
How to convert Latitude and longitude to Location name

Hi, How can we get address or location name from latitude and longitude using any API in java? In my applicaiton I have set of latitude and longitude, But I need an API which will return me the location name corresponding to the latitude and longitude. thanks. ...

Storing multi-language geodata in MySQL

My application needs to use geodata for displaying location names. I'm very familiar with large-scale complex geodata generally (e.g. but not so much with the possible MySQL implementation. I have a custom dataset of four layers, including lat/lon data for each: - Continents (approx 10) - Countries (approx 200) - Regions/S...

Website that recognizes user's location/IP & changes lang. based on that

Hello, title is pretty clear. My websites consists of both English-written and Spanish-written versions. You can go to the main site, which is in Spanish, by clicking and to the translated version, which is in English, at At the index of each page there is a link (at the bottom) which al...

How to model coarse grained geolocation to correct market

Use case example: Client A comes to request sales information, enters their zip code and are directed to Representative X. Since there is an effectively infinite number of zip codes there will not be an agent assigned to every single zip code which would then move out to the county level, and then so on into a region of counties and fin...

django, location based searches

Excuse my ignorance, I am not even sure of the correct term for this. What I want to do is search by city and state or zip code in my django application and also include results within certain distances of the location (25, 50, 75 miles). I am guessing you probably need to convert the city and state or zip code to lat and long and then...

Getting user location with google.loader.ClientLocation working for me but not others

Am trying to use google.loader.ClientLocation along with the maps api to get the location of the visitor and center a map on it. The following is working fine for me (on Safari, Firefox and Chrome), but a friend I got to test it (in Safari and Firefox) just sees a white box with the Google logo. <script type="text/javascript" src="http...

Looking for Python/Django Framework to query GeoLocation Data in DB

I'm looking for a way to store a number of points, zipcode and their latitude and longitude in a database, and given a query point Q's lat and longitude, find the set of the points in the DB that are within x miles of the point Q. I realize something like a kd-tree would do the trick. I was wondering if there is any built-in python libr...

Building a geo focused app: what should I know ?

I am looking forward to build an application that relies heavily on geographic data. The application will use HTML5's ability to get GPS data and will do computations such as finding the nearest street, finding the shortest path between 2 points, etc. I was thinking of using a platform such as Google Maps, so it will most likely be writ...

Android: getLastKnownLocation out-of-date - how to force location refresh?

I'm using myLocation = mLocationManager.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER); to retrieve the current location at the start-up of my application. As the Android documentation states, this location can be "out-of-date", since the method returns the location when the GPS was used the last time. How can I actively reque...

Google App Engine Geohashing

I am writing a web application using GWT and App Engine. My application will need to post and query items based on their latitude, longitude. As a result of google's distributed database design you can't simple query a set of inequalities. Instead they suggest doing geohashing. The method is described on this page.

Android: application global onPause() and onResume()?

Is there something like an application global onPause() and onResume()? My main activity listens for GPS fixes, which I want to continue working when switching to another screen/activity. Therefor I cannot unregister my LocationListener in the activity's onPause(). However I still want to unregister my GPS listener when switching to ano...

JPQL to get nearest records by latitude and longitude

I'm have entities with latitude and longitude and I would like to select those nearest to a given point. I found this example that looks like it would work SELECT *, SQRT(POW((69.1 * (locations.latitude - 27.950898)) , 2 ) + POW((53 * (locations.longitude - -82.461517)), 2)) AS distance FROM locations ORDER BY distance ASC LIMI...

multiple regionDidChangeAnimated calls - what gives?

I have a MKMapView inside a UITableView as a custom cell (don't ask ;) - don't know if it matters really), for which I register a regionDidChangeAnimated delegate method. This method gets called three times when the UITableView is loaded - once with the actual region and then two more times with a region that is way off. In the simulator...

ZIP / Postal Code + Country to Geo Coordinates

What is the most complete, precise and reliable way to get the coordinates (latitude / longitude) of a given ZIP / Postal Code of a given country? I need to make a lot of requests, so a high API limit rate (maybe even absent) would be useful. GeoNames dumps would be cool, but it seems to have way too many duplicate coordinates (example)...

Geolocation based push notification

I'd like to push an alert to my iPhone users that are within a geographic range. I can get their location when my app is "alive," but not otherwise. Would a good approach be: send the localized alert based on users that appeared "in-range" in the last hour? Otherwise, I'm not sure how to only alert relevant users. Is there a smarter appr...

Mercator longitude and latitude calculations to x and y on a cropped map (of the UK)

Hi I have this image: A map of the UK (not including Southern Ireland). I have successfully managed to get a latitude and longitude and plot it onto this map by taking the leftmost longitude and rightmost longitude of the UK and using them to work out where to put the point on the map. This is the code (for...

ArcGis and GeoCortex

Hi, we are tying to set-up GeoCortex with our ArcGis server but can't seem to get it right. We do see some of the requests that have been made to the application, but we don't have a lot of details about it, only the number of image requested, I was wondering if you guys had any problem with this (if you ever tried it) and if I could ...

Best IP to Location for Ruby on Rails

I was wondering if anyone had any experience with a good plugin/gem that pulls city and state from the IP. I've tried the one built into GeoKit but it's terrible. I don't mind paying for it as well but I would prefer free. ...

iPhone - Native App GeoLocation VS Web App GeoLocation

Here's my situation; I've built a very simple web app that looks up a users location and plots it on a Google map. Here's my code: When I test it, my location is detected as being >= 500 meters from where I actually stand. BUT When I open up Google Maps or Gowalla my location is correct to within <20 me...

Android Camera Intent Geo-Tagging

We are utilizing the Intent.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE for taking a new picture from within our app. However, we would like to force geo-tagging of the pictures. Is there a way to set the intent to do this or does it rely solely on the default Camera app's setting to "Store Location"? (Also, it would be nice if this worked for the ACTION_VIDE...