
jQuery fullcalendar: Fadeout deleted Event

Heyhou, I want to fadeOut the "eventbar" in the calendar I have deleted. What should I do? eventClick: function(calEvent, jsEvent, view) { // $(this).animate({ opacity: 0 }, 1000); <- ??? $('#kal').fullCalendar('removeEvents', calEvent.id); } Thanks for ur answers! ...

dayclick on fullcalendar

Is there a way I can get the day I click to show? For example, on the calendar, if I click on the 9th, my input would show that date, if I click on the 10th, that date will show, etc. ...

Drag drop Fullcallendar set attribute problem or my misstake

Hello, i am using the jqueryPlugin fullcalendar. I add (see the example on http://arshaw.com/js/fullcalendar/examples/external-dragging.html) external events. On the drop event i have difficults to add or manipulate the attributes of the added event. drop: function(date, allDay) { // this function is called when something is dropped ...

jQuery fullcalendar: contextmenu

hey, I want to use jQuery.contextMenu (http://abeautifulsite.net/blog/2008/09/jquery-context-menu-plugin/) in jQuery.fullcalendar.. when i right-click on an event.. but how it works? ...

jQuery.Load() not triggering Request.IsAjaxRequest in ASP.NET MVC2

Hi I'm using the Jquery full calendar plugin, and i want to be able to click on an event and the details of the event to be populated via AJAX into a div with the id of #details. here is my controller action that i'm trying to load. When debugging, the action does not consider the incoming request to be AJAX and returns the full view ...

Skipping Months

My calendar is not rendering days for April because when I view April in the calendar it starts with March 29. So it pulls data for March. My calendar view for April... 3/29 | 3/30 | 3/31 | 4/1 | 4/2 Since the month starts in March, I only get events for March. How do I fix this? ...

Cusomize event view in basicview like in agendaview

Hi, I want to have the same event view in basicweek as in agendaweek. (Darker headline contains the event from and event to time) and then a light-blue contains the information. Where can I cusomize this style? Greetings Alexander ...

How do I disable drag and drop in fullcalendar

I am using FullCalendar throughout my project and i need to display it in one area of my site where events are not draggable but to remain highlighted in the month view. Any ideas please. ...

Work time in fullcalendar [Solution]

Full calendar have no included options to work-time feature (selecting first and last rows in agenda view for any day - where in example company is not working). I managed something like that: viewDisplay: function(view){ $.ajax({ url: 'index.php?r=calendar/Default/worktime', ...

unable to set dynamic data in jquery fullcalendar through ajax

can somebody tell me how to populate "jquery fullcalendar" events using ajax. There is no setter method provided in fullcalendar to set ajax response (which is Json object) after calendar object loads. Is there any way to feed data after calendar object loads? In my case very first time I provide data in fullcalendar "event:" property ...

Get The HTML of The Calendar In Month View

While in month view, I'm using jQuery to try to get the HTML that makes the table calendar, to pass it as a POST parameter using jQuery's .ajax() method (when a button is clicked): $(document).ready(function() { $('#clickMe').click(function(){ var calendarTable = $('#calendar').html(); ...

jQuery FullCalendar - create standard list of events from Gcal

I'm using FullCalendar in a project and the month view is great. But I also need to create a simple unordered list of the events gathered from 4 different Gcal feeds, and I haven't been able to do it. Anyone got any ideas? A quick response would be great. ...

FullCalendar and qTip. Help with description as array

I have problem with load description. I'm getting answer via ajax this is JSON part information: {"id":"","start":1282561200,"end":1282564800,"title":"admin admin","description":[["Alcatel-6850, ","Alcatel-6400, "]]} This is code to rendering event: eventRender: function(event, element) { element.qtip({ content : ...

FullCalendar with Gcal won't display events after 7 pm in basicDay view

For some reason fullcalendar won't display any events that occur after 7PM in the basicDay view. The events show up in month view, but not in basicDay view. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Here is my code. I have two calendars on the same page. The first one is month view, the second is basicDay view. $(document).ready(function() {...

jquery huge request for fullcalendar mark timeranges

Hello, i have a huge request for the jquery fullcalendar, i need a solution to mark some timeranges in the day- and agenda-view like the today marker but not the the hole day only a range for example from 8:00 to 12:00. I will be glad if somebody have an solution or an idea how i can make this. For example modification of the fullcalend...

Is there a tutorial that explains how to add / edit/ del events dynamically to fullcalendar

I would like to be able to add my events to my mysql databse by clicking on the calendar day and inputting into a pop up window. I need to keep the fullcalendar interface but need to add to its functionality. I have been searching extensivly for this but I keep getting side tracked or going down blind alleys. A step by step tutorial wo...

How do you open a FullCalendar event URL in a jquery-ui dialog?

I am wrestling with figuring out how to open a FullCalendar event URL in a modal dialog using jQuery UI Dialog. I know next to nothing about javascript, so I'm not sure how the call syntax is supposed to look. I figure I'm supposed to use the eventClick option, but I cannot figure out how to use it to instantiate the dialog. Any help?...

adding to a function in fullcalendar ( php )

I am trying to submit a form when 'save' is selected in a pop up window ` $dialogContent.dialog({ modal: true, title: "New Listing", close: function() { $dialogContent.dialog("destroy"); $dialogContent.hide(); }, buttons: { save : f...

Passing the date value in fullcalendar

I am using fullcalendar to upload dates times to my database and i have the following script $dialogContent.dialog({ modal: true, title: "New Listing", close: function() { $dialogContent.dialog("destroy"); $dialogContent.hide(); }, buttons: { save : function ...

Add extra fields to fullcalendar

I need to create more fields for my calendar ( fullcalendar hooked up to mysql with php ). And I have been reading up on eventRender but I'm not entirely sure of the syntax and where I should put it. Currently I have the following; $calendar.fullCalendar({ timeslotsPerHour : 4, defaultView:'agendaWeek', allowCalEventOverlap : tru...