
Using Shapefile data to determine neighborhood for a longitude/latitude

I'm trying to determine the neighborhood for a location, based on Zillow's freely published Shapefile data. I don't really know anything about the Shapefile format, and am having some trouble finding tutorials online -- but I basically want to take latitude/longitude pairs, and run it against the Shapefile data to determine the correspo...

GEO Location Database Updating Ambiguity

Hello. I have a staging database which stores the GEO location as the following structure : Countries Regions Cities Postal Code Longtitude Latitude I am getting the data from a vendor. The name is not relevant. The data comes in a CSV file, the columns are Start IP End IP Country Region City Postal Code Longtitude Latitude The fac...

Associate IP addresses with countries

I want to show country flag depending on ip address I receive at server side. Are fixed ip addresses are assigned to countries ? Where can I get database for ip address to country mapping ? ...

Google Gears Geolocation in Java/C

Hi (first question) I'm trying to find the physical location of a computer using a language like Java/C. The only good accurate solution seems to be Google Gears ( MaxMind have an API but it only uses IP addresses and seems very inaccurate (I want the exact address whenever possi...

Using the latitude and logitude gets the tile image with the location in it, But how to pinpoint that location?

I am given a latitude and longitude of a place. Then I apply global mercarator projection formula. Then I am able to get a square image(256*256) with the location in it. I am using all this to display a map made my images from a customised google map, in my iphone app. When zoom is high, even when we pinpoint randomly on that image, it ...

watchPosition() vs getCurrentPosition() w/ setTimeout

I need to determine a person's location within 50m. I'm wondering if I should use navigator.location.watchPostion() or call getCurrentPostion() over and over again. watchPostion() is the proper W3C API for doing what I want, but practically, it seems to be overkill. Here's my code: var map = null; var marker = null; var layer = null;...

Location Aware Mobile Browsers

I want to build a mobile web application that will require the users location. I want to avoid the need to create applications for separate mobile platforms and the growing sophistication of mobile browsers seems a way around that. Which mobile browsers will allow client JavaScript to use the phone's GPS or cell tower data? There have...

How do I detect user's location from a webpage opened in the Android browser?

Visiting on the Android browser (or even with an android spoofed user-agent), presents the option to "Share Location". When clicked, it uses the GPS/Cell phone towers to figure out the location. I tried the google.loader.clientLocation but that only works using the IP address. Is there a method to tap into the Android OS...

How to Get Lattitude and Longitude of US Interstate Exits programmatically?

Is there a way to do that using open source map / API (Google Map API, Microsoft Live Map API)? Or is there a way to traverse roads and junction from map files? (if I purchase commericial map data) Thanks. Edit: Either open source or API ...

Query shapefiles for the administrative area of a lat/lng

Hi! I have the all the shapefiles (shp, dbf, ...) for my country's counties. I have a list of points (latitude/longitude) and need to reference each point with corresponding county. I have looked into these tools and libraries. They can read, write and edit SHP files, but don't seem to be able to search stuff on them. I have converted ...

Android: Can I use a Broadcast Receiver for periodic GPS location sampling without running a service?

I would like to sample my GPS location periodically, say, every 10 minutes. I'm assuming that the best way to do this would be to use the LocationManager class with the method: public void requestLocationUpdates (String provider, long minTime, float minDistance, PendingIntent intent) That would broadcast the specified intent that I ...

Android: How to get location information from intent bundle extras when using LocationManager.requestLocationUpdates()

I am trying to use Android's LocationManager requestLocationUpdates. Everything is working until I try to extract the actual location object that in my broadcast receiver. Do I need to specifically define the "extras" to my custom intent so that the Android LocationManager before I pass it to requestLocationUpdates so it knows how to a...

Android: How to keep GPS active until more accurate location is provided?

I am using the location manager's requestLocationUpdates() method to receive an intent to my broadcast receiver periodically. The system is correctly firing the intent to my receiver, and I have been able to use it correctly. The only problem is that the GPS location provider only stays active for a few seconds after the initial locati...

Android - Get Altitude By Longitude and Latitude?

Hi there! Do you know some quick and sufficient way to get altitude (elevation) by longitude and latitude, that would be easy to use on Android platform? While this is a self-learning question, my approach is still time-consuming ('coz it's web-service etc), so I would like to receive any alternatives or possible improvement suggestions...

How does IP geolocating work?

I'm not looking for a service that does this. I'm just curious as to how geolocation works. ...

Is there any service returning ZIP Codes on given city/satate ?

Hi, is there any server available that i can use for getting zip codes on the basis on city/state ? Thanks ...

Is there a webservice for geographic borders?

Are there any good webservices for determining the borders of a country/state? I would like to receive an array of points (preferably in JSON) so that I may draw a vector image using this information. If such a webservice does not exist, where else would this information be located? ...

Geolocation in Browser works in 1.6 (Gears) but not 2.0 (HTML5/W3C) - Tested in emulator and real devices.

I created this little Geolocation experiment site it works great on my Android 1.6 (Magic, I/O Phone) it prompts the user to share, returns lat, log and is snappy. 1.6 uses Gears for this. I tried it on an up to date Droid and a 2.0 emulator image and it detects the "navigator.geolocation" element (excellent!) and...

Is It Possible to get a (rough) Mobile Phone Location from a HTTP Request

If memory serves me correctly, google does this for the maps site. I know google's mobile maps app can determine the rough location (I assume using some kind of cell tower lookup), yet I seem to remember the site getting somewhat close to the current location when viewing on a mobile browser. Anyone know how/if that's possible? Does the...

J2ME/Android/BlackBerry - driving directions, route between two locations

On Android 1.0 there was a namespace for driving directions: Route - Improved Google Driving Directions But in newer SDK it was removed by some reason... Android: DrivingDirections removed since API 1.0 - how to do it in 1.5/1.6? On BlackBerry there is also lack of APIs for such stuff: how to find the route between t...