSourceID="llbDataSource" Cellpadding="0" > <EditItemTemplate> <asp:DropDownList ID="ParentMetricCode" runa...

online quiz using ASP dot NET

Hii, I need to develop an online quiz website that would be having MCQs. I would want to have one question appearing per page with a Numeric Pager so that the user can go back and forth. I tried using the FormView for displaying the questions and RadioButtons. I created a class QANS that would hold the answer selected by the user for t...

Filling data in FormView from different tables

Hi, I am using a FormView in an online quiz page for displaying the questions and RadioButtons (for answers) Now, I need to pick the questions according to a TestID and a particular Set of that Test. The testid and the set_number would be passed using Session...

How to use ajax tabcontainer in formview?

How to add a tabcontainer in a formview template? I am sure i have a scriptmanager inside the page. but it keep compliaint "A ScriptManager is required on page to use ASP.NET AJAX Script Components. I have also tried move the ScriptManager inside the itemTemplate but same error. ...

Databinding in inner .ascx control and FormView

Hello colleagues, I have ascx control inside FormView. What I would like is use syntax Bind inside ascx. Here is my page: <asp:ObjectDataSource runat="server" ID="ods" TypeName="MyDS" SelectMethod="Get" UpdateMethod="Update" DataObjectTypeName="Ent"> </asp:ObjectDataSource> <asp:FormView runat="server" DefaultMode="Edit" ID...

How do i bind an image to a <asp:Image /> tag in Form View

First i have a getProfileImage.aspx which accepts a CusID and TN as query strings and display n image. So getProfileImage.aspx?CusID=10&TN=Y will show the image fine in the browser :) But... Now i am presented with a Form View and i want to bind the src of the image to get the image from the getProfileImage.aspx page... The following ...

Do FormViews not respond to commands issued from an ImageButton?

I am using ImageButtons in place of LinkButtons in a FormView to issue New/Edit/Delete/Cancel commands, but they don't seem to have an effect on the FormView. The ImageButtons will cause a postback but the FormView mode doesn't change from the current mode. I'm sure the ImageButtons were working at one point, but I've been busy with ot...

Textbox control in ASP.NET not to be part of a formview

I have to add a textbox inside a form that is composed of a lot of textboxes, and one button at the end. It has a datasource, all data is loaded in formload, and the button updates the values of the textboxes. The thing is: this particular textbox won't be in the datasource, I want to get this from the web.config, and I've already manage...

Databinding a multiselect ListBox in a FormView control

I have a multiselect ListBox within a FormView. I can't figure out how to setup the databinding for it. I can populate the listbox fine. If the listbox was a single select I could use say SelectValue='<%#Bind("col")%>' and that works fine. Is there something that I can bind to for a multiselect listbox? I've tried manually DataBinding by...

LoginView inside FormView control is not databinding on PostBack

I have a fairly simple form: <asp:FormView> <EditItemTemplate> <asp:LoginView> <RoleGroups> <asp:RoleGroup roles="Blah"> <ContentTemplate> <!-- Databound Controls using Bind/Eval --> </ContentTemplate> </asp:RoleGroup>...

How can I modify a custom object in an ASP.NET FormView based on a button click?

NB. I am going to be away until Tuesday next week. So all help is appreciated but I will be unable to comment/respond until then. I have a FormView that modifies an instance of a custom class. The various form controls (TextBox, DropDownList etc.) are working fine. However, I want to include a Button that will modify the state of the Da...

Can't find controls in FormView.InsertItemTemplate even on DataBound event

I have FormView in my page markup: <asp:FormView ruanat="server" ID="FormView1" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" OnDataBinding="FormView1_DataBinding" OnDataBound="FormView1_DataBound"> <InsertItemTemplate> <uc:UserControl1 runat="server" ID="ucUserControl1" /> </InsertItemTemplate> </asp:FormView> <asp:SqlDataSource runat="ser...

Using User Controls in FormView templates.

I find the repetition of sets of controls for each of the EditItemTemplate, InsertItemTemplate, and ItemTemplate templates of a FormView to be tedious and risky, in terms duplicating layout and code etc. I would much rather create a xxxDetails user control, and use this in each template, cutting layout and code location down to one loc...

FormView templates break when refactored to Master/Content

Let's say I have an abstract class IA, with subclasses A1, A2, A3. For each subclass, I had a page with a FormView to insert/edit/view, with code specific to that class. The templates for insert/edit/view are all very similar, so it was mostly cut & paste, and the compiler had no problem that there were controls with the same IDs in t...

how can i get last id inserted in formview

i have a form view after inserting record i want to know the last id of inserted record ...

How to access drop down list from EditItemTemplate of FormView

Hello friends, I have a formview on my aspx page containing various controls arranged using table. There is a DDL "cboClients" which i need to enable or disabled depending upon role within Edit mode. The problem here is that i am not able to get that control using FindControl() method. I have tried following code - DropDownList...