
Use Web Application Project as Server Project Microsoft Sync Framework

Hello, I'm using WEB Application as a Server in my solution. I have in this project web services which I use to download data to local database ( in client project). Now I'm swithing to sync framework but during wizard steps I have problem in choosing Server Project Location because my Web Application Project isnt visible there. How can...

Routing problem with Kohana 3.0

Hi, in my current project ive a controller tree like this: Controller - ------Admin - ------------user.php ------otherClass.php Where controller and admin are folder and user and otherClass are the classes. If i want to call any otherClass method the url would be this one: But when i try to call the use...

app with Scanning functionality for iphone os 3.x+ with framework of os 4.0+

I am currently developing one application which needs the barcode scanning facility for that I am planning to use the scannerkit SDK, What I want is to build the application for the iphone os 3.x+ but the some framework(CoreMedia and CoreVideo) which scannerkit sdk uses are part of os 4.0+, I had linked this two framework weak, so that I...

Social networking site: anonymous first, claim later

One of the great features of StackOverflow is that you can ask a question or answer a question without signing up, then claim your activity later. It's perfect because you engage people right away without any barriers to entry. Are there any Social Networking frameworks out there in any language with any data backend (relational or non...

Accessing Button in NIB that is in my framework

Hello, I am trying to create a simple framework with a nib that has a button on it which can be customized (selector wise and title wise.) for this, i did the following: I added a property: @property (nonatomic,retain) NSButton*accessoryButton; and connected it to my outlet: @synthesize accessoryButton = littleButton; I then shar...

Example of own IOC container with source code with and without using IOC

I have read this and searched the internet on creating an own ioc container. I don't understand any of the "simple" examples because it's flooded with jargons (why use "resolve" instead of just create method ?) and none shows an example without ioc and refactor it to i...

What is the best framework size for PHP?

I have created my own framework for my websites and it is around 410 KB. What should be the best framework size and does code size really matters? If there are some functions which are not being utilized on a page removing them will make any difference in page loading? ...

zend framework breadcrumb

Is there way how to get breadcrumbs for specific page by it´s id? My attempt follows but i get only page label. No breadcrumb path. $view = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('viewRenderer')->view; $page = $view->navigation ()->findBy ('id', 'menuCategory29'); // work fine page label is displayed echo $page->getTitle(...

Bundle framework with plug-in in XCode

there is a post here on how to bundle a framework within an application. But in my case this is not application but a plug-in i want to put the framework within.. The "Installation directory" cannot start with @executable_path. so i have no clue on how to define the plug-in path any help would be great, thank you ...

Drupal six or seven for a new job platform - or a different framework?

For a client we are going to build a platform for specialized artists where customers can find contractors. This involves building a job board, logins and profile pages for different roles, a quite complex admin interface for managing and charging the deals. We have now done the wireframes and specification, but are still not sure about ...

Use of Javascript in an MVC Application

I'm an assistant in a course where the students implement a web app (It's a Q&A site similar to stackoverflow) with the help of the Play! framework. This is a Java-based framework that relies on the MVC Pattern. The Model and Controller are written in Java where the view is written in HTML / CSS and some extensions that the framework pro...

Tips for a light PHP Framework

Hi everyone! I'm trying to write down some concrete ideas for a light framework (on PHP5), with the purpose to handle a lot of requests and to make it scale well in terms of high traffic eventualities. I've already started it, but I'm not really satisfied about the coding style, which is basically composed by simple classes and helpers,...

Service development framework solutions for Windows Phone 7

I've been trying to get Thrift to work with WP7, but has put it on hold preliminary. I'm now looking for other solutions to this and would like to get some feedback on which solution to choose, if any. Any suggestions is much appreciated, so don't hesitate :) ...

How to better organize classes/packages in a framework so that the client of my application can easily extend them?

Let's assume I am in charge of developing a Scrabble game, being that one of the principal requirements of the client is the ability to later try out different ways and modes of the game. I already made a design that is flexible enough to support those kinds of changes. The only question left is what to expose to the client(objects' acce...

Enterprise Library DB Configuration

Hi there, I was using Entity Framework and connectionstring becomes a big hassle. In unit test, i have to add the connectionstring, ddl put the connectionstring, etc, any place where i reference the biz library, i had to add the connectionstring. I thought it might be time to begin use Enterprise library's shared configuration section, ...

Debugging a library with Xcode

Hi there, I have a more general question on working with libraries on with Xcode when building iPhone apps. I've created a framework from a project I've been working on to use some parts of it in other apps. That works pretty good, so far. But I have no idea how to debug into the files included in the included framework. I hope to get ...

php frameworks for simple tasks, an overkill?

Example: I need to manage users in a website,'manage' means: register and allow them to send comments. user registration will use: username, email, password and user_id comments will have: date, link, text and user_id Now, I have several projects with similar structure - give or take a table/field or two.. I hate writing it all again a...

High(er) level frameworks that wrap Tkinter/ttk

Curious if there are any higher level frameworks that attempt to wrap Tkinter? For example, wxPython is wrapped by the Dabo framework ( and PythonCard. Motivation: We've recently moved to Python 2.7 (Windows) and are very impressed with the new ttk (Tile) support which allows one to build professional quality, platfo...

Any framework for PHP, as effective as Django for Python?

I am using python with django. There I can simply make form from models and also it had builtin Admin. I am eager to know corresponding framework for PHP with all this facilities. I have encountered lot some similar questions like this, but they had not compared the frameworks with django. Experts Please Suggest. ...

Insert foreign key reference in entity frameowrk 3.5

Hello All: I have 3 tables a. Employee (EmpID (pk), EmpName) b. Department (DepID (pk), DepName) c. EmployeeDepartmentMapping (ID (pk), EmpID(fk), DepID(fk)) When I am inserting new employee, I want to insert correspoding Emp-Dep mappings in the EmployeeDepartmentMapping table using entity framework 3.5. Can any body help/tell me ho...