
Would this cause Garbage Collection issues

I wrote a little Linq like DSL on top of Google Collections public class IterableQuery { public static <T> Where<T> from(Iterable<T> originalCollection) { return new Where<T>( Iterables.transform(originalCollection, IterableQuery.<T>SAME())); } private static <T> Function<T, T> SAME() { return new Function<T...

Import class with unsafe code.

For example I’ve got a third-party class with unsafe code in it’s methods. It makes some memory changes and doesn’t clear memory after itself. It happens, that i have to use this class and it’s unsafe methods. Can you, please, explain me, what will happen to those bytes written by unsafe code, after next Garbage Collector pass. ...

Does setting the max memory of a Java program affect the GC?

Does adding -Xmx argument when running a Java program cause the garbage collector to act differently or occur less often? ...

Run GC.Collect synchronously

GC.Collect appears to start the garbage collection in a background thread, and then return immediately. How can I run GC.Collect synchronously -- i.e., wait for the garbage collection to complete? This is in the context of NUnit tests. I tried adding the gcConcurrent setting to my test assembly's app.config file, and I tried the same wi...

Is there a way to find out what's referencing my object in .NET?

Basically, I have an object that I think should be garbage-collected but it's not. I am pretty certain all references to it are gone from what I can see in the code but for some reason, it is not getting destroyed. Is there some way to find out what's holding my object hostage? There doesn't seem to be a way to do that in Visual Studio ...

How to request JVM garbage collection (not from code) when run from Windows command-line

Hi. how could I request Java garbage collection externally, starting the program from JAR (Windows BAT used)? From the Java code I can do it with System.gc() When running a JNLP distribution, I get this "Java console" turned on from Control Panel / Java / ... and this Java console provides manual garbage collection. But... When I'm...

How important is disposing a Font, really?

I'm aware that the best practice is to call Dispose on any object that implements IDisposable, especially objects that wrap finite resources like file handles, sockets, GDI handles, etc. But I'm running into a case where I have an object that has a Font, and I would have to plumb IDisposable through several layers of objects, and review...

How to know when to manage resources in Python

I hope I framed the question right. I am trying to force myself to be a better programmer. By better I mean efficient. I want to write a program to identify the files in a directory and read each file for further processing. After some shuffling I got to this: for file in os.listdir(dir): y=open(dir+'\\'+file,'r').readlines() ...

GC.COllect() doesnt seem to work in debug mode

I am running the code below and the result is totally different when it runs in Release mode. While in Debug mode, it never collects the object of class A and in Reaelse mode it immediately collects the object of class A. Can someone explain why. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; ...

Any hard data on GC vs explicit memory management performance?

I recently read the excellent article "The Transactional Memory / Garbage Collection Analogy" by Dan Grossman. One sentence really caught my attention: In theory, garbage collection can improve performance by increasing spatial locality (due to object-relocation), but in practice we pay a moderate performance cost for softw...

Question about java garbage collection.

I have this class and I'm testing insertions with different data distributions. I'm doing this in my code: ... AVLTree tree = new AVLTree(); //insert the data from the first distribution //get results ... tree = new AVLTree(); //inser the data from the next distribution //get results ... I'm doing this for 3 distributions. Eac...

Unexpected result from sys.getrefcount

When I typed: >>> astrd = 123 >>> import sys >>> sys.getrefcount(astrd) 3 >>> I am not getting where is astrd used 3 times ? ...

What does CMS mean in relation to Java's Garbage Collector?

A lot of JVM's command line arguments dealing with the garbage collector have "CMS" prepended to them. What does this stand for? ...

JAVA: Why does this not get garbage collected?

Hi all, Quick question about the theory of GCing. I have the following method. It runs, and exits the method. How come even after GC is run, the timer still exists and keeps "TICK"ing? I don't believe there's still a reference to timer or the timertask anymore after this method exists, so I'd expect the timer to be GCed and cause an...

Help with really odd Java GC behavior

I have a Java web app running on JBoss behind Apache (via mod_jk) and I'm seeing some really odd GC behavior. I've attached a graph of it to this question. Has anyone seen similar GC behavior before? It's Java 6 running with default GC tuning from ergonomics on a server-class machine. Thanks. NOTE: The above image is a link to the ful...

Garbage Collection

In a lay-man terminology how to define garbage collection mechanism. How an object is identified to be available for garbage collection? In lay-man terms define GC algorithms i.e. Reference Counting, Mark and Sweep, Copying, Train etc? ...

How to detect cycles when using shared_ptr

shared_ptr is a reference counting smart pointer in the Boost library. The problem with reference counting is that it cannot dispose of cycles. I am wondering how one would go about solving this in C++. Please no suggestions like: "don't make cycles", or "use a weak_ptr". Edit I don't like suggestions that say to just use a weak_ptr...

Javascript passing data from child window to parent window, IE bug ?

I've got a popup window that gives data back to its parent. Using = data_from_popup; This work well in FF, but in IE (6/7) the data can be accessed for the time the popup is still displayed. When I close the popup it looks like the data gets garbage collected. I've tried to use a clone() function for the dat...

OutOfMemoryError - why can a waiting Thread not be garbage collected?

This simple sample code demonstrates the problem. I create an ArrayBlockingQueue, and a thread that waits for data on this queue using take(). After the loop is over, in theory both the queue and the thread can be garbage collected, but in practice I soon get an OutOfMemoryError. What is preventing this to be GC'd, and how can this be fi...

Forcing GC when using windbg/sos

I'm debugging a memory leak with windbg/sos and I cannot find a way to have sos force a garbage collection. The list of sos commands does not seem to include gc. ...