
Single intent to let user take picture OR pick image from gallery in Android

I'm developing an app for Android 2.1 upwards. I want to enable my users to select a profile picture within my app (I'm not using the contacts framework). The ideal solution would be to fire an intent that enables the user to select an image from the gallery, but if an appropriate image is not available then use the camera to take a p...

Adding Another Parameter to my Custom jQuery Gallery

My website currently uses a custom jQuery gallery system that I've developed... it works well, but I want to add one capability that I can't seem to figure out. I want the user to, instead of having to click each thumbnail, also be able to click the full image itself to advance in the gallery. Working gallery is here: http://www.studioim...

Custom jQuery Gallery Thumbnail Behavior

I recently got some help on here from SLaks (thank you) on the behavior of my custom gallery. I'm now trying to fix the way the thumbnails function. I've been toying with it for about an hour but I can't get it to work. Live version of the code: . Currently the code is as follows: $('.thumbscontainer ul li a'...

Android 2.1 gallery not backward compatible with Cupcake version, now what?

I don't know why, but in Eclair, the default (non-fancy) gallery app changed its begaviour from the Cupcake version, and it broke one of my commercial applications :-( Firstly, when long-pressing a gallery and choosing "Diashow", it does not publish an Intent to be picked up by any application that implements the Intent filter anymore. ...

How to secure images with Rails?

I have a gallery in my rails app that needs to only allow certain images to be shown to specific, logged in users. I am using Paperclip for image processing now, but it saves all images in a public folder available to anyone. Note that I don't have to use Paperclip if there is a better way, and I already have the login system in plac...

Android: Programmatically animate between images in Gallery widget

I'd like to programmatically move between images in the Gallery widget, with animation. I can change the currently displaying image using the setSelection(int position) method, however that does not animate. Then there's setSelection(int position, bool animate) but the extra boolean on the end there doesn't appear to do anything. In th...

Android Dev.: How to populate gallery by image URL?

I'm trying to build a gallery where the images within will be pulled from the images URL from a website. i.e. Instead of doing R.drawable.xxxx.jpg, you use a url to represent the image. Is this possible? If so, can you show me an example in code? Thanks ...

jquery slider - mc is not defined

Hi guys I have currently implemented this image slider on a site but for some reason I get the error message "mc is not defined". Unfortunately I can't show a link to the site since it's not accessible to the public yet. When I look in the javascript file I can see t...

Android InsertImage, Low Quality

I am programatically creating a Bitmap with the line below (where width is the screen width and height is slightly less than the screen height). Bitmap bmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); I then draw a few simple Path objects on it and save it to the Gallery with the following line. Uri uri =

php not showing all images

I a writing a gallery app in php. The images are dynamically displayed through php. On each load of the page, not all images are showing. it does this randomly, on each load. I have not had this problem before, as I am new to php. My previous apps where all in perl, and I had no dynamic image display problems when using that language. ...

Flash Lightbox script for an image + movie gallery

For a CDROM i'm working on, i'm looking for a method to display images with a lightbox effect. What is the best way to do it with AS3? Is there an AS3 lightbox script available? ...

Best way to store application images taken via camera

Hi all, I'm just looking for some insight into what would be the best way for me to store images as part of my app. I have an activity that represents a 'Job' which has a couple of edittext's and underneath was planning on using the Gallery component to show images relevant to this job. The job data is stored in a database (on the sdc...

Android: Creating a Scrollable Layout

I'm trying to create a "scrollable" layout in Android. Even using, though, I feel a little bit lost at the moment. I'm somewhat new to Java, but not so much that I feel I should be having these issues--being new to Android is the bigger problem right now. The layout I'm trying to create should scroll in a sort o...

Does anyone use an open source gallery as a products catalog with prices ?

Hello Does anyone use an open source gallery as a products catalog with prices ? You can find 10's of open web shops but i have never saw a compact modern looking catalog script. Anyone saw one ? Thank you ...

How can i do the same thing with Gallery in Android

I am navigating images with the clicks of next and previous buttons.Here is my code: package com.myapps.imagegallery; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.View; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; public class ...

Android - Using Camera Intent but not updating correctly?

Hello - I am using an intent to capture a picture: Intent i = new Intent(android.provider.MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE); i.putExtra(android.provider.MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT, Uri.fromFile(new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(), "test.jpg"))); startActivityForResult(i, 2); And then once taken I do the...

How to get which image (its position) is on focus in an Image Gallery?

Hi all, I am playing around with the Gallery widget. I would like to know how can we get the position of the image on focus in the gallery. For example having several pictures in my gallery, if I tap my finger to the right, pictures will come and go until it stop to one. How one can get the position of this one picture that is curre...

WPF Infragistics gallery issue

I am trying to dynamically add items to the Infragistics WPF gallery (at runtime). First i tried to solve this with data binding, but since it didn't work, I tried something like this: //gallery - the gallery. //group - the group in which i want to add an item. string key = "1234"; group.ItemKeys.Add(key); GalleryItem gi = new Galle...

Add image gallery to node in Drupal

I'm using Image module for Drupal 6 and the submodule of Image Gallery. Image gallery is identified by taxonomy term of certain vocabulary. What I need is to attach Image Gallery View supplied with Image Gallery to certain node. I am now trying to use Views Attach to do this. But how can I pass an argument of taxonomy term for gallery to...

Creating a gallery in Rails

I'm creating a simple site with a gallery. I have a photos model which has a page for each photo with its info and an image. I'm unsure how to create a gallery from the photos. The gallery model has_many photos, the photos model has_and_belongs_to_many galleries. I thought of adding a gallery.title field on each photo page so I'd have ...