
Optimize SVG game

I have created my first SVG game, using Raphaël.js. In Chrome the game feels fast, but in other browser like IE (understandable since it's using VML), Firefox, iPad safari and others, it feels slow at times. I'm looking for some tips on how I can optimize my code to squeeze out the absolute best performance. I've tried the best I can t...

How do you integrate cocoslive into a cocos2d game?

Hello, I have searched online for how to do this but I don't understand. The only thing that I find is people telling each other to look at the example that came with cocos2d. What example is that? Where is it located? All I can find are class files. And I do not know how to link UIKit and Cocos2d together which makes it even harde...

Where Should Collision Detection Code Be?

Hi guys, I'm writing a pong game and I have a ball class that has velocity x, y, positions and all that stuff that every frame is updated by calling @ball.update, this moves the ball forward by its x_vel and Y_vel etc. My question is Should my collision code be in the loop or in the update method of the ball class? Or should it all be in...

web based games done in ruby, point me in the right direction

So I've been using a number of educational software web based apps, they are games, and they are all using flash. Recently I've seen some posts about making games with ruby. Are there any good examples out there for making games with ruby. I know of the game library, and then there is one book on amazon that has some awful reviews, and t...