
postgresql/postgis backup strategy to restore after geos/postgis recompile?

Current situation: Ubuntu 8.04 server edition (live server) Postgresql 8.3.7 (from standard repositories) Postgis 1.3.3 (from standard repositories) GEOS 2.3.4 (from standard repositories) Problem: GEOS contains bugs which are fixed in the 3.0 release. I have encountered these and need to upgrade GEOS/Postgis to include the GEOS...

Using UTM with geodjango

I'm looking into using the UTM coordinate system with geodjango. And I can't figure out how to get the data in properly. I've been browsing the documentation and it seems that the "GEOSGeometry(geo_input, srid=None)" or "OGRGeometry" could be used with an EWKT, but I can't figure out how to format the data. It looks like the UTM SRID i...

How to convert a GEOS MultiLineString to Polygon using Python?

I am developing a GeoDjango application where users can upload map files and do some basic mapping operations like querying features inside polygons. I recognized that users happen to upload "MultiLineString"s instead of "Polygon"s sometimes. This causes the queries expecting closed geometries to fail. What is the best way to convert...