
What happened to 'nice' generated class names in .NET for web services?

I am using .NET 3.5 to call a FedEx web service. In Fedex's sample code (VS2005) it has things like: AddressValidationService addressValidationService = new AddressValidationService(); AddressValidationReply reply = addressValidationService.addressValidation(request); This is nice. I like that. I'm calling a method on a 'Service'. b...

IDisposable Winform

What is the best practice for implementing IDisposable on a Winform? I have a dialog which extends System.Windows.Forms.Form The generated designer.cs already contains an implementation of the virtual Dispose(bool) method My form has a field added manually which implements IDisposable Ideally I would be able to hook into the Dispos(b...

Generate HTML Table Client Side

(ASP.NET Web Application) I'd like to create a page which allows the user to build an HTML table. The user will be provided with the following controls: a textbox used to define the amount of rows in the table, a textbox used to define the amount of columns in the table, and a bulleted list of shapes (ex. Square, Octagon, etc) which wil...

C#: Does ResumeLayout(true) do the same as ResumeLayout(false) + PerformLayout()?

I have looked at the generated designer code of Forms and UserControls, and in the InitializeComponent() method they always start with this.SuspendLayout(); and end with this.ResumeLayout(false); this.PerformLayout(); But from what I can see in the msdn documentation of those methods, wouldn't ending with this.Resu...

Can I add MVC 2 DataAnnotation attributes to existing properties?

I'm using a generated class as a model, and I wish to add DataAnnotation attributes to some of its properties. As it's a generated code, I don't want to add the annotations directly. Is there another way to attach them to a property? I'd considered making the model an interface, and using a partial class to get the generated class to su...