
Are There Any Applications That Use The FriendFeed API?

Does anyone know any applications that make use of the friendfeed API? ...

Simple Message Poster for Friendfeed

I am trying to integrate a function into an application that posts a message to friendfeed using the C# API. Being a total novice I cannot work out how to make the connection and then publish a message to it. Can anyone help with this? I have the HTTP Basic Auth working fine, just not the function to post to my friendfeed account. ...

No feed output when working with Friendfeed and Wordpress API?

This is probably a Wordpress issue more than a Friendfeed issue but could be either. I have tried to debug with Firebug, wP_DEBUG, and error_log() but no issues have appeared. I'm trying to initalize a set of ajax-powered feeds (using Friendfeed API) in the middle sidebar on various Wordpress category pages using a conditional statement...

How can i make a friendfeed like window scroll control system?

When you active real-time updates, new entries dynamically adding a div. At this stage scroll is automatically moving. This action provides the content you do not miss on visible area. If you want to see this action, you can also watch this screencast; My method; // Firstly, i am ...

Validating a user using the FriendFeed API & posting an entry.

Given the username & remotekey for a user, how do i validate the user using the FriendFeed API in xcode? How do i pass the username & remotekey, if at all. ...

about friendfeed search parameter.

has anyone find out why FriendFeed advanced search result url doesn't have not search field parameter? some example: contains the words field, when you inputs a text "ok" and push search, then response url is if you also inputs a text into words in the title field, like texts "I'm", response url is ht...

Friendfeed schemaless data in MYSQL

I read an article around schema-less database which sounds cool. ( But what isn't clear to me is how do they run search queries on this data? Since the data is in JSON format how do we look for it? ...

Recommendation on web language for building API set for application like friend-feed

I'm working on an idea for a website like friendfeed and need inputs on how to deverlop an API set. The module for tracking changes isnt a problem and has been build using system calls (so language-neutral). (a)What language should i use to build this API-framework for developers? Primarily this service is intended for developers, NOT...

MySQL joins for friend feed

Hi everyone, I'm currently logging all actions of users and want to display their actions for the people following them to see - kind of like Facebook does it for friends. I'm logging all these actions in a table with the following structure: id - PK userid - id of the user whose action gets logged actiondate - when the action happe...