
Adding new data to Jquery after clicking a div

Hi Friends Here is a code of full calendar i am using $(document).ready(function() { var date = new Date(); var d = date.getDate(); var m = date.getMonth(); var y = date.getFullYear(); $('#calendar').fullCalendar({ header: { left: 'prev,next today', center: 'title', right: 'agendaWeek,agendaDay' }, editable: true, events: [ { title: 'A...

fullCalendar - Event title and detail

Hello I'm using the pretty fullCalendar jQuery plugin. I'd like to be able to have a title AND a detail on each event as in the screenshot below: Here the details are the participants for each session. (overflow hidden on the detail) ...

Intergration tests for fullCalendar

Hello, I love fullCalendar. Its an awesome plugin. However one thing that I have found hard is testing. I am using rails, cucumber, capybera and selenium. I spent a good part of yesterday using the selenium IDE and could not for the life of me get selenium to simulate a click on fullcalendar's interface. I was wondering if anyone else h...

How to disable jQuery Fullcalendar plugin window resizing?

I'm using the FullCalendar plugin and it's working very well. I would like to disable the dynamic resizing of the table and its cells when the browser window is resized. Is that a possibility? (I noticed in the documentation the 'windowResize' callback fires after the calendar is already resized, so it looks like that won't help.) ...

truble with Fullcalender in Jquery integration in asp.net mvc

Hi, I am trying to integrate the Full calender of Jquery from here . Even I can see the proper view of it. but the code segment given over the blog showing some "Resolver" class , also what is "IEventRepository" interface. from where should I can get its code ? or are they in C# already ? ...

Events not shown on Firefox 3.6 and Google Chrome 6

Hi all, I am using "fullcalendar 1.4.7" in my application to display a shared calendar. My backend is in Java. My javascript looks like this: $(document).ready(function() { if (!this.JSON) { this.JSON = {}; } alert($('#sampleData').val()); $('#mycalendar').fu...

Suggestion for FullCalendar event removal UI

I have my fullCalendar functioning well, however, I need to allow the users to remove events from the calendar. I can use the clickEvent method to bring up a confirmation widow with a "do you want to remove" message. But this seems kind of clunky. Is there a better UI way of removing events? ...

asp.net fullcalendar example using web forms

Hi, I am planning to create a scheduler like application using Jquery FullCalendar plugin. Searched a bit, but there are examples using only asp.net mvc. Is there a good tutorial for creating scheduler using asp.net web forms plus using sql server for storing events? ...

get selected date from fullcalender jquery

Hi, I added the calender to my asp.net mvc 2 application from here . I want to pick the selected date where I am going to enter the event. How can I get selected date? Also I want to save this date and corresponding event to the database. how to do this also ? I am new in jequery. please help! ...

jQuery fullcalendar: events (as a json feed) and events (as function) issue in IE

Hi, I am using jQuery fullcalendar with Grails. I was using events (as a json feed) earlier and when the user clicks prev/next or changes views the json feed URL is called every time. Since I need to check the user session also, I changed from events (as a json feed) to events (as function) as shown below. The problem is first time it...

How to HTTP Post / HTTP Get and navigate to another page using JQuery

Hi Friends I am working with a Full Calender application, in that,while i click in a event it must be redirect to another page and also post the data like event id,event start,event end,user id so on,how can i do that in J Query and Full Calender ...

Populate saved events in database on fullcalender in jQuery?

I am able to save the events of particular date wise in database by using fullcalender jQuery. But how to populate the saved events in database on fullcalender jQuery control, of the corresponding date? ...

How can get start and end time on fullcalendar?

Hi, how can i get start and end time of visible days in fullcalendar? I need it for use in another javascript instace. Is there some function like - $('calender').getStartTime(); ? ...

event not rendering by jquery to view in asp.net mvc

Hi, I am implementing the full calender in jquery in my asp.net mvc application by referring from here but as per this blog it should be render the events on dates given in the controller action. but it is does not. i followed exact same steps . i checked many times there is no mistake. so why should be this happening? please guide me ...

How do I find out what date format this is?

Wed Oct 20 2010 14:11:39 GMT-0500 (CST) {} More detail (sorry): I'm trying to pass in a date (like above) from the fullcalendar plugin to the jQueryUI datepicker like so: $('#miniCalendar').datepicker({defaultDate: date}); where date = Wed Oct 20 2010 14:11:39 GMT-0500 (CST) {} datepicker accepts a variety of ...

FullCalendar: How to stop dragging custom events?

how to stop dragging / resizing the events where event.id > 100. Only those events should be non draggable. Updated with Code Sample: eventRender: function(event, element) { if (event.id > 100) { event.disableDragging(); event.disableResizing(); } element.qtip({ co...

fullcalendar not working on hosting server

I'm developing a website with FullCalendar and jQuery. My application works fine and renders events properly on all dayAgenda/weekAgend/month views. But when I run it from the server, it doesn't render events! Also in the current month, it doesn't show anything in month view. For example, If I have an event on 3rd Oct, it shows it only ...

Problems Rendering Remote Events using JSONP in FullCalendar

I'm trying to load a json events feed into the FullCalendar jQuery plugin, however, I don't understand how to pass the data into FullCalendar. The url is called, and the JSON object is available inside the eventHandler function. The code below attempts to pass the resulting data into a global variable (which, doesn't feel right), which ...

Adding a class to past events using Fullcalendar with Google Calendar

I would like to change the color of the past events, I guess I need to add a class to them but that is the problem, how I do that? ...

different color for weekend on monthly fullcalendar display

How does one go about setting the weekend to a different color display when viewing the monthly or weekly view. ...