
android view web pictures in gallery

I am new to android, I just finished Hello gallery tutorial, and a web pciture tutorial. Now I want to know how can I show some web images in gallery? the hello gallery code is from andorid tutor this is Web gallery code, I want to load some pictures from web and then show them in gallery, how can I write it? public class WebGallery...

Android: OutofMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget with no reason I can see.

Hi. I am having an OutOfMemory exception with a gallery over 600x800 pixels JPEG's. The environment I've been using Gallery with JPG images around 600x800 pixels. Since my content may be a bit more complex than just images, I have set each view to be a RelativeLayout that wraps ImageView with the JPG. In order to "speed up" the use...

android gallery item selector

I want to use following selector drawable for android gallery image will it work ? <selector xmlns:android=""&gt; <item state_selected="true" android:drawable="@drawable/selected_icon" > </item> <item android:drawable="@drawable/unselected_icon" > </item> </selector> ...

Trying to create scrolling horizontal thumbnail navigation that hides on left side when not in use

Hi, I am trying recreate the following type of scrolling thumbnail navigation as described in the following tutorial: I require my thumbs to slide out horizontally from the left. I have amended the code to the best of my abilities, but I can't get it to work. (Think the pr...

Android: Set selected icon in GridView

I'm trying to find a way to store the name of an icon in my database, then use that name to let a user select an icon from an ImageView. I've found various guides on ImageViews and Galleries, but none that show how to get/set the selected image by name. The list of available images won't change, but what's that best way to implement this...

Incompatible Plugin with Gallery2

Using Gallery2 a standard gallery system I use I just installed on one of my websites. I then used a pretty simple Clean theme for including a header.php and footer.php files to match the same layout as the main website. However, when I installed the theme/plugin I was prompted with this: Clean theme based on Gallery...

Android gallery onselecteditem

I am using gallery widget i want to change selected image. @Override public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) { if(lastSeen != null){ lastSeen.setImageResource(unselected image); } (ImageView(view)).setImageResource(selected image) lastSeen = view; } When i run the...

Android gallery nextfocus not working

I am using gallery as below <Gallery android:nextFocusUp="@+id/zoom_out" xmlns:android="" android:id="@+id/icon_gallery_plate" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:spacing="10dip" android:background="@drawable/browse_slider_bar" a...

android image gallery start moving or slowing down and stopped moving.

i am using android gallery is there any listener or way i can know which get fired when user start motion, stop motion, slowing down or moving ? i see you can overide the following method @Override public boolean onFling(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float velocityX, float velocityY) { return super.onFling(e1, e2, velocit...

make background image to link.

i am using this jquery iviewer i want to link these image thumble to another link. can i use image map for this or any other way to make image thumble to link. these are really add with full image. ...

How to style a comment section in ul/li

Hey all, How would I go about adding a comment section under each photo in this gallery? (You can view an image of what I'm hoping to do here: - won't let me post a link because i'm a new member.... z ng ) I know the iframe may not be the best way to be working this - but my friend wan...

JavaScript libraries conflicting with each other

I'm working on a modeling website for my girlfriend and she wants a large slideshow as background on the website. I used the JonDesign Gallery for that, which works nicely for this purpose and is relatively light-weight. Now, for the contact form I'd like to use something Lightbox/Slimbox style. Slimbox works with Mootools, which is als...

Gallery and fullscreen ImageView, problem in putting them together.

Hi all, I will try to be as clear as possible. Here What I am trying to do An Image Viewer, where Image would be display as big as they can on the device screen. For this purspose and for a better user experience, I thought of a Gallery. Untill there everything is OK! The problem The problem is that in the function getView of my Ada...

How to change styles for Gallery widget on Android?

Hi Guys, Is there a way to change styles for Gallery? For example, borders, animation speed. Maybe there is list of predefined themes? Thanks for any help. ...

Simple Gallery Layout for Videos [jQuery]

<ul id="thumb"> <li class="active"><a href="#"><img src="img/thumb1.png" alt="" /></a></li> <li><a href="#"><img src="img/thumb2.png" alt="" /></a></li> <li><a href="#"><img src="img/thumb3.png" alt="" /></a></li> <li><a href="#"><img src="img/thumb4.png" alt="" /></a></li> </ul> <div id="video-display"> <div class="...

Tool or Utility to manage & organize icon libraries

This is not exactly a programming question, but it involves software development. Like many of you, I'm sure we find lots of interesting icon sets everywhere on the web and we download copies locally. But then you have the challenge of organizing them into some system that works for whatever project you are on. What software tools/uti...

Simple jQuery gallery which can load content dynamically

Hi, I need some jQuery plugin, tutorial or guidelines to create simple image gallery which content could be loaded dynamically, it would display one image at the time, and that image would be changed by sliding it to the left or right. I have tried jCarousel, but I could not manage to make it show only one image at the time with dynam...

CSS definitions needed to center a dynamiclly created thumbnail image in a containing square frame

Hi all, I want to create an image gallery.Each image is scald dynamiclly so its biggest dimension will be 100px and the other dimension is scaled so it will preserve the original aspect ratio. (For example if the original image width is 200 and the image height is 400 it will be scaled to w:50px h:100px thumbnail) I want that the each...

Android Gallery: how to detect that an item has shifted in Gallery (and shift direction)

Hi, I am using a Gallery based Coverflow, as suggested here. Is there an event that can be caught, which indicates that a single shift (either left or right) has been made in my gallery/coverflow? To be clear, if I gave the gallery a decent swipe and my center (selected) image has changed 8 times, I would like to catch this event 8 time...

Android: Cannot cast from View to Gallery

Hello, I'd like to make a Gallery in android. In order to set the adapter in need to get the gallery which I defined in my xml file. Im doing that as: Gallery g = (Gallery) findViewById(; But with this code I can't compile my project, since I get the Error "Cannot cast from View to Gallery". My xml-file looks like this: " ...