
Tool for program statistics

Is there a tool which is able to parse my source code (fortran, C or C++) and return statistics such as the number of loops, the average loop size, the number of functions, the number of function calls, the number, size and type of arrays, variables, etc ? Something similar to this which does not run easily on my architecture ...

define integer array fortran

Hello friends, I am a newbie in Fortran. Can any1 tell me how to define an integer array in prior. E.g. I want to define an array with no.of days in 12 months. like... integer,allocatable(12,1) :: days days=[31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31] Is this syntax correct? If not, please let me know the correct one. Thanks Praveen ...

tutorial on generating MSI

Exact duplicate: What is the best choice for building Windows installers Exact duplicate: Best Windows installation file creator I have a customer who is new to generating VB.NET programs that run Watcom FORTRAN programs. (Yes FORTRAN is alive in Numerical Control Programming) He is attempting to install the program on another computer...

How to make a fortran executable that runs on Mac OS X 10.5 and 10.6

I'd like to compile a fortran code with gfortran so that it will work on both Mac OS X 10.5 and 10.6. Is there a way to do this? I tried compiling on 10.6 and get this message when I run the executable on 10.5: dyld: unknown required load command 0x80000022 Trace/BPT trap ...

Fortran and mysql

Is there a library (opensource), so I can access MySQL in Fortran? ...

converting MATLAB code to Fortran

I a medical researcher with code written in MATLAB 2009b that runs very slowly because of a self-referential loop (not sure of the programming lingo here), i.e., the results of the first iteration is used during the second iteration, etc. (I have vectorized it to a fare-thee-well. I have run the Profiler.) I'd like to convert the slow...

Getting DebugBreak to work in Fortran

I found the following article: Unfortunately when I tried to implement this code and compiled I received the following error: Error 1 error #7286: This symbol has multiply declared DEC$ ATTRIBUTES ALIAS attribute. [DEBUGBREAK] 17...

Wave Watch 3 Fortran Compile Problem

Hey guys and gals, I'm just setting up the new WW3 and have compiled and run the test case 'ctest' and that works fine. Then when I try and compile and link one of the main programs I get the following error message.. ----compiling WAVEWATCH III---- Scratch Directory : /home/ww3/scratch Save source codes : yes Save listings : yes P...

Fortran - problem with double precision.

I have a small program that read some data from binary file and stores it into normal (unformatted) files. Here is the source: Program calki2e IMPLICIT NONE ! DOUBLE PRECISION VAL INTEGER P,Q,R,S INTEGER IREC2C PARAMETER( IREC2C=15000) INTEGER AND,RSHIFT,LABEL,IMBABS,NX,IB,NFT77 INTEGER IND ...

WinDbg and Intel Visual Fortran

Has anyone used WinDbg to debug an Intel Visual Fortran routine? If I have the Fortran source file that crashes with an AccViol, how can I use WinDbg to determine the line that is crashing? ...

Associated pointers in derived type? gFortran vs. Intel

Hello, I would like to check if a pointer inside a derived type has already been defined or not. I wrote the following simple code to show you my problem: program test implicit none type y real(8), pointer :: x(:) end type y type(y), pointer :: w(:) allocate(w(2)) allocate(w(1)%x(2)) write(*,*) associated(w(1)%x), associated(w(...

assigning values to an integer array within a Fortran module

hi, I have a module in Fortran called QFoo. It defines a type QFooType. I want to initialize all the elements of integer array 'is_n' to 0 and want to do it within the module. Could someone help? Thank you! module QFoo type QFooType integer::i integer, dimension(50) :: is_n ...

Getting started with a new code in an unfamiliar language

I'm starting a new project in a language I'm less familiar with (FORTRAN) and am in the 'discovery' phase. Normally reading through and figuring out code is a fairly simple task, however, this code is rather large and not so structured. Are there any methods/tips/tricks/tools to mapping out 50k lines of rather dense code? ...

Intel Visual Fortran Compiling Error

When I compiling the project, visual fortran keeps giving me this kind of error. The error is found on the code below dimension tairgl(12),eairgl(24),windgl(12),psisgl(12),yenang(98),yunazm(98) This is the error message given by the compiler. Error: Syntax error, found END-OF-STATEMENT when expecting one of: ( [ Anybody have any idea ...

Fortran compile error

I tried to compile a fortran program for soil-plant-atmosphere model, but I can't compile it under Ubuntu, it keeps giving me the error message like this: f77 -c -o o/cupin2.o src/cupin2.f src/cupin2.f: In subroutine `reflt': src/cupin2.f:742: dimension tairgl,eairgl,windgl,psisgl,hsoil,ecpy,hcpy ^ In...

AWK subtract numeric record two from record one

I cannot solve a very simple problem. My data file looks like: Crap Crap 0.123456789D+09 Crap Crap Crap Crap 0.123456798D+09 Crap Crap I need to use AWK to subtract the number in the third column; the SECOND row minus the FIRST row. I tried: cat crap.txt | awk '{ A[NR-1] = $3 } END { print A[1] - A[0] }' to no success. Maybe the f...

Fortran bus error on mac

The following Fortran code is giving me a bus error on my Mac but no errors when I run it on my Linux machine: PROGRAM TINY WRITE(UNIT=*, FMT=*) 'Hello, world!' END My understanding is that a bus error occurs when the program attempts to access impossible memory but I do not understand where such an attempt has been made in this...

What is "e" variable in popular implementations of Brent root finding algorithm?

I am reading the standard (Numerical Recipes and GSL C versions are identical) implementation of Brent root finding algorithm, and cannot understand the meaning of variable "e". The usage suggests that "e" is supposed to be the previous distance between the brackets. But then, why is it set to "xm" (half the distance) when we use bisect...

gfortran, DLL, underscore

I want to access some subroutines from a third party DLL. The functions use STDCALL as the calling convention. Running dumpbin /export foo.dll gives me something like: ... 7 6 00004B40 Foo@16 ... I compile my code using: gfortran test.f90 -o test.exe -Wl,foo.dll I get an error: undefined reference to '_f...

How to arrange elements of vector in Fortran?

Hi, I have two p*n arrays, y and ymiss. y contains real numbers and NA's. ymiss contains 1's and 0's, so that if y(i,j)==NA, ymiss(i,j)==0, and 1 otherwise. I also have 1*n array ydim which tells how many real numbers there is at y(1:p,n), so ydim has values 0 to p In R programming language, I can do following: if(ydim!=p && ydim!=0...