
Fullcalendar basicDay view only shows All Day events from gcal

Hello everyone, I have multiple gcal feeds going into one calendar set to basicDay view. It renders all the events from all of the feeds as long as they are All Day events. If I have events that are given a start/end time, they do not show up at all. If I switch that very same calendar to basicWeek or month view every single event shows...

fullCalendar finding addtional events in the same day?

I need to detect other events in the same day. What I hope to be able to do, is find if an event of eventClass X exists in the same day as a dropped event of eventClass Y. If not it would warn the user, that an eventClass X does not exist, else allow the user to drop the event. Is this possible? ...

iPad scrolling issues

hi, wondering if anyone has any ideas on getting the demos / plugin to support the ipad. the entire page scrolls in the demos with no way to dnd an event... thanks, sam ...

Prevent fullcalendar from accepting every "droppable" object

I'm using the jquery "dialog" feature to provide popup windows with fullcalendar. I use the "modal: true" setting to disable the parent page. However, fullcalendar tries to interact with the modal accepting it as a droppable object. As a result when you drag the modal the calendar days underneath highlight. When you let go the fullca...

FullCalendar wordpress plugin: How to hide inactive days in other months

Hi I am using the Kino Calendar Plugin for wordpress and noticed that it uses the FullCalendar script. I would like to hide the dates from the previous and next months that are inactive. At the moment these days are greyed out but I would like to remove them completely thereby leaving just a blank cell. Is this possible and how would ...

Event items with different CSS

I have the following CSS to show a whole event as "completed". .afc-completed, .fc-agenda .afc-completed .fc-event-time, .afc-completed a { color: yellow; /* text color */ background-color: #6C3; /* default BACKGROUND color #36c */ text-decoration: line-through; } How do I write a CSS fo...

Restricting Calendar View to current week onwards

Dear Sirs, I am using the fullcalendar plug in for wordpress by Adam Shaw, I ma using it for a clinet who is making bookings for a gym on a weekly basis. I was wondering if it is possible to not allow people to select any previous weeks that have past. Allow people to only select two weeks in advance. ...

Add Icon(s) in first line of an event (fullCalendar)

For specific attributes of an event to be displayed in the 'fullCalendar' matrix I would like to add icons to show them, for 'completed' an (i) button, or an URL symbol in case the event contains an URL link. I don't want to write any html string to one of the elements (fc-event-time/-title) in the <a> element, but define an additional ...

Specifiy date type used by fullcalendar

The date/time format fullcalendar uses is kind of weird. I want to specify during the created of the calendar or somewhere in the parameters a datetime of MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM PM/AM. Is there a way I can do this. I read about formatdate, but didn't get any information about this ...

Cannot render events on FullCalendar from JSON feed

Hi, I got a page that returns json info from a cfc. the json looks like this: [{"allday":true,"title":"event1","userid":1,"end":"","classname":"","editable":true,"start":"2010-09-01","id":1,"url":""},{"allday":true,"title":"event2","userid":1,"end":"","classname":"","editable":true,"start":"2010-09-10","id":2,"url":""},{"allday":true,"t...

When adding events to FullCalendar they are duplicated - multiple calls made to add event without cause

I am using FullCallendar and Jquery. I made a google calendar like interface and pull events from a json file. When a user clicks on a day a div opens for them to enter info click add event and the event is added. On the second click when the user clicks add event two events are added, one on the first clicked day and the second on the s...

Trying to populate a jQuery FullCalendar from Grails

I'm trying to display a jQuery FullCalendar (http://arshaw.com/fullcalendar) inside a Grails GSP and to populate it from a controller. Here is the Javascript code to initialize my calendar: $('#container').fullCalendar({ header: { left: 'prev,next today', center: 'title', right: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay' }, ed...

How can I prevent that visitors set fullcalendar (arshaw) to editable:true via firebug?

http://arshaw.com/fullcalendar/docs/event_ui/editable/ The option editable can be manipulatet by visistors of my site via firebug and change data in my database. Is there a solution? $('#calendar').fullCalendar({ editable: false, [...] ...

Determine which day event is on when event is selected in fullcalendar

When an event is clicked, is there any way to determine which date this event falls on? Im running into this issue when dealing with events that span multiple days, and since the event only contains a start and end date, I have not found any way to ascertain which date of the multi-day event was selected. ...

How can i Localize FullCalendar jquery

Hi, i need to localize full calendar to spanish, ho can i change 'Next Week, Today, etc'. ...

Full Calendar Missing Events at the End of the week (after 7:00 PM) with gcalFeed

I have an implementation of full calendar pulling a Google Calendar feed for a Community Ice Rink. Everything seems to be working fine except the last two events of the week are missing from 7:00PM on on Saturday. I have tried deleting the events, adding a different event. Renaming events, removing other events to see if there are too ma...

jQuery Fullcalendar - optimum number of events on calendar

We have events that span single day on fullcalendar. How many single day events can be show without causing performance problem on typical user browser -- Is it 100 / 150 / 200 - more ? Related events are grouped together, and are shown/hidden using a list of checkboxes one for each group. Each group typically contains 10-15 events. ...

Changing to 'editable' after the calendar has been loaded in Full Calendar

I am using full calendar and I wish to be able to allow administrators to be able to exit editable mode to perform other actions on the calendar. How can I dynamically change this setting of full calendar. Thanks. ...

Full Calendar: displaying start time

If I specify my events by hardcoding in a javascript events array, the time is displayed before the title on the calendar: The Javascript code of: events: [ { title : "my title", start : new Date(2010,9,8,11,12) } ] results in a display of "11:12 my title" as an event on my calendar. But, when I use an function to cre...

How do I pass a JSON object to FullCalendar from Django (by serializing a model)?

FullCalendar supports taking in a JSON object through AJAX for it's events, this can be done on initialization or later like this: $('#calendar').fullCalendar('addEventSource', "/{{ user }}/events/" ); The serialization itself in my Django view looks like this: ... events = Event.objects.filter(user=request.user, start__gte=start, en...