
Simple DB query on Google App Engine taking a lot of CPU time.

I'm fairly new to Google App Engine and Python, but I did just release my first real-world site with it. But now I'm getting problems with one path that is using significantly more CPU (and API CPU) time than the other paths. I've narrowed it down to a single datastore fetch that's causing the problem: Carvings.all().fetch(1000) Under t...

gae datastore backup

Is it necessary to do backups of gae's datastore? Does anyone have any experience, suggestions, tricks for doing so? ...

Is there a nosql store that also allows for relationships between stored entities?

I am looking for nosql key value stores that also provide for storing/maintaining relationships between stored entities. I know Google App Engine's datastore allows for owned and unowned relationships between entities. Does any of the popular nosql store's provide something similar? Even though most of them are schema less, are there m...

Where is the localhost development datastore for gae java sdk/eclipse plugin?

I am testing my gae java jdo routines in eclipse. The actual question is, how to clear/clean out the localhost development datastore so that I could start with a virgin datastore for a new cycle of tests? Addional info - For those who don't know: GAE = google app engine, google's "hosting solution" for java and python applications. ...

What's the max length of a ListProperty?

How many items can be stored in a ListProperty? Is there a limit? ...

Uploading and downloading the whole database from google app engine?

Hi, I just want to know it is possible to download and upload the whole database from google app engine to a sqlite db, in case I want to transfer my app from google app engine to another server? What is the chance? Thank you ...

AppEngine: Query datastore for columns with a hyphen in its name

I'm working on a servlet in Google App Engine. This servlet retrieves the data from the GAE's datastore; everything works fine when querying like "SELECT * FROM...". But when I want to filter it by a certain column, it does not work since the name of the column has a hypen. It is like the following: Query query = new Query("tableName");...

Google App Engine Put() Timeout

Hi i've searched the App Engine Groups but couldn't find a definitive solution. I want to put 1000 entities into my App Engine Server (Production Server), but I get timeout errors and also 500 Server errors. It worked perfectly in local development. To reduce the Put load, I made the code sleep for 5 seconds after every 10 puts. I stil...

Cannot edit entities in admin view of Google Apps Java

I am working on a java project on Google app engine and when I go to admin I am not able to edit the entities. I can view them though. I am on windows xp and developing in eclipse. Let me know if you need any more info to help me make these entities editable. http://localhost:8080/%5Fah/admin/datastore?kind=User Edit: I have instal...

Async urlfetch on App Engine

My app needs to do many datastore operations on each request. I'd like to run them in parallel to get better response times. For datastore updates I'm doing batch puts so they all happen asynchronously which saves many milliseconds. App Engine allows up to 500 entities to be updated in parallel. But I haven't found a built-in functio...

Why does Google app engine recognize URLs, phone numbers and similar as special data types?

Just wondering... why does Google app engine recognize "special" string data types such as Link, Email, PhoneNumber, PostalAddress and such? They seem to be simple text types, and don't even have any helper methods which would, for example, extract host/port information from Link. What design decision would warrant such a distinction? ...

App Engine datastore: Hot to set multiple values on properties?

I'm using app engine (Java) datastore API to build a project. I'm not using JDO/JPA but low level API. How can I set multiple values for an entity property? I can find documentation about how to do so when using JDO or JPA (using Lists) but can't find that info for low level API. Thanks. ...

What are the best practices of the App Engine datastore?

I have developed some applications in Google App Engine but sometimes I have problems to "translate" my rational database mind to datastore objects (most of the time because I don't want to use the Key as ID of the data.) So, if I populate a combo (or any other control) how can I distinguish the uniqueness of the data? Now I'm reading ...

How to send data from Android mobile devices to the Google App Engine datastore?

I need to write an application that sends data to the Google App Engine from Android. The data that I would like to send can be described by a typical database record. Each record has some integers, strings, dates, etc. I would like to keep the connection details hidden/secured so that someone can't create false data in the datastore,...

App engine datastore and Java low-level api: fetch multiple entities by its ids

I'm with app engine and using the java low level api, and I want to retrieve a group of entities having its ids. What's the way to do so? I could fetch one by one but there must be a better way. Thanks! ...

Sorting problem with the Google App Engine

I am using the following class to store some data: class NewsArticle(db.Model): score = db.FloatProperty(default=0.0) date_scored = db.DateTimeProperty() ... What I need to do is to get those NewsArticle entities that have the top score in some time frame (e.g. get the top scored data entities of today or of last week). I...

GAE/J Low-level API: FetchOptions usage

What should I know about FetchOptions withLimit, prefetchSize and chunkSize? The docs say the following: prefetchSize is the number of results retrieved on the first call to the datastore. chunkSize determines the internal chunking strategy of the Iterator returned by PreparedQuery.asIterator(FetchOptions) ... ...

What is the best way to profile/optimize google app engine application?

Currently I am working on new App Engine application. Unfortunately it seems that my application uses to lot of resources even for relatively small user number. So I need to determine its bottle necks and optimize them. ...

How do I query in GQL using the entity key

How do I write a query against the entity key using GQL in the Google App Engine Data Viewer ? In the viewer, the first column (Id/Name) displays as name=_1, in the detail view it shows the key as Decoded entity key: Programme: name=_1 Entity key: agtzcG9................... This query does not work: SELECT * FROM Programme where na...

On the google app engine, how do I implement database Transactions?

I know that the way to handle DB transactionality on the app engine is to give different entities the same Parent(Entity Group) and to use db.run_in_transaction. However, assume that I am not able to give two entities the same parent. How do I ensure that my DB updates occur in a transaction? Is there a technical solution? If not, is ...