
Lost use of forward slash in windows command prompt

I can no longer use / at the windows xp command prompt, and it seems to have started after a botched cygwin installation, e.g. cd /windows won't work, but used to. Can anyone think of how this might have happened? OOPS! It doesn't normally work in XP, though I had read that it does in Vista. I simplified my problem and it was wrong. Th...

Is it always safe to remove a trailing slash from a URL?

I'm storing URLs in a database, and I want to be able to know if two URLs are identical. Generally, a trailing slash at the end doesn't change the response you'd get from a server. (ie. is the same as Can I always blindly remove the trailing slash from any URL, without looking at anything? I...

How can I canonicalize Windows file paths in Perl?

Update: I can make this a simpler problem to solve: I want to figure out what the correct regex would be to substitute any single occurrence of a back slash with two back slashes. I want to turn this: vlc.plugin.path = C:\Program Files\JekyllV0.9.2\\VLC_1.0.0\\plugins into: vlc.plugin.path = C:\\Program Files\\JekyllV0.9.2\\VLC_1....

Is a slash ("/") equivalent to an encoded slash ("%2F") in the path portion of an HTTP URL

I have a site that treats "/" and "%2F" in the path portion (not the query string) of a URL differently. Is this a bad thing to do according to either the RFC or the real world? I ask because I keep running into little surprises with the web framework I'm using (Ruby on Rails) as well as the layers below that (Passenger, Apache, e.g., ...

Why does Java automatically decode %2F in URI encoded filenames?

I have a java servlet that needs to write out files that have a user-configurable name. I am trying to use URI encoding to properly escape special characters, but the JRE appears to automatically convert encoded forward slashes %2F into path separators. Example: File dir = new File("C:\Documents and Setting\username\temp"); String f...

whats the format for a string of forward slash / in c#

Hi, I'm using a htmlhelper where i give table data id's based on day and month values which are retrieved. The problem is the id is not recognized in the format it is. / seems to not be picked up yet when i replace '/' with '-' it works. daysRow.AppendFormat("<td id='{0}/{1}'>{0}</td>", day, d1.Month.ToString()); can anyone tell me h...

Do You Have to Escape a Forward Slash When Using Mod_Rewrite

I am very sorry if this question has been asked before, I have searched but I am still quite unsure. With regards to the forward slash "/" when giving a RegEx to RewriteRule or RewriteCond, or anything else related to .htaccess in particular, is there a need to escape the forward slash? Here is an example of what I am trying to achieve...

AS3 - Allow Forward Slash In Input Text?

i'm trying to allow forward slash to be entered in my input text field myInputField.restrict = "A-Za-z.\\-\\/"; the above text field should allow upper case letters, lower case letters, periods, hyphens and forward slashes. however, i can't seem to permit the forward slash. ...

ASP.NET MVC 2. Javascript Error when deployed to IIS7.

Hello guys and girls Been working on a ASP.NET MVC 2 solution for some time now and today I decided to test in in the IIS7 so I could put in on a company server for my colleagues to play with. However I got quite a surprise when I hosted it. I started to get Javascript errors in code that worked while running it locally in my VS2010. ...