
freeing substring in c - loop

I'm trying to get a sub-string for each member of the struct 'structs' and then assign that sub-string to a new member of the temp_struct. The problem I'm having is how to free the sub-string on each iteration, for some reason the code runs, however valgrind throws an Invalid read of size 1, which I assume I'm reading off the block of m...

Sending Free SMS from website using JABBER?

Hi everyone, I was wondering if there was an API i could use to send free sms messages. I've made a social networking website for africa called. I really would like this feature but almost every provider needs payment. yet i see lots of websites offering this. i also read you could use jabber API and still do this.... ...

realloc and free causes "double free or corruption"

Bear with me. I have not coded in c in 8 years and am totally baffled why my string manipulation is not working. I am writing a program that loops forever. In the loop I initialize two char pointers each is passed to a function that add text to the char pointer (array). When the functions are done I print the char pointer and free the tw...

Tens of millions of small files, where to host them? (prefer a free one)

I have over 10 million small static html files (10K each). And I am an user of It have a limitation of 50000 files. It sent an email to warn me that if I didn't delete the files in 30 days, it would disable my account. So I am looking for a free service to host my files. I considered google app engine, but it has a even mo...

freeing substring without doing double free in c

Yesterday I asked a similar question regarding how to free allocated memory for a sub-string. Now I have one more question regarding the same problem (involving a set of conditions), how could I free the following sub-string without doing double free? #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> struct st_ex { char pr...

free AS400 server

i am new to as/400 OS and i Series from IBM. i want to start learning using remote as/400 server. Can you recommend me some server ? thanks ...

Forking Joomla! 1.5

Hello, We have planned to fork Joomla! 1.5 with the name STRELIN. As Joomla is moving to 1.6, we would like to add new features without breaking the compatibility, with the new name Strelin. Of course that will be free and GPL. A simpler, better ACL (we are trying to make it simpler than Joomla 1.6 ACL) is the first one. Can there be a...

This may be due to a corruption of the heap, which indicates a bug in cvector.exe or any of the DLLs it has loaded.

I make many mistake in the test program!!! debug src: the right version: I am trying to write a C language version of vector struction. If I try run (in Microsoft Visual Studio 2...

Checking if memory is allocated before calling FreeMem (Delphi 32)

I have been running into errors where objects are somehow freed but we end up calling FreeMem on them. Of course this causes an error since the memory has already been freed and throws an error. I know that a try-catch block would probably fix it but that's a lot of try-catch blocks. With the regular the way to avoid this ...

How can i send sms to saudia arab freely +96659206....

I want to send sms to my friend to Kingdom of Saudia Arabia please share website which send sms freely confirm. ...

Free PHP5.3 Hosting

Is there anyone who knows a good free PHP 5.3 hosting? I've searched for long but I couldn't reach to find anything till now. Hope that someone can help. ...

should i implement my key/value system in memory or in MS SQL or 3rd party?

i think i've done enough research to know that i want to go with a NOsql key/value route. i've read up as much as i can and have the following questions still: should i go with something like amazon simpledb, google big table or microsoft azure's solution? (note i'm a .NET site) why not just simply create an in memory hashtable of ke...

Free online tutorial on the 'thought process' behind developing a programming language?

When I read about different computing languages on here, I always wonder what motivated the original decision to develop something new instead of just extending a language which already exists. Question: How does someone go about 'designing' a new programming language and how do they decide objectively which choices to make? If there a...

Is it possible to free memory using an offset pointer?

Let's say I have an allocation in memory containing a string, "ABCDEFG", but I only have a pointer to the 'E'. Is it possible, on win32, to free that block, given a pointer that is within the block, but not at the start? Any allocation method would work, but a Heap* function would be the path of least resistance. If not a native solutio...

searching for a free and trusty js and php code review tool

hi, i'm looking for a free tool, which i can use local to do javascript and php codreviewing. if it's even easy to install you'll be my hero! any experiences, preferences, suggestions, commendations? thanks in advice. p.s.: if there is no adequate tool which can handle both good enough, i will be happy with a combination of two tools...

private online SVN repositories

I am planning to start a project with a team of 3-4 people and I was researching some online SVN repositories for a while to work when working as a team on the single project. I'm hesitating to choose a free version to start with. I want a service that enables you to do the basic SVN stuff( Commit changes, update, merge, checkout) and ...

Where can I get free HTML/CSS templates with subtle JQuery animations built-in?

I often use for quick HTML/CSS websites and often find myself spending time manually building in little JQuery effects to them, downloading the necessary libraries, resolving conflicts, etc. Does anyone know of a similar collection of free HTML/CSS templates which have JQuery built in, i.e. all local jquery file...

Should I free allocated memory on abnormal termination?

Hello everybody! My program (a text-mode web browser) is dynamically allocating memory. I do free unneeded blocks during runtime, of course. And I do free everything before normal termination - so that memory leak checkers won't give me false positives (and to be flexible should major refactorings ever become needed). Now, what I do n...

free() call works on simulator, makes iPad angry. iPad smash.

Hello, My app is running out of memory. To resolve this, I free up two very large arrays used in a function that writes a framebuffer to an image. The method looks like this: -(UIImage *) glToUIImage { NSInteger myDataLength = 768 * 1024 * 4; // allocate array and read pixels into it. GLubyte *buffer = (GLubyte *) malloc(my...

Free/open Translation databases ?

Are there any open/free downloadable translation databases, besides wiktionary? (any language welcome) ...