Current situation:
Ubuntu 8.04 server edition (live server)
Postgresql 8.3.7 (from standard repositories)
Postgis 1.3.3 (from standard repositories)
GEOS 2.3.4 (from standard repositories)
GEOS contains bugs which are fixed in the 3.0 release.
I have encountered these and need to upgrade GEOS/Postgis to include the GEOS...
I'm looking into using the UTM coordinate system with geodjango.
And I can't figure out how to get the data in properly.
I've been browsing the documentation and it seems that the "GEOSGeometry(geo_input, srid=None)" or "OGRGeometry" could be used with an EWKT, but I can't figure out how to format the data.
It looks like the UTM SRID i...
I am developing a GeoDjango application where users can upload map files and do some basic mapping operations like querying features inside polygons.
I recognized that users happen to upload "MultiLineString"s instead of "Polygon"s sometimes. This causes the queries expecting closed geometries to fail.
What is the best way to convert...