
Why element.getElementsByTagName() can't select the node dynamicly added?

final Button sendButton = new Button("Send"); sendButton.getElement().setId("button"); RootPanel.get().getElement().appendChild(sendButton.getElement()); NodeList buttonElement = Document.get().getElementsByTagName("button"); if(buttonElement != null && buttonElement.getLength() > 0){ buttonElement.getItem(0).setNodeValue("Changed"); }e...

SelectNodes and GetElementsByTagName

what are main differences between SelectNodes and GetElementsByTagName. ...

Why can't I add an event to each element in a collection that refers to Itself rather than the last element in the "for(){}" statement

On Window's load, every DD element inside Quote_App should have an onCLick event appended that triggers the function Lorem, however, Lorem returns the nodeName and Id of the last element in the For statement rather than that of the element that trigged the function. I would want Lorem to return the nodeName and Id of the element that tri...

"Null" is null or not an object error in IE javascript

The following code executes fine in Firefox and Chrome, but gives an error: 'null' is null or not an object when executed in Internet Explorer. if (xmlhttp.responseXML != null) { var xmlDoc = xmlhttp.responseXML.documentElement ; var ResultNodes = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName ("Result") ; <---- error here if (ResultN...

Javascript getElementsByTagName broken firefox?

I'm getting the weirdest issues with Javascript in Firefox today. I'm trying to manipulate some table rows, but .getElementsByTagName("tr"); is pulling back junk. dynamicTable.tableBody = dynamicTable.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0]; var tableRows = dynamicTable.tableBody.getElementsByTagName("TR"); var actualTableRows = new Array(); ...

[SOLVED] getElementsByTagName object required? Really stuck!

Trying to do a basic XML retrieval. The code works as expected in Firefox and Opera, meaning it alerts with the text value of the "title" node from the XML document. But in IE7, I am getting "object required" from this line. x=xhttp.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("title")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue; alert(x); Btw, it was wor...

Insert created element at start of html tag using PHP DOM

Hi All, I'm trying to insert an HTML <base> tag immediately after the opening <head> tag of a page using dom. I've tried using appendChild which just inserts it before the </head> which is no good. Code im using: $head = $dom->getElementsByTagName('head')->item(0); $base = $dom->createElement('base'); $base->setAttribute('href', $url)...

getElementsByTagName not working in chrome and safari

Hi All I'm using the javascript method getElementsByTagName("a") to call all 'a' tags and do some effect with them. The method works in FF and Opera but not in Chrome and Safari. When I look in the debugging tools of Chrome and Safari they say: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'getElementsByTagName' of null" Why is that and what...

change <a> target to "_blank" depending on href

I'm trying to sort through the links on my page and make some of them open into a new window, depending on their URL. This is the code I have. It doesn't seem to be working. Can you see why? function MakeMenuLinksOpenInNewWindow() { var links = document.getElementsByTagName("a"); for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { ...

Javascript statement gives error when looping through array

I just tried the statement in Javascript. This gives no error: var images = document.getElementsByTagName('img'); for(x in images){ document.write(images[x]) + " "); } However, this does what it should but gives an error in the FF error console. for(x in images){ images[x].style.visibility="visible"; } This made ...

"Object Required" error in IE8 when using getElementsbyTagName

I have the following code: if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else // for older IE 5/6 { xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); } var url = 'payment/code/xmlrelay.php?t=rates&id=' + str;'GET', url, false); xmlHttp.send(); xmlDoc = xmlHttp.responseXML; xmlResult = xmlDoc.getE...

GetElementsByTagName which is not case sensitive?

i'm using GetElementsByTagName to extract an element from an xml. GetElementsByTagName is case sensitive - it throws an exception if the node name is 'PARAMS' instead of 'Params'. i dont want that , can i use a different way in XMLDocument so it wont be case sensitive ? ...

Why can I not remove a child element I've just found? NOT_FOUND_ERR

I'm building a script which has to patch XML files, including replacing one list of elements with another. The following function applies a patch (involving a possibly empty list of elements with the same name) onto a parent Element's list of elements by the same name (also possibly an empty list). (This is only a small part of the patch...

Reading an XML in C#

Hello, I'm using System.Xml to read a xml file in C#. First I open the file (locally)... and use foreach to get the values, like this: XmlNodeList titles = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("title"); foreach (XmlNode title in titles) { rowNews = new ListViewItem(); rowNews.Text = (title.ChildNodes[0].Value); listView1.Items.Add(rowNews); } ...