
simple game development on linux

Hello, everyone. I'd like to develop simple 2d games on linux. Something like one below. The only decent tecnology I've found was PyGame. Is there any other worth taking a look? Is there a possibility to develop flash games on linux? Thanks in advance. ...

Architecture questions regarding game design using XNA

Architecture questions regarding game design using XNA Is game architecture game type dependent? Which are the most popular game architectures? Part of my background is in application development, where client and server are divided in different architectural layers. A typical enterprise application has UI Layer, Business Layer, Data...

Adobe Flash CS5 for iPhone game development?

Since Apple loosened their terms again, is it posible to develop a game in FLash CS5 and publish it on the Apple App Store? Are there actually any real apps / games on the App Store that were build on Flash? ...

C++ console game input && refresh function

Hello, I am writing a small console adventure game and I faced a few problems. 1. The input is kinda laggy, I'm using while loop ( while(getch() == 'w') ). After a key is pressed the first time, nothing happens (you have to press it 2 times) and if you switch directions (press key A/D/S) it also doesn't react the 1st time. If you hold a ...

Why there isn’t any open source alternative to big commercial games out there?

I’m thinking of all type of game categories. My experience is that there aren’t any open source games that really challenge the commercial ones, considered game value, graphics, sounds etc. ...

What technologies to use for a particle system with enormous calculation demand?

I have a particle system with X particles. Each particle tests for collision with other particles. This gives X*X = X^2 collision tests per frame. For 60f/s, this corresponds to 60*X^2 collision detection per second. What is the best technological approach for these intensive calculations? Should I use F#, C, C++ or C#, or something els...

Is there a good alternative to flash for teaching game development to beginners?

I have been asked to research teaching a module in game development to beginners (no programming skills) of the age group 18-30, at a secondary school level. The course will run for roughly 8-10 months and each student would probably get 3 hours of teaching time per week. My initial thoughts were to propose using Flash, since the stude...

Word games algorithms, anyone know where can I find them

Hi guys I'm trying to find algorithms of games but not those 3D or 2D, I'm looking for simple games like "guess what word I'm thinking" or any kind of game that only requires basic reading of a text and the user has to choose between some options. ...

Java: "static class" or pass references around?

I'm part of a team designing the server for a client/server model naval warfare video game (University course). We have a fairly concrete (well, I think) system design, but there is one aspect that bothers me. The basic layout of the system is: Server [thread] (handles incoming connections) | Game [thread] (deals with game events in it...

Rollercoaster game with ActionScript 3

I'm trying to simulate a rollercoaster game with ActionScript 3, but i don't know exactly if I should use a 2d engine (like Box2d) or do it from scratch. For any of those I would like to see some code example. Any ideas, pointers, suggestions... Thanks in advance! ...

Combining Windows Forms and XNA, but lacks "Game" instance.

Hello, I am currently working on a Map Editor for my 3D game, but I am having some problems getting the using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game included. My 3D engine is stored in a library, and the constructor for it needs the Game instance and a GraphicsDevice. The GraphicsDevice is not a problem since i used some example from App Hub (li...

Is it possible to make a flash based game without graphic skills? Is actionscript all I need?

If I have a designer make the necessary graphics, what do I need to learn to make a flash based game? Is it action script only? I already understand the backend server work that would need to talk to the 'front end' part of the game i.e. how the flash game will make requests to the backend servers for storing/retrieving data in xml/jso...

How to approach for developing multiplayer (networked) video game in .NET

Hi, i'm trying to develop a simple multiplayer video game (2d) in C#, SDL.NET and obviously .NET. Two, or more player over internet, can control a car (class CAR) who move on the screen with X and Y. One PC is the server, others are client. So, i think "The only value to 'pass' between Players are the value of variables X, Y, and so...

Big map in 2d video game

Hi, hope not to be .. boring. In my video game development (2d, in Sdl.NET), i would like to create some 2d "map" (top-down map, also called flybird i suppose). I would like to create Big Map, for example 4000x4000 px. Obviously, i would like to show only what the user resolution can be. If my user uses 800x600, i must show a "crop" ...

How to use the A* path finding algorithm on a grid less 2D plane?

How can I implement the A* algorithm on a gridless 2D plane with no nodes or cells? I need the object to maneuver around a relatively high number of static and moving obstacles in the way of the goal. My current implementation is to create eight points around the object and treat them as the centers of imaginary adjacent squares that mig...

Solving Kakuro puzzles

Here's a good one to reflect on: I'm attempting to make a solver for this game. The paperwork is done (reading an initial file with a variable number of columns and rows. It's assumed the input file follows the rules of the game so the game is always solvable. Take your time to read the game rules. ...

How do you give multiple classes additional functionality without inheritance in AS3?

I am writing a game in ActionScript where I've got multiple classes that should be "hitable" by shots. The most generic class that all other in-game entities inherit from is CombatObject; The classes CombatShip, CombatAsteroid and various others inherit from it. The classes CombatAi and CombatPlayer both inherit from CombatShip. Now I ...

Collision algorithm for 2 moving object.

Hi, this is a Math problem for a 2d game. Given 2 object ( 2 car, 2 tank, 2...), for each object i know: 1. X, Y 2. Actual Speed 3. Degree of movement (or radiant) How to calculate the "effect" of a collision for the 2 object Ps: I "move" the object with this simple formula each tick of my "game loop": ychange = Math.Sin(radiant...

How does pathfinding in RTS video games work?

In a game such as Warcraft 3 or Age of Empires, the ways that an AI opponent can move about the map seem almost limitless. The maps are huge and the position of other players is constantly changing. How does the AI path-finding in games like these work? Standard graph-search methods (such as DFS, BFS or A*) seem impossible in such a s...

Programming with SurfaceView and thread strategy for game development

Hi, I am using a SurfaceView and a rendering thread to develop a game based on structure like LunarLander. However, I faced many problems, and here I want to point them all out. I wish anyone who want to develop a game won't need to struggle with them anymore. And anyone who have a better idea of the structure can share their experienc...