
Piacasa Api error Invalid Token

Hi i am using Google Gdata Api in php. I am getting an error "Error: Expected response code 200, got 403 Token invalid - AuthSub token has wrong scope". What should i do. What's the solution. ...

Youtube API / Zend GData library / Authentification

Heya guys, I want to let users on a website I'm building to log in with YouTube after clicking a link, so they can post comments on YouTube on some videos that I'm displaying from a YouTube feed, as well as let them upload their own videos that I would link on the website. Problem is, I'm using an unauthentificated instance of the Zend...

Google App Engine, GData & Picasa

Is there more comprehensive sample of creating Google App Engine App using GData Phyton Library to interact with Picasa Web Album, other than google guide from GAE here: Thanks Guys ...

Accessing "Google Documents List API" via AuthSub returns "Invalid AuthSub token"

I'm trying to retrieve the list of documents (from Google Docs) as an XML feed via ruby's net/http. So getting an AuthSub token works pretty well, then the issues begin... No matter what I'm trying, I'll always get Token invalid - Invalid AuthSub token as a response. First of all, I'm requesting the AuthSub login stuff in the browser vi...

Accessing GData Calender from Google Apps account?

I'm building a simple app too that needs to access a calendar that's in my Google Apps account. But I'm having problems with authentication. I've tried the following code but it doesn't work: Service service = new Service("<appname>"); service.setUserCredentials("<email>", "<password>"); CalendarEntry entry = (CalendarEntry)service...

How to get a single photo by ID from Picasa using the google-gdata .net API

I'm trying to use the .net API library to get a single image by ID from Picasa. So far, I've tried to find the correct call by doing: new Photo(); but there are no constructor params to tell it which photo to get new Entry(); same as above PicasaQuery.CreatePicasaUri; but I have to specify the albumId as well then, which I don't have...

How to upload video to favorite/playlist using gdata in objective c

hi, i am trying to upload a video to favorite in my account but it shows Invalid request Uri and status code =400 i dont understand how should i format my request my code NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:]; ASIFormDataRequest *request = [ASIFormDataReques...

Cannot convert from 'System.Xml.XmlNode' to 'Google.GData.Client.IExtensionElementFactory

I'm trying to invite guest to google calendar using GData. I found[email protected]/msg01759.html But on the line: entry.ExtensionElements.Add(fragment.FirstChild); I get a compile error saying: Error 3 Argument 1: cannot convert from 'System.Xml.XmlNode' to 'Google.GData.Cli...