
PHP fastest method of reading server response

Hi there, im having some real problems with the lag produced by using fgets to grab the server's response to some batch database calls im making. Im sending through a batch of say, 10,000 calls and ive tracked the lag down to fgets causing the hold up in the speed of my application as the response for each call needs to be grabbed. I ...

fgets() and fread() - What is the difference?

I understand the differences between fgets() and fgetss() but I don't get the difference between fgets() and fread(), can someone please clarify this subject? Which one is faster? Thanks! ...

An easy way to replace fread()'s with reading from a byte array?

I have a piece of code that needs to be run from a restricted environment that doesn't allow stdio (Flash's Alchemy compiler). The code uses standard fopen/fread functions and I need to convert it to read from a char* array. Any ideas on how to best approach this? Does a wrapper exist or some library that would help? Thanks! EDIT: I...

PHP create huge errors file on my server feof() fread()

I have a script that allows users to 'save as' a pdf, this is the script - <?php header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); $file = $_GET["file"] .".pdf"; header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . urlencode($file)); header("Content-Type: application/force-download"); header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"...

Wrong reading file in UNICODE (fread) on C++

Hello, I'm trying to load into string the content of file saved on the dics. The file is .CS code, created in VisualStudio so I suppose it's saved in UTF-8 coding. I'm doing this: FILE *fConnect = _wfopen(connectFilePath, _T("r,ccs=UTF-8")); if (!fConnect) return; fseek(fConnect, 0, SEEK_END); lSize = ftell(fConnect)...

Simple binary File I/O problem with cstdio(c++)

The c++ program below fails to read the file. I know using cstdio is not good practice but that what I am used to and it should work anyway. $ ls -l l.uyvy -rw-r--r-- 1 atilla atilla 614400 2010-04-24 18:11 l.uyvy $ ./a.out l.uyvy Read 0 bytes out of 614400, possibly wrong file code: #include<cstdio> int main(int argc, char* argv[...

Read a file address from a txt file using netbeans c

Hi everybody. I`m having problems reading a file address from a txt file. The information seems to be corrupted when I watch it in the debugger. The code is FILE *parch; const char * vectorparch[50]; //array with 50 file paths parch = fopen("/home/irmay/NetBeansProjects/neurona/patrones/patrones.txt", "r"); for(j=0;j<50;j++){ fread...

Curl Record Download Information

Hello i am trying to record how much the user has downloaded when the user aborts the script i want the script to be able to save a text file with information how much they have downloaded with this i will have an idea how to create a quota program, i have tried fopen, fread works grate only one problem it i ant seek for the file, curl d...

Php Record Buffer Fread Problem

function Ifurl($subject) { $pattern = "/http:\/\//"; $regex = preg_match_all($pattern, $subject, $array); if ($regex == 1) { return true; //true that it exist } else { return false; //flase mother fucker! } } function g...

ftell error after the first call to fread

So I have a very simple program that reads the 3 first bytes of a file: int main(void) { FILE *fd = NULL; int i; unsigned char test = 0; fd = fopen("test.bmp", "r"); printf("position: %ld\n", ftell(fd)); for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fread( printf("position: %ld char:%X\n", ftell(fd), test); } ...

Can I read a dynamical length variable using fread without pointers?

I am using the cstdio (stdio.h) to read and write data from binary files. I have to use this library due to legacy code and it must be cross-platform compatible with Windows and Linux. I have a FILE* basefile_ which I use to read in the variables configLabelLength and configLabel, where configLabelLength tells me how much memory to alloc...

What is C# analog of C fread()?

What is C# analog of C fread()? In C code here we use fread(inbuf, 1, AUDIO_INBUF_SIZE, f); What could be its exact analog? ...

Php Buffer Problem fgets (Bandwidth)

Hello i'm saxtor, i'm creating this download quota program, so what i am doing is fetching the file from a remote server and buffering it out back to the client however i would like to record the buffer output to the client and record how much bytes the client has downlaoad, what the code supposed to do is to limit the client if he or s...

fread Only first 5 bytes of .PNG file

I've made a simple resource packer for packing the resources for my game into one file. Everything was going fine until I began writing the unpacker. I noticed the .txt file - 26 bytes - that I had packed, came out of the resource file fine, without anyway issues, all data preserved. However when reading the .PNG file I had packed in the...

How to read giant text file in PHP?

Hello, I have few text files with size more than 30MB. How can i read such giant text files from PHP? ...

loading the cached file takes longer than not caching - and reading the cache file isn't the problem, its outputting it

hi, i have a site with a few db queries, and lots of visitors, so i thought id cache it. this is in php, so i use ob_start() etc to get the contents and save the file. this is fast. it takes 0.05 secs. (tbh i don't even need to cache). the problem is with loading the file. if i do this: readfile($cache_file) it takes 0.43 secs. ...

fread() isn't writing to the buffer.

#include <Windows.h> #include <stdio.h> int count = 0; FILE* pFile = 0; long Size = 0; void *memfrob(void * s, size_t n) { char *p = (char *) s; while (n-- > 0) *p++ ^= 42; return s; } int main() { fopen_s(&pFile, "***", "r+"); fseek(pFile, 0, SEEK_END); Size = ftell(pFile); char *...

Why does fwrite have both size and count parameters when just bytes to write would suffice?

Possible Duplicate: What is the rationale for fread/fwrite taking size and count as arguments? In C, fwrite and fread take both the number of elements to write and the size of each element. It seems like just having a parameter that tells the number of bytes that should be written would more obvious and more general because th...

Does fread fail for large files?

I have to analyze a 16 GB file. I am reading through the file sequentially using fread() and fseek(). Is it feasible? Will fread() work for such a large file? ...

How to interrupt a fread call?

I have the following situation: There is a thread that reads from a device with a fread call. This call is blocking as long as there is no data send from the device. When I stop this thread it remains hanging inside this thread. Now I found the following inside the man page of fread: ERRORS On all systems that conform to the...