
Practical usage of new (modifier) functions?

Hi... What's the Practical usage of new (modifier) functions? ...

How does the friend keyword (Class/Function) break encapsulation in C++?

Some programmer said that, "a friend function break the encapsulation in C++". and some programmer also said, "Friend functions do not break encapsulation; instead they naturally extend the encapsulation barrier" what does it mean?.. If a friend function breaks the encapsulation in C++ then how?? ...

Elegant way to abstract multiple function calls?

Example: >>> def write_to_terminal(fmt, *args): ... print fmt % args >>> LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) >>> info = multicall(write_to_terminal, >>> debug = multicall(write_debug_to_terminal, LOG.debug) >>> ... >>> info('Hello %s', 'guido') # display in terminal *and* log the message Is there an elegant way to write mu...

Is there a function pointer or array of functions in PowerShell?

I would like to do something like this. Index into an array of functions and apply the appropriate function for the desired loop index. for ($i = 0; $i -lt 9; $i++) { $Fields[$i] = $Fields[$i] | $($FunctionTable[$i]) } #F1..F9 are defined functions or rather filter functions $FunctionTable = {F1}, {F2}, ...

javascript object oriented function invoke beginner question

Hi, i got a question when create a javascript object, when one function invoking another function within the object, do we need to use 'this' MyObject = function() { this.function_one = function(param) { return param + param; }; this.function_two = function(param) { return this.function_one(param) * this....

From jQuery to Prototype

Please help to replace these jQuery functions with Prototype ones: $("button,input,label,select,textarea").bind('mouseover mouseout', function(){$(this).toggleClass('hover')}); $("button,input,select,textarea").bind('focus blur', function(){$(this).toggleClass('focus')}); ...

Regular Expressions for matching functions in javascript source code?

Is there any way to match a function block in javascript source code using regular expressions? (Really I'm trying to find the opposite of that, but I figured this would be a good place to start.) ...

PHP/MySQL - an array filter for bots

Hello, I'm making a hit counter. I have a database and I store the IP and $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; of the visitors. Now I need to add a filter, so I can put away the hits, that are made by bots. I found out, that many bots usually keep some common words in the $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; , so I's like to make and array of words, th...

Can I decorate advanced PowerShell functions with my own custom attributes?

For example: function TestThis() { [MySpecialCustomAttribute] [CmdletBinding()] Param(...) Process{...} } ...

How do I actually use the value of an argument to a Vim function?

I'm trying to write a simple Vim function that takes the name of a file as an argument and reads the contents of that file into the current document (related to this question). Here's my first stab at it: fun! Tpl(tplfile) r c:\tpl\a:tplfile endfun That just gives me the following error: E484: Can't open file c:\tpl\a:tplfile ...

Which button was tapped... iPhone and Obj-C question

I'm a newbie just begun with iPhone and Obj-C for a month now. I have two buttons, both of them call the same function as follows [play addTarget:self action:@selector(showQstn:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside]; Inside the function showQstn, I want to know what button was tapped. Any idea? Alternate ideas are welcome to...

LINQ To SQL - How to Join using function result

I have a query that needs to retrieve a string value based on a function and it needs to join to another table using that string. Background Info: I have one table that contains my company's data and one column in particular contains company id's (integers). I have another table that we import data into which contains our vendor data an...

Ridiculously simple jQuery reusable function question

Really quick jQuery question... I have this function: $(document).ready(function() { $('a#show1').click(function() { $('.item1').toggle(1000); return false; }); $('a#show2').click(function() { $('.item2').toggle(1000); return false; }); // And it goes on... }); The page the script runs on has any number ...

To break up your jQuery code into functions, do you do it the same way as in JavaScript?

I've been writing some jQuery functions that have JavaScript variables and looping, etc inside them - they're becoming long and hard to read. If I want to break them up, how would I do that? $(".x").click(function () { var i=0; for (i=0;i<50;i++) { if ($("#x"+i).is(':hidden')) { $("#x"...

std::vector of functions

Hi all I want a std::vector to contain some functions, and that more functions can be added to it in realtime. All the functions will have a prototype like this: void name(SDL_Event *event); I know how to make an array of functions, but how do I make a std::vector of functions? I've tried this: std::vector<( *)( SDL_Event *)> functio...

How do I get only a determined number of words from a string in php?

Here is what I am trying to do. I have a block of text and I would like to extract the first 50 words from the string without cutting off the words in the middle. That is why I would prefer words opposed to characters, then I could just use a left() function. I know the str_word_count($var) function will return the number of words in ...

returning functions as string in javascript

hello, I am in the process of writing a javascript object that contains a method that returns the html of a standard form. In this object I also have a method validate(); I'd like the form generated to use validate(); So the typical html of a form with validation would probably look like this: <form id="a" onSubmit="return validate();"...

Can you describe the following PHP function ?

Hello Can anyone describe the following php function: function get_setting_value($settings_array, $setting_name, $default_value = "") { return (is_array($settings_array) && isset($settings_array[$setting_name]) && strlen($settings_array[$setting_name])) ? $settings_array[$setting_name] : $default_value; } What does ...

Does a simple `return` in a PHP function simply end the function prematurely?

I have just seen this // Check to see if the request is a HXR call if (request::is_ajax()) { // Send the 403 header header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden'); return; } I have not seen a simple return before, and I have never used it. My only guess is that it simply acts the same as any return 'something' (halting the functio...

passing arguments as separate parameters in js

In javascript if I have some function I can use the arguments object to look at how many parameters were passed in. Is there a way to call a second function and pass those arguments as if they are just normal separate parameters? something like this: function f() { g(arguments); } function g(a, b, c) { alert(a+b+c); } So in this cas...